She looked out of the taxicab window at the picturesque house that stood there. It was of good size, one with many rooms. The porch along the front made the home look warm and inviting. A swing off to the right and many plants hung from the rafters. When one would sit on the porch one would have a great view of the impeccable neighborhood around. All the houses along the row similar, but each decorated according to each of their Masters personality.
She peered out the rain, splattered window of the cab, towards the house, her heart thumping madly in her chest. Today was the day that her life was going to change forever….
She reflected a moment not seeing the scene before her. Her life had already changed in the past few months. She went from a corporate executive to nothing in a matter of weeks. It all started the day she placed an ad online searching for unconditional love, not realizing that she was looking for someone to receive her unconditional love. One had answered her, demanding to know what unconditional love meant to her. Her response was to serve one with all of ones heart. To accept what one could not change and to give ones self completely no matter the consequences. A love so true, so demanding that one would be consumed by it. The reply that followed included a name, an address and a phone number and one phrase.
"Your life has just begun."
More intrigued with the answer she got, she decided with some consideration to call the number. What would it hurt; she was used to taking chances everyday in her career. She picked up her phone and dialed the long distance number directly. Someone answered the other end, after a few rings and spoke firmly. "Do not talk. Just listen." She stood there in silence listening to the quietness that came from the other end. "Good" she heard. "I will tell you what I am about." Then a long pause. Her breathing into the phone let him know she was listening to him. "I will not play games with you. I demand many things from a mate. I will have no disobedience. I must have complete submission of your heart, mind and body. In return you will get unconditional love, my devotion to you. You will be consumed by an energy neither one of us can explain, but you will feel complete. I can guarantee that. Do you understand? You may speak."
She was stunned for a moment, unable to break her silence. She absorbed his words in her head. Obedience. submission. unconditional love and devotion. Complete. Her mind reeled with these words. Over and over again she repeated those words she heard from His lips.
"Are you still there my pet?" She heard suddenly breaking her train of thought.
"Yes," was all she could muster up to say.
"Yes what?" he demanded softly.
"Yes, I am still here." She spoke quietly.
The phone went dead.
She looked at the receiver of the phone a little in shock. Suddenly feeling more alone then she ever had. Her hands shook as she hung up the phone. I am being silly she thought to herself. A five-minute one-sided conversation made her think about her life and the direction it was leading. Sadness overwhelmed her. She needed more.
A few days later after returning home from work she prepared herself a small dinner and sat down to read the evening paper. As she raised her fork to her lips the phone rang. She ignored the first 4 rings, hearing her answering machine pick up the call. She listened to hear who it was, but there was nothing but the click of the caller hanging up. She thought how strange, everyone who knows her, knows she screens her calls. She continued reading the financial section, when the phone once again rang in the background.
She looked towards the phone somehow willing her to know who would call her and hang up without leaving a message. She stood and walked to the phone and picked it up after the third ring.
"What took you so long to answer?" the soft but demanding, familiar voice carried through to her ears.
Her heart begun to race as it dawned on her who was on the other end.
"I was eating." She answered, "How did you get my number?"
He softly chuckled. "I have my ways my pet. Have you thought about what I said to you the other day?"
"Yes I have," she answered. Her body shook and he could hear it in her voice.
"Yes what?" he asked the same question again.
She paused a moment before answering not sure what to answer, then replied what she was thinking, "I am not sure how you want me to answer that." Hoping he would not hang up again.
He was quiet for a few seconds she could hear his breathing across the line. She could tell she had disappointed him with her words. He did not say a word to her. He let her stew about this for a few minutes until she could not take the silence any longer and she spoke again.
"Sir…." she did not get a chance to finish her question
"Very good pet!" She could tell she suddenly pleased him. "You will be a quick pupil."
Out of the blue her spirits lifted knowing he was happy although she had no clue what she said that made this stranger so pleased. Her heart fluttered pleased with herself.
"Now I want silence from you again." He continued without pause. "I am in search of a twenty-four/ seven slave. Which means you will have to give up your life, as you know it. Your entire world up to now has been unsatisfactory. Has it not?" He did not wait for an answer, for he did not give his permission for her to speak. "You will give up your job, your home, and your friends. I will not ask for you to give up your family but they must know this lifestyle will exist for you and that you have chosen it of free will." It will be the last decision you will ever make for the rest of your life. For once you choose to come to me of free will, I will hold you here. Your only way of leaving me will be if I choose to sell or trade you or until my death. Until, then you will be mine to do with as I please. You would be a possession not a person. Your only thoughts will be of how to please me. In return you will have your unconditional love. Do you understand? You may speak now."
"Yes." Her voice was small
"Yes what?" He said with impatience
She thought for a split second.
"Yes Sir."
"Very well, I will leave you to ponder your choice. Call me in exactly 24 hours with your decision. And we will begin the process of your transformation." With that he hung up the phone, leaving her in silence again. Her heart sank with his hanging up, but an anew feeling lifted her.
She could not fathom the consequences of her decision, but over the next few weeks she began the process of arranging the sale of her home, saying good bye to her friends, notifying her family of her choice, and giving her notice to her job. Everyone around her was shocked.
He kept contact with her, telling her what He expected the day she arrives to Him. She was not to bring anything with her, but a photo of her family and a few personal, sentimental items that she could not live without. Nothing more then that would fit inside a purse. It was the only baggage she was allowed to carry with her. He would provide all else.
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