The Academy Part II
Christopher Thomas was now into his mid 50s, but one would never know it by looking at him. He was fit and trim, and had a head of thick, dark hair accented by some white at the temples. He wore his trademark beard and mustache, always meticulously trimmed. For five years now he had executed his plan at the Academy, and it completely fulfilled his desires. With seven young vixens in the B Wing and four more who'd already "graduated", Chris couldn't have been more pleased. He was particularly fond of Kayla and Kara, the identical twins he'd "procured" just before their thirteenth birthday. Chris looked forward to meeting the two newest members of the team.
Chris, like his partners, was a busy man. Not only was he directly involved in running his businesses, he was popular in social and political circles. The Academy arrangement was perfect for him in the sense that the girls were always waiting and ready whenever he had a few extra hours of time or a free weekend. The girls could never have recourse. They didn't know any of the partners' real names or anything about them. All the girls knew was that they had to give these men what they wanted or else suffer the consequences.
The Academy was located in the greater Los Angeles area. Chris was based in San Francisco. John Poindexter, a wealthy, 46 year old financier, was also a partner in the undertaking and based in New York. John was a handsome man with dark hair and who kept himself in good shape. Delbert Morgan was Chris's legal counsel, and was also based in San Francisco. Delbert was a bald, bespectacled, portly man in his fifties who shared Chris's lust for young teens. He was a good man to keep involved, Chris believed, as he knew how to keep things away from the courtroom and from law enforcement agencies.
Finally there was partner James Samuelson, who was now approaching age 70. He'd done Chris many favors in his life, and Chris was returning them by making him a partner. Jim found he didn't need his Viagra when he visited the Academy, with the kinds of girls Chris was providing. But sex was not high on his list of needs anymore, and Jim preferred to spend most of his free time on the golf course at his home in Florida.
Amber and April had been in B Wing for over a week. Chris cleared his schedule to make a visit to the Academy so he could meet the newest girls.
Father Charlie Johnson was there at the municipal airport in his black Mercedes when Chris's private jet landed, and the two men began the drive back to the Academy. Chris was given Johnson's laptop computer. On it were numerous photos of Amber and April.
"Excellent work Charlie. These two are a perfect compliment. And you know how I love sisters."
"There's been another development" Charlie said excitedly. "We have a beautiful student…sixteen, blonde, popular, a star soccer player, one of my best theology students. She is the daughter of a single mother. The mother is quite ill and they cannot locate the mother's sister, who is next of kin. There are no other known relatives."
"Hmmm, sounds like we may have a golden opportunity" Chris mused.
"My thoughts exactly" Charlie grinned.
The girls were in the B-Wing were there exclusively for the partners. Only Judy, for training purposes, was allowed an exception. The partners didn't want Charlie having contact with any girls until they were on their way out. Chris really didn't like Charlie anyway. He was paying Charlie handsomely for his involvement and helping to conceal Charlie's pedophile past. That was enough, as far as Chris was concerned. He didn't want Charlie touching his girls until they were all "used up" by the other partners.
Chris also knew that Charlie didn't ever give a girl a break once he did have rights to her. Not only did he expect a daily blowjob or two, but he was known to like rough and brutal sex; the more discomforting to the object of his desires, the more Charlie got turned on. Chris didn't want to impose that kind of additional trauma on his girls. He wanted them to know who their real Masters were, and to be performing their best when they were in the hands of a Master.
"Tell you what Charlie. If next of kin is never located for your soccer star, and if the mother goes, she's your girl."
"Do you mean that? Sir?"
"Yes. Consider it our gift for bringing us Amber and April."
Charlie preferred boys and girls much younger, but he still salivated over the prospects of the young soccer beauty in his theology class. His darkest thoughts and desires began to race through his mind.
Chris was amused by the idea. How entertaining it might be to watch a pretty, athletic, pure catholic girl be made into a whore for the headmaster.
As Chris and Charlie drove from the municipal airport, Amber was getting her necklace recharged.
The girls had finished lunch and were on their free time when Judy came into Amber's room and plugged a small transformer into the wall.
"Lay on the bed, face down" Judy instructed.
As Amber complied, Judy moved Amber's hair to the side and attached two small wires to tiny posts in the back of the necklace. She turned the transformer on and sat with Amber for the fifteen minutes it took to recharge.
The necklaces were a high-tech feat that Chris was proud of. Although expensive, they were very efficient. The necklaces were almost three quarters of an inch tall and slightly thicker than an omega style necklace. But they were very lightweight, and were fitted around the girls' necks tightly, almost like a choker.
Inside the necklace where it lay against the girl's skin was a thin strip of super conductive platinum. The inner workings of the necklace contained a very powerful, lightweight and tiny battery pack. It was only good for two or three brief wallops before it had to be recharged, but what a wallop it could provide.
Everything was controlled by hand signals to the monitor. Amber had been trying to find out where Judy kept the switch, but never did see one, even when Judy was in the shower with them. That was because the necklace controls were maintained in the monitor's quarters. The girls would never be able to access them.
When Judy or a Master wanted to give a girl a control shock, they pressed the button on a wall intercom to alert the monitor. The monitor would then get a visual in that room through the surveillance cameras. Judy or a Master would then flash fingers to the camera. Every necklace had a secret number. Amber had necklace number three. April's was number six. The necklace number could be identified from a subtle design code in the front of the necklace.
When Judy had given Amber a jolt in the dining hall several evenings prior, she had pushed a button on the intercom for the monitor just as the girls were seated for dinner. She smelled trouble long before it started, and wanted the monitor to keep a close eye on her. When Amber burst out of her chair, Judy quickly flashed her fingers to the surveillance camera. Judy held up three fingers, and then four fingers. The monitor looked at row three on the control panel and pushed button number four. This sent a radio signal unique to Amber's necklace into every room. The signal activated Amber's necklace and gave her a wallop.
The necklaces had variable intensities. A "one" would give the girl a one second tingle; a simple reminder of what she was wearing. A "two" would make her feel a necklace of wasps all deciding to give her a brief sting at the same time. A "three" packed a wallop, but only for a split second in duration. It was still enough to put a girl on her knees. A "four" gave her an intense wallop for more than one second in duration. This was the jolt that put Amber down on the floor convulsing. A "five" was never used, and could be lethal if the girl had a week heart or physical condition as the jolt would last until it drained the charge in the necklace.
Amber believed she could defeat the necklace. She had taken two pieces of rubber off the heels of some shoes in her closet, and tore them into eight small pieces. With the rubber tucked between the necklace and her skin, she could insulate the shock. And knowing now that the necklace would lose power as they tried to shock her made her feel more secure. She carried the rubber pieces with her, hidden in the cuff of her white blouse, and waited for an opportunity.
Chris arrived and went to the "Master" Suite in the B Wing and placed his phone, wallet and other identification in the wall safe. He freshened up and then went to the Meeting Room, the one with the bar and leather furniture. He fixed himself a scotch on the rocks and then pressed the intercom and paged Judy.
"Hi Sir, are you waiting for us?" Judy asked excitedly through the intercom, anxious to show off Amber and April.
"Yes I am."
"Who do you want me to bring?"
"Just the two new girls for now. I'll see the twins later."
Judy had spent the last two hours preparing Amber and April. The girls were as dolled up as if they were going to their first prom. Each had on a tight cocktail dress with nothing underneath. April's dress was sleeveless, light blue with shiny silver polka dots. The skirt was short and the back open. The dress brought out April's blue eyes. Her long blonde hair was curled into large vertical spirals at the ends. Judy had painted mascara and light blue eye shadow on April's eyes, and pink lipstick on her lips. April had on white sandals with ankle straps and 3" heels. April's arms and legs were already becoming bronze from the daily yoga and aerobics sessions under the mid-morning sun.
Amber looked equally beautiful in a matching tight silver dress with black pin stripes. She, too, had her eyes painted with mascara and greenish-blue eye shadow, and her full lips were accented in glossy pink. Her hair was combed straight back and hung straight down her back. A silver and black hair band held it in place. Her smooth, tanned legs looked much longer in the silver colored 4" heels.
Judy was wearing her usual: brown leather sandals, shorts, and tight tee. The girls walked nervously toward the meeting room with Judy, as Judy again went over the rules. "You only say 'yes Sir'. You do anything…and I mean anything he asks of you. This is the most important man in your life now. Please him, and your stay will be brief and without hardship. Anger him, and you might never leave here the same way you came."
Judy walked in the room. Chris was sitting in slacks, a light blue shirt, and a navy blue blazer. He was sipping his scotch, and one could quickly see the expensive Rolex and his large diamond ring.
Amber thought he looked very handsome, and in fact he was. April was almost visibly shaking, her eyes on the floor.
"Hello Master…your girls" Judy announced putting one hand on Amber's ass and then her other hand on April's. "Amber and April."
"Hello!" Chris smiled warmly, very, very pleased with what was before him. The girls stood silent, in fear.
"So, Amber…you are how old?" Chris asked, looking at the stunning blonde, her gorgeous dark green eyes.
"Fifteen Sir…as of February."
"And April?" Chris asked, his shaft getting hard just looking at the young beauty.
"Thirteen Sir…as of March."
"Such lovely ages. Come sit with me girls."
Chris moved over so he was more in the middle of the leather sofa and patted the seat cushions next to him with both hands. He looked up at Judy and held up his empty scotch glass. "Would you please?"
As Judy took the glass to pour more scotch, Amber sat to the left of Chris, and April sat on the right. Both girl's hearts were pounding and they looked straight ahead. Chris looked at pretty Amber and touched her soft blonde hair with the back of his hand. His shaft grew a bit stiffer. Then he put his hand on Amber's soft, smooth, firm thigh. "You're very lovely" he said softly. Amber rolled her eyes over to him shyly. "Thank you Sir."
Chris then turned to April, as Judy placed his scotch back on the table in front of him, and he gave the youngster a friendly smile. April rolled her eyes at him and forced a smile back. Chris placed his right hand on April's bare thigh, so that he now had both his hands on each of their pretty thighs. Chris looked at Judy and smiled, and then he slid his hand further up April's leg. April, out of nervousness and fear, slouched down a little, causing Chris's hand to ride up further on her leg. Chris was pleased, and slipped his hand up a little more so that it was nearly under her short skirt. April looked straight ahead and stayed still.
Chris just loved girls April's age. Like fruit that was just becoming sweet on the vine, but yet still so firm, so innocent…just waiting to be plucked and its juices devoured.
"Can I see you without your dress darling?" Chris whispered in April's ear.
"Yes Sir" April answered, and then she stood, shaking uncontrollably. Judy could see April about to buckle under her nervousness and stepped over to help her. She gently laid her hand on April's shoulder to steady her and then unzipped the back of her dress. Then Judy pulled the straps down over April's shoulders. The top of the dress came down, exposing April's bare, upper body. April's breasts were very small, but she did have some. They were starting to puff out, and her pink nipples were enlarged.
Judy helped April take her dress the rest of the way down and then step out of it. She stood in only her necklace and heels in front of Chris. Chris loved the sight of her slender, developing body, and looked at April's narrow hips, her baby crotch not yet covered with hair, and her firm, round ass. Chris patted the couch next to him and April took her seat, naked, next to Chris.
Chris's hand left Amber's thigh and landed on April's chest, gently squeezing her small mounds and large nipples. Her nipples quickly became hard. He placed his right hand once again on her thigh, and he nudged April's legs open. When she opened for him, he began to lightly caress her slit with his finger. April's face became flushed, partly from embarrassment, partly from the sensations she was feeling from a man. "Lay across my legs" Chris whispered.
April looked slightly confused, and still very nervous, but leaned her body across Chris's lap.
"Yes, just like that" Chris said, as he took April by the waist and slid her body, face down, over his legs. Her bare ass was positioned just under him, April's head on Amber's right leg.
Chris took Amber's hand and made her stroke April's hair. "Pet your sister" he told her, and as Amber stroked April's hair, Chris looked down at her ass. What a perfect little ass it was: firm, smooth, and round. He began to caress her cheeks with both hands, and then began to squeeze them in his hands, as if kneading bread, each hand gripping a globe and squeezing, massaging. Chris was an ass man, and he loved them firm and tight. He pulled her cheeks wide open and looked at her puckered brown hole, and then leaned down and sniffed it. April smelled clean. Chris would like to smell her again, when she hadn't showered so recently.
With one hand molesting April's ass, Chris took his scotch glass in the other and began to sip. He put all four fingers of his right hand down into April's crack and then told her to "squeeze my fingers." April didn't understand, and Chris had to explain himself. "April, I want you to squeeze my fingers in your bottom."
Chris felt April clench her tight ass cheeks together and hold his fingers tight.
"Good. Now relax and do it again." After April squeezed her cheeks together a second time, Chris had to have more. He handed his scotch glass to Amber. "Hold this for me please." He put April up onto her feet, standing sideways between his legs, and with his left hand on her ass, he rubbed his right hand all over the front of her body. He squeezed and rubbed her nipples and the tiny mounds that were just sprouting. His hand nearly covered her entire tummy as he ran it over her, down to her crotch.
April was only five feet, two inches tall and weighed ninety pounds. Cradling her ass once again as she stood sideways between his legs, Chris needed relief.
"April, can I see your bedroom?"
"Y…Yes Sir." April looked over to Judy, blushing, embarrassed. Amber's heart jumped. She hated what was happening to her baby sister and wished it would be her instead, but there was nothing she could do.
Amber was left, sitting alone, holding a glass of scotch and ice. The pieces of rubber Amber had planned for her escape were hidden in the sleeve of her uniform blouse. If only she had them now, she thought to herself. It was the first time since she had been in the Wing that she was alone and not locked in her room. She sat, and waited, knowing that Judy would be back any moment after taking April and the man to April's room. She looked next to her, April's dress still on the sofa, and she began to silently cry.
Judy opened the door to April's room for Chris and left. As Chris disappeared with April inside and the door closed, Judy pushed a button on a hall intercom and spoke into it.
"Amber is in the meeting room, alone. Please secure the door there and keep an eye out. April is with a Master in her bedroom. Please give them privacy."
"Affirmative" said a male voice through the speaker, and Judy went to round up the rest of the girls for their dinner.
Chris looked around April's room. They all pretty much looked the same, but Chris knew he'd been in this room many times before with its former occupant. April was surprised when Chris went to the bureau in the corner of her room and opened the top drawer, taking out a tube of KY Jelly. April had seen it there, but didn't know what it was for. Chris turned down the comforter on April's bed, exposing the pink satin sheets, and told April to lay down on her tummy.
April found herself strangely excited. While most girls would be terrified at this moment, April's body had become aroused from the handsome 56 year old man touching her in such a firm and gentle way. She laid face down on the cool sheets and closed her eyes as Chris undressed, carefully hanging his shirt and trousers.
April felt the bed sink as Chris kneeled behind her, straddling her thighs between his legs as she lay with her head down in her pillow. His warm sack rested on the back of her left thigh and his thick, six inch cock stood tall. April had her eyes closed and did not look. Then she felt Chris squirt the lube between her ass cheeks.
"Oh my god, he's going to butt fuck me!" April screamed in her brain.
Chris put the lubricant all over his cock, and then he leaned over the young, slender girl. Her legs were closed tight, as Chris's legs still straddled her. He positioned his cock between her ass cheeks. Her narrow shoulders were dwarfed by his large chest, her blonde head poking out from his right shoulder. Chris took her small hands into each of his as he lay down onto her.
Chris began to slide his cock back and forth in the firm, slippery crack of the young body trapped beneath him. He was not penetrating her, and did not intend to. He just wanted to feel her essence, relish in her innocence.
"Squeeze me" he would whisper, and April would clench her cheeks together as he slid his cock back and forth against her baby soft skin.
As Chris slid his hard shaft between April's baby ass cheeks, he felt her clenching her cheeks in rhythm with his movement. It surprised Chris, as he really hadn't told her to continue doing it; it seemed as though she wanted to. It didn't take long until his shaft was throbbing and twitching, at its boiling point.
Chris rose up on his arms and let the tip of his throbbing penis press against April's anal opening. He didn't penetrate her; he just wanted to let her feel it push against her tight hole. He closed his eyes as his face tightened, and he pumped his creamy semen into April's tight crack.
April was too innocent to even know what was happening. She thought Chris might be peeing on her, but she wasn't sure. As he laid over her, she could feel the warm fluid running down, between her legs, over her slit. Chris rolled April over onto her back, so that she was now laying under him, looking up at him. She glanced down, and saw his penis for the first time. Chris looked down at her and smiled, then began kissing her. He kissed her face, her neck, her shoulders, her breasts, her tummy, her thighs, her calves, and even her toes sticking out from her sandals. April grew even more aroused, but feeling the lube and sticky fluid between her cheeks and all over her slit kept her curious about what he had done to her.
Chris stood on his knees at the end of the bed, and April looked at his muscular arms and chest, his flat stomach, and his thick, dangling cock. She wanted to touch him, but knew she should not unless she was told to.
Chris went to April's dresser and pulled out a pair of pink cotton panties. He rolled April onto her stomach and used the panties to wipe her ass, then rolled her over again onto her backside and pushed her legs open, wiping his cum from her baby slit.
He took the panties and used them to clean himself, then laid them on her dresser and got dressed. April laid on her bed, clad in only the high-heeled sandals and gold necklace. Chris took her by the hand and pulled her off the bed. April was quite surprised to find that her door was not locked as Chris walked her back down the corridor to the Meeting Room.
Amber was still sitting where Chris had left her, holding the glass with now mostly melted ice. Amber breathed a sigh of relief to see her sister undamaged, and looked at April's slit and thighs for signs of blood. There were none. April seemed a lot calmer now, and more relaxed.
Judy was still busy monitoring dinner for the rest of the girls and had not yet returned. Chris asked Amber to freshen his drink as he wrapped April under his arm, his hand sliding down her side and then cupping her under her ass.
Amber threw the contents of the glass into the sink and then rinsed the glass. She looked at Chris, not really sure what to do next.
"Three ice cubes, and then fill the glass half way with the bottle of scotch there… and take off your dress."
Amber blushed, and nervously put the ice into the glass and poured the scotch, handing it to Chris on a napkin. Then she reached back to unzip the back of her dress and let is slide down, exposing her nude body.
Chris had seen the naked pictures of Amber on Charlie's laptop, but they did not do justice. Amber's body was perfectly proportioned. Her legs were long and shapely, her waist narrow, her C cups firm and pert. Her soft, straight blonde hair matched the thick patch on her crotch.
"Turn darling…let me see your ass" Chris said, still sitting with April's ass in one hand, his drink in the other
Amber's ass was flatter than April's, not as round and firm. Chris put his drink down and relinquished April, standing up and moving to Amber. Amber felt his hands on her bare shoulders as Chris stood behind her, and then he ran his hands down the sides of her torso until her had both her cheeks in his hands. Amber's buttocks were unbelievably soft. They felt like baby flesh to Chris. And even though she was not as taut as her sister, it was a beautiful ass, an ass to worship. Chris felt his lust rising once again. He kissed the back of Amber's head, his nose smelling the sweetness in her soft, blonde hair. Just then Judy came in, a phone in her hand.
"Would you like to talk to Father Johnson Sir?"
Chris was aggravated, as he was just beginning to explore Amber and was about to touch her anal opening. He took the phone.
"Would you like to have a bite to eat in fifteen?" Charlie asked.
Chris looked at his watch. He still had plenty of time for the girls; the evening was young. He agreed to dine with Charlie and hung up the phone.
Chris turned to Judy. "I suppose the girls need to have their dinner. I would like to have them back here in one hour."
"Yes Sir. Just as they are now?" Judy asked.
"Yes, just as they are."
Chris went through the tunnel to the headmaster's house and was seated to a warm rack-of-lamb accompanied with a spring salad. As Chris dined with Charlie, Amber and April sat naked in the dining room and ate a cold bowl of soup, with some bread and a glass of milk.
Judy was waiting with Amber and April just as Chris had left them. The girls sitting on the sofa clad in only sandals, necklace, and for Amber, a hair band.
Chris dismissed Judy. "Just page me Sir if you need anything at all" she said smiling as she left the room.
Chris looked at the blonde delights and went to the sofa. "Amber, would you be a doll and bring me a drink?"
"Yes Sir."
As Amber headed to the bar, Chris sat down next to April, once again nestling her close under his arm. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close against him, his hand pushing its way between her legs, his middle finger pressing against her soft, nearly bald slit. He watched beautiful Amber strut her pretty ass to the bar and pour his drink. When she returned, handing him his glass of scotch over three ice cubes, Chris thanked her and then said casually "Show me your pussy darling."
Amber blushed, and standing there in front of Chris, pushed her pelvis out toward him. Chris smiled. "Sit on the table here and open your legs for me."
Amber sat on the coffee table in front of Chris and opened her legs.
"Now, pull your lips open for me."
Amber suddenly hated this man, seeing him molesting April, humiliating her as he was. She knew that she would have the last laugh when one day she would see him locked away in prison. She put her hands between her legs and pulled her labia open. Chris smiled, seeing the pretty, pink virgin flesh.
Chris spent a moment gazing between Amber's legs, and then asked calmly, "Is that for me Amber?"
Amber held back tears. "Yes Sir."
"Have you been saving it for me darling?"
Amber could barely speak, holding her labia open and feeling so ashamed. "Yes Sir" she muttered, barely audible.
"Would you like to give it to me now?"
"You sick fucking bastard!" Amber thought to herself, and then a tear rolled down her cheek as she realized that she was going to have to give up her virginity to a strange, middle-aged man.
Chris waited for Amber's reply, his finger massaging between April's legs. "Well?" he finally asked again, growing impatient.
Amber broke down, tears flooding her cheeks. "Please, I beg of you! Anything but this. Anything!"
Chris was willing to compromise. He didn't mind saving the blonde beauty for another day.
"Would you rather I take April?" he asked, smiling at the girl nestled next to him.
"No, no…" Amber sobbed, "please…I will do anything else you want."
Amber fell to her knees at Chris's feet and looked up at him through her teary eyes, pleading.
"Well, what do you suggest? Hmmm?" Chris asked, his cock getting hard from all the tears Amber was putting forth.
"You can use my mouth…my body…just not there" Amber sobbed, covering her pussy as she continued to kneel before him.
"And what do we do with your mouth?" Chris asked.
"Anything you want."
Chris leaned forward, extracting his hand from April's soft folds. "Have you had a penis in your mouth before?"
Amber blushed, very embarrassed. "Well?" Chris again asked.
"Yes Sir" Amber said softly. April's jaw dropped open.
"Tell me with who, and when it was."
Amber told him that she'd done it to a boy she dated a few months prior.
"How many times?" he asked.
"Just…four or five."
"Did he cum?"
Amber nodded.
"In your mouth?"
"No Sir…he took it out and then did it."
"Why? Did you tell him to?"
Amber again nodded.
"Then you must've known what would happen. You must've seen boys cum before."
Amber nodded.
"Well, darling, what if I want to cum in your mouth? Are you going to let me?"
Amber nodded. "Yes Sir."
"What if I want you to swallow it?"
"I will, Sir."
Chris leaned back and looked down at Amber. "You're quite a negotiator" he thought to himself, respecting Amber's efforts to preserve herself. Then he reached down and gently put his hand aside her pretty face. "Reach up here and take my pants down."
Amber reached into Chris's lap and unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his trousers, and fumbled around until she got the zipper open. Chris lifted his ass up as Amber put her fingers in each side of his pants and pulled them down to his knees, boxer short s and all. Chris's shaft was semi-erect, and quickly getting larger. Amber looked up at him and Chris looked down at her, giving her a little nod.
The pretty blonde with mascara and tear stains running down her cheeks wrapped her hand around the base of Chris's shaft and began to gently stroke, getting her nerve up. Then she put her head over his lap and gave the thick head a lick.
Chris gently moved Amber's hair over her shoulder, putting Amber's face into view for April to see. April watched in fascination, and when Amber took the head into her mouth and began sucking on it while she stroked her hand up and down the shaft, April became very aroused and spread her legs open wide, hoping that Chris would put his hand between her legs once again.
Chris noticed April's body language and did just that, rubbing April's slit with his finger as Amber sucked and swirled her tongue over the head of his cock. Amber's hand gently stroked up and down, and Chris found that she was not half bad at giving head. After several minutes of Amber sucking and swirling over the head of his shaft, Chris took her off of him. "Are you going to share with April, or hog it all to yourself?" he said, his fingers holding Amber's chin up to look him in the eye.
Amber looked at April, her horny sister with her legs wide open for Chris's hand, and leaned back so that April could take a turn. April looked up at Chris, nervous.
"Have you sucked a penis in your mouth before?" he asked April.
"No Sir."
"Amber, what's the first rule of becoming a good cocksucker?"
Amber was not sure, but took a guess. "Not to scrape with your teeth?"
"Very good!" Chris patted Amber on the head and then explained to April, "You must never let your teeth touch a man's penis. If you do, all bets are off, and not only will I give you a big spanking, I am going to make Amber give me what I asked for earlier. Do you understand, darling?"
"Yes Sir" April sheepishly replied.
April became so cognizant and worried about touching Chris's shaft with her teeth that she really did not experience her first blowjob. All she could do was stroke the base of the shaft as she'd watched her sister do, and then suck the head in her mouth. April was overcome with total paranoia of touching it with her teeth, and the experience was neither enjoyable for her nor Chris.
Chris didn't leave April on long, and within a couple of minutes Amber had taken over again. Amber worked Chris over good, sucking like she'd never sucked before; licking the shaft up and down; kissing and licking it all over; then sucking it into her mouth as hard and as deep as she could. Anything to keep him away from their pussies.
When Chris finally felt a good orgasm coming on, he took Amber by her hair. Her mouth full of cock, she rolled her eyes up to meet his. "Do you remember your promise?" Amber tried to nod. Chris began to close his eyes, his hand still gripping Amber's hair. She sucked harder and stroked faster, knowing it was coming and wanting him to be satisfied with her. Chris's cock began to twitch and throb in her mouth, and then his warm and bitter semen started to spurt out, a glob flying into the back of her throat and nearly gagging her.
Amber forced herself to swallow it down as it sprayed and oozed into her mouth. She was not going to let the bastard have her pussy.
Chris called Judy and let her take April and Amber back to their rooms. Then he had Judy bring the twins to his suite and bedded down for the night with them. By the time Chris left early the next morning, he was a spent man.
"John, you've got to get out to see our latest acquisition" Chris said into his cell phone as he headed back to San Francisco on his jet.
"Things are crazy right now" John responded, already running behind schedule for the day.
"Come out and spend Friday and Saturday with me. I checked the log. You haven't been out in six weeks. It's time John."
"Carla's going to kill me."
"See you Friday. And John, you're not going to regret it." Chris hung up the phone, and began clearing his schedule for the next weekend.
April was half excited, half confounded. A lot had happened to her the day before. A man had cum on her ass, and she had sucked on his penis. She wanted more. She looked at her messy panties on the dresser and smelled them. It just made her more aroused. She hoped that the Master would be around for a while.
Amber on the other hand was just relieved it was over. She had preserved her virginity, and felt triumphant.
Amber and April went right back into their daily routines. Up and dressed into uniform, out to a breakfast of oatmeal, fruit, fluids, and their dessert: the little blue pill that Judy carefully watched them swallow down. Then it was on to the classroom, where the girls gathered on a rug in the center of the floor as Judy sat in a large, wing-back chair and looked down upon them.
"Who wants to tell me…what do you do if you are brought into a room and there is a Master, or Masters, waiting there?" Judy asked, all of the girls gathered on the floor below. All of the girls raised their hands except for Amber and April.
"Kayla, why don't you show us" Judy said, choosing one of the twins.
Kayla stood up and then dropped down so that she was standing on her knees. She held her chin high but lowered her eyes. She held her hands in front of her.
"Very good" commended Judy. Having the girls show submission to the partners was something Judy worked on, and her own idea. It was quite sexy to see pretty young teens show the kind of respect Judy was forcing them to show, kneeling in a tight school uniform, and Judy was pleased with the obedience her girls had been displaying.
Judy made April and Amber try it, and helped them with their form. "Hands in front…chin high…eyes lowered…good…now keep the position until you are acknowledged, your name called."
The time quickly went by.
Then Friday rolled around. It started like any other Friday for Amber, but right after lunch she was separated from the group and taken to the Meeting Room.
John had just seen the pictures that Charlie took of April and Amber, and Chris requested April be his for "breaking in". John could do Amber, but April was just what Chris needed right now. John didn't mind that Chris wanted April. He wanted to save some of his energy for Lisa and Julie anyway, his own personal favorites.
"Let's both do Amber" John suggested. Chris smiled and gave him a handshake.
Chris and John were both seated, sipping drinks, as Amber was brought in for them. Amber got down into her kneeling position, just the way Judy had been making her practice it all week.
"Ah, Amber. We'll take it from here" Chris told Judy. Judy smiled and left.
"Hello darling…remember me?" Chris asked.
"Yes Sir."
"Well then, come over and give me a kiss."
Amber couldn't believe it was already happening again. But she did feel relief that April wasn't with her. She got up on her feet and walked to Chris, kissing him on his cheek.
Chris immediately slipped his hand up Amber's skirt and onto her bare buttocks, exposed from her thong panty.
"Darling, say hello to one of your other Masters."
Amber looked at John and spoke softly. "Hello Sir."
At least they were handsome men, Amber thought to herself, looking at John. John could have almost any woman. He was macho and muscular and very handsome. Brown eyes, dark hair, beautiful smile, and very rich.
Chris gave Amber a slap on her ass. "Go on…he is your Master too…give him a kiss."
John smiled as he looked up at Amber. "Damn, she is a cute one" he thought to himself as Amber leaned over and kissed his cheek.
No sooner than Amber leaned back up than she heard Chris's words. "Show him your body, love."
Amber found it strange that she was not feeling nervous or shy as she removed her clothes. She figured that she'd been in and out of her clothes so in front of others so many times over the last two weeks, it was becoming routine.
John watched as Amber stripped for him. Her sweater and blouse, then shoes, then skirt, then stockings and bra, until all that was left was a tiny white thong panty. Amber pulled it down and exposed her blonde bush.
John sat speechless, looking at the young babe naked before him. Chris was right. It had been worth the trip already.
"Show us your pretty pink pussy Amber" Chris said, "here on the table, just as you did before."
Once again, Amber just didn't feel quite the same discomfort as before. She sat on the coffee table, spread her legs, and pulled her labia open so the men could see her pink hole. Again, John just sat and gazed at Amber, lost for words.
"Why don't you get down on your knees now and suck on your Master here" Chris said, turning Amber's head by her chin toward John. Amber was not surprised to hear those words from Chris, and she maintained an emotionless emptiness in her face as she got on her knees in front of John and began opening his pants. Amber actually began to feel aroused, knowing that she was going to hold the handsome stranger's cock in her hand and then put it in her mouth.
With John's pants down to his ankles, Amber gently took his cock into her hand. It was just a tad thicker than Chris's and an inch longer. It was also uncut and Amber had never seen one like it, at least in person, before.
Amber gently stroked on the hard shaft and then put her mouth over the tip, licking it and kissing it. She rolled her eyes up to John to see if he was enjoying it and he smiled down at her. "Good girl" he said, petting her soft hair. Amber took the head into her mouth and began to suck as she swirled her tongue around the head, stroking the base of the shaft with her hand.
John looked over at Chris. It was unusual to have a girl be so willing and cooperative in her first two weeks. He could see good times ahead with Amber.
Amber wanted John to come in her mouth. This way she could save her pussy from him. But somehow it was different this time. She'd never gotten turned on before sucking a cock, but she was now. She kissed the shaft down one side and up the other, nibbling with her lips, and then bobbed her head up and down, trying to fuck him with her mouth. She felt like a total slut, but she didn't care. All she wanted to do is satisfy him.
John had been given much better blowjobs before. But for a novice fifteen year old, Amber was getting an A+. He decided to let her have his cum, and whispered, "do you want daddy to cum in your mouth little girl?" Amber tried to nod her head, rolling her eyes up at John, her face stuffed with his cock.
Amber sucked harder, and tried to bob deeper. John let her have his load, and Amber controlled her gag reflex this time, letting his semen squirt down her throat. She continued to suck on him until her pulled her off. Then she looked over and saw Chris holding his hard cock out for her, gesturing with his index finger, and Amber crawled over, starting all over again with a new cock in her mouth.
Amber was sucking even harder now. Her jaw was getting tired. Chris made a mental note to have Judy start teaching Amber and April technique. Amber was acting like such a slut as she kneeled down between Chris's legs, that he took her roughly by the hair and forced her face down deeper and harder. He mainly did it to see if the little girl in Amber would come back out and cry, but that girl did not appear. Amber took all that Chris gave her and took it well. Finally Chris blasted his load down her throat. Amber swallowed it down, half disgusted, but half pleased that neither man had touched her pussy.
Amber didn't know that her afternoon was only beginning. The men made her get up and refresh their drinks, and then as they pulled their trousers back up, made Amber stand on the coffee table and pose for them.
Amber had to put her backside to them, and then bend over and touch her toes. She had to do the splits for them. She had to face them, then sit and put her feet behind her ears the way Judy taught them in yoga. They made her fondle her breasts and rub her pearl. Then they made her get on her hands and knees and stick her finger up her ass, all the while up on the coffee table.
Amber found it all unbelievably humiliating. She once again was starting to hold back her tears. But for the men, it was quite effective in giving them a second wind. Each soon had a hard cock again.
"May I fuck you Amber?" John asked, Amber still kneeling on all fours on the table, her hair falling about her face. Amber looked at Chris, as if they had an agreement. "You'd best answer the man" Chris said firmly.
Amber was facing John with her ass, and leaned her head around to look at him. She opened her mouth to answer him, but the words did not come out. Her mind raced. She needed to get out of this, but how? She turned around on the table and licked her lips. "Would you like another blowjob Sir?" she whispered.
"What I would like, princess, is to fuck you. But I will let you decide where." John said, feeling that he'd been teased long enough.
"My mouth Sir?"
"No, I want your mouth darling" Chris quickly interjected, "while your other Master does you somewhere else."
"Can I do you one at a time?"
John decided there was no point in delaying the inevitable any longer. He would have her pussy there and now. And Chris would have her ass. He stood up as Amber remained on all fours on the coffee table and took his pants and shoes off. Then he unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his masculine, hairy chest. He spun Amber back around so that he was behind her and slipped his finger in her slit. Her opening was moist. Amber gripped the table. She wanted to cry, but no tears came. John took her by the waist and slid her back to him until her knees were on the edge of the table. Then he walked around to the front of her. He lifted her chin, forcing Amber to take her eyes of the seven inch cock pointing at her and look him in the eye.
"It's not a big deal Amber. I know you can take it like a big girl. I'm counting on it. Don't disappoint me baby."
John's words were firm and direct. Amber clutched the table harder as John walked back around to her ass. Amber knew she was going to be fucked and there was nothing she could do about it. And then, oddly, she began to feel excitement. Her body was betraying her! How could she be feeling this way?? She felt so confused as John gripped her waist from behind and pushed the head of his shaft into her slit. He found her tight opening, and leaned forward, stretching it open as the throbbing head of his shaft pushed its way in. Amber screamed. "Please! Oh God! Stop!!"
Chris looked at Amber's white knuckle death grip on the coffee table. Her face was tight, biting her lip and closing her eyes tightly. John was closing his eyes as he fed her tight hole more of his shaft. He didn't remember any girl quite as tight as Amber. Then he felt the resistance. He gave her several short thrusts back and forth, each time stopping short of her hymen. Amber was adjusting, panting and going with it. Then John pulled her body back hard against him as he thrust deep, tearing her open. Amber screamed so loudly that both men were sure it could be heard all the way to Catalina Island.
Amber sobbed as John filled her cunt with his cock, no longer an innocent virgin. John also knew that the birth control possibly needed more time to get Amber into her non-pregnancy cycle, but he didn't care. She wouldn't be the first fifteen year old to have an abortion because of him. He fucked Amber hard. Amber no longer enjoyed it. It was painful, she was ashamed, and so sad at what she'd become. She hung her head and sobbed as John ravaged her cunt, banging against her, gripping her waist with all his might, slamming her forward and yanking her back to him, and then, ultimately, coming deep inside of her.
The whole thing had made Chris hard as a rock. What an animal John was! Amber collapsed on the table, sobbing. Chris got out the KY Jelly and started to grease up.
As John fell back on the sofa, his cock looking spent and raw with streaks of blood on it, Chris got behind Amber and let his pants fall to his ankles. He took Amber by the waist and then pulled her back so that her legs slid off the table. Her body was limp. She couldn't fight or resist, only cry and sob, her face hanging down. Chris put her on her knees on the floor, bent over the coffee table, and kneeled behind her.
"Oh God! Not my ass too!!" Amber screamed as she felt Chris's well lubed shaft between her cheeks. Amber started to pull away, and Chris took her by the hair, twisting it into his hands.
"Don't you dare resist me!" he yelled, his painful grip in her hair as his other hand slapped her buttocks. "Do you want your little necklace to come to life?"
Chris maintained his grip in Amber's hair as he pulled the girl back to him, and pressed his hard shaft against her puckered, brown, tight anus.
Once again Amber found herself being stretched open, and cried and sobbed as she felt the discomfort and pain of the thick head of Chris's shaft burrowing into her anus. "No! No! No! This can't be happening!" Amber screamed in her own brain.
Chris also did not show Amber any mercy, fucking her asshole long and hard. He would thrust so deep and hard that she would slam against the table over and over again. At some point Amber began to feel numb, the pain subsiding, as if her mind had left her body. She felt as if she were a rag doll, there to be used and thrown away. She wanted her life to be over.
Judy took a limp and distraught Amber to her room, and then April was brought in to replace her. April had no notion that her sister had just been brutally raped moments before, and she took her place before her Masters, kneeling.
Amber was depressed and angry for the next two days after her encounter with the Masters. At times she was still in shock and disbelief that all this was really happening to her. She also observed that April was her bouncy, usual self and assumed they hadn't done anything too horrible to her, at least not yet.
The days went on. No one talked to her, and Judy left her alone. Even though Amber raised her hand, as she was required, when Judy was asking for an "eager volunteer", Amber was not selected. Each time she breathed a sigh of relief.
Amber's physical remnants of her ordeal quickly healed. It was the emotional pain of being forced, taken unwillingly, used like an object, that she just couldn't live with.
More days went by and no one bothered Amber. She continued to plan her escape. It was her only hope. Amber smuggled a note and slipped it to April at lunch. It read: "Has anyone hurt you? Have any masters been with you? Are you maintaining? We will get out soon, I promise! Love Amber."
April couldn't read the note at the table, but when she saw Amber again at dinner she responded by mouthing the words. "Hurt me? No." "Masters? Yes." "Maintaining? Yes. Are you?"
Amber nodded, but she wanted to know about the Masters. She and April were able to mouth words back and forth surreptitiously until Amber learned that April also had been forced again to have sex, but that her virginity was intact.
As time elapsed, Amber began to feel confused. When she thought about going home, she realized she didn't have a home. No family. She would live her life in prison anyway, because the first thing she was going to do was kill Marcia for putting her and April in this horrid place. The need to escape was beginning to feel a little less of a priority.
Amber was also thinking more and more about her encounter. She remembered how her body was betraying her mind with John, how she was excited when she opened his pants and took his cock out. She found herself with her fingers between her legs as she lay in her bed thinking about the episode, and then took her hairbrush. Now that she'd been defiled and debased, she wanted to experience the feeling inside her, and she slipped the handle into her pussy. As she moved it in and out she rubbed herself. She had an orgasm, and it felt good. For those brief moments she could escape.
Amber was also starting to think less of herself. When once again she was selected to service the Mistress, she barely even gave it a second thought. She got between Judy's legs and licked as hard and nasty as she could. She felt like a whore. As more time went on, Amber found herself masturbating in her room every night with her hairbrush. It was the only real escape that she had.
When nearly three weeks had elapsed since Amber's painful encounter with the Masters, just before dinner one evening Judy came in.
"Somebody's here to see you!" Judy smiled. Judy turned Amber's body away from her and brushed out Amber's hair..
"Why don't we put you into a tank and some tight shorts?" Judy suggested, thinking about how sexy Amber would look, how it would be a nice change from her uniform. Amber didn't care. She no longer cared about anything.
Amber was taken to the Meeting Room, her blonde hair combed straight back under a black hair band, a tight black tank with no bra, and a pair of thong panties under a pair of tight white hot pants. She wore black leather sandals with low heels.
Amber was afraid to look as she stepped into the room, and fell to her knees, eyes on the floor. When she finally heard a man's voice say hello to her, she looked up. It was the handsome Master.
John had a business meeting on the west coast and scheduled two hours to come and see Amber. He was in casual dress; black shirt loosely buttoned, gold chain, black slacks and black loafers. Amber swallowed hard. She knew she was going to get fucked by him again and it half excited her.
"Come here baby" John said in a soft, deep voice, and Amber sprang to her feet and stood before him. John looked at the little vixen. Amber was even prettier than he remembered.
"Sit down on my lap" he told her, and Amber turned sideways, sliding down on his legs.
"I've missed you baby" John said, smelling Amber's sweet, silky hair, feeling her firm and sexy body planted on him. "Can we fuck?"
Amber was curious why he even would ask; why he didn't just make her undress and squirm on the table for him like last time. She didn't want to answer him.
"I'll take it as a 'yes'", finally John said, speaking for Amber after her long hesitation. "Let's go to your room."
John lifted Amber off her feet and fell on top of her onto her bed. He kissed her ear, then her cheek, then her neck, and then, turning her chin to look into her eyes, lowered his face to kiss her mouth. Amber lay motionless. This was the man who defiled her, made her a slut, made her not care anymore. She just lay there, letting him do as he wanted to her.
When John started kissing her mouth, Amber barely opened hers, and she felt a sharp slap across her face.
"Show me some passion!" John exclaimed. "I didn't make a special trip here today to lay with a limp rag doll."
Amber put her hands around John's neck and let him have her tongue. She wanted to cry; she was being forced once again.
Amber felt John's hands opening her shorts, and then pulling her tank top up, all the way over her breasts. John began to lick and suck Amber's large pink nipples; Amber was disappointed that her body once again was betraying her, her nipples becoming enlarged and rock hard.
Amber felt John kissing her tummy, and then, he took her shorts and thong completely off and pushed her legs open. He kissed her soft blonde bush, and then tasted her hole. Amber was wet, and she blushed with shame; now the Master would know what a slut she was.
"Oh god baby" John moaned, tasting Amber's sweet honey, and he licked her some more. Amber let out an involuntary moan, and then blushed again, not believing she just did that! Within a few moments John had his shirt unbuttoned and his shoes and pants off, and was laying over Amber, his hard shaft pressing into her opening once again.
Although at first it was painful and uncomfortable, Amber began to feel a pang of pleasure. She spread her legs wider, putting her hands gently onto John's back. It was definitely much more sensuous then her hair brush, and he filled her tightly. When she looked up into his eyes, she saw his pleasure. He lowered his mouth to kiss her and Amber opened her lips, kissing him passionately, her tongue flickering about his mouth as he sucked it in.
"God you're fucking beautiful!" John said, looking down at his pretty baby. Amber's pussy was wet and tight, and John started fucking hard. Each time that John thrust in, Amber felt him grind down on her clitoris, and the sensations were getting stronger. Not only was his cock starting to feel good thrusting back and forth inside of her, but the pressure on her clit was making her gasp and moan at times. "Oh God," Amber thought to herself, "I can't let this animal know he is turning me on!"
It was too late. As John began to grind deep and lick her ear, Amber had the most powerful orgasm of her young life. She threw her arms and legs around John and cried out in pleasure.
"Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!" Amber cried over and over again, as John continued to thrust deep into the wet, warm grip of her tight cunt. Then he burst into a tremendous orgasm of his own.
John lay on Amber's bed for another thirty minutes, worshipping the beauty with kisses and caresses. Amber lay there with him, enjoying his caresses, relaxed from the escape she'd experienced. She knew that she really was a whore now, enjoying sex with a man who'd be as old as her father.
Then John looked at his watch and knew it was time for him to leave. He dressed, and looked down at the blonde beauty and into her sexy bedroom eyes. He kissed her on her soft lips. "I'll see you again, soon."
Amber laid back, wondering what just happened to her. It was the most tremendous sex she'd known. Amber did know that eventually she would be free, and then she would find a man like the handsome Master to make love to her all day long.
Amber lay on her bed, her legs still spread, her black tank still pulled up over her breasts, the wet spot on her sheets where most of John's semen had drained from her. Then Judy opened the door. "Come baby, someone else is waiting."
Amber sat up and found her panties and shorts. "Leave them" Judy said, "just come as you are."
Amber didn't really want to leave her bed and her thoughts of John, but what choice did she have? She followed Judy down the hall pulling her black tank back down. It was all she had on.
Judy took Amber to the meeting room and left her there. There, on the sofa, was Chris and April. The sight immediately made Amber upset, and she carefully lowered her body down to her knees, her angry eyes narrowing in on the Master.
"Hello darling" Chris said. April was sitting on his lap wearing nothing but her sandals with the 3 inch heels and a tiny bikini top that barely covered her nipples. April was smiling, as if she'd been enjoying herself, Chris's hand resting between her bare legs.
"Hello Sir" Amber said somberly.
"Amber, I'm going to have anal sex with April…just like I did with you a couple of weeks ago. I wanted you to come and watch."
Amber felt tears coming on, but stayed kneeling, and silent. Her heart began to beat faster, the anger growing inside of her.
Amber watched as Chris undressed, completely. Then April kneeled on the couch next to him and stroked Chris's hard shaft with both of her hands. Chris handed April a tube of KY Jelly, and April applied it liberally to his cock, continuing to use both of her hands.
Chris put April down on her feet and nudged her out to onto the rug in the center of the room. April got on her knees, facing Amber, and Chris stepped out, kneeling down behind her.
Chris lowered his ass so that it rested on his heels. His hard shaft pointed up at April. With Chris's strong hands on her tiny waist, April began to fold her legs as she lowered down her bottom, until her crack pressed against Chris's shaft at just the right angle.
Amber could see that April had done this before. She watched as April moved exactly as the Master wanted her to.
Amber also noticed that April didn't have a bit of fear in her face. In fact, April looked like she was wanting to do it. But then, as April felt Chris's thick cock head press against her tight anus, Amber could see April's face tighten in pain.
"Relax honey…you can do it…" Chris whispered as he worked his cock into April, spooning her back on his legs has her own kneeling legs straddled his. Amber saw April take a deep breath, and then a few seconds later April's face looked relaxed, her eyes open again, and she began to pant. Chris was slowly moving April's slender, petite body up and down on him, and Amber, seeing the April's changing facial expressions, grew more surprised. "The little slut likes it!" she said to herself in disbelief.
Chris got April into a faster rhythm, and then reached around and began to rub April's pearl with his greasy fingers. April gasped, and moaned, and closed her eyes. "OH…MY…GOD!" was all that Amber could think.
Soon Chris was fucking April with long, hard thrusts, still spooning her, and Amber could her April slapping against his thighs. "Slap…slap…slap…" the sound went in a quick rhythm. Amber knew he was putting it deep into her baby sister, but she also could tell April was driving her ass down to him on every thrust.
Chris continued to massage April's clit, and then he called out to Amber.
"Come give us a kiss!"
Amber crawled across the floor, and Chris stopped pounding into April, holding her back against his legs, Chris still spooning the young teen. He was watching sexy Amber, wearing nothing more than a black, tight, tank top, crawl across the floor to them. Chris continued to rub April and she moaned. Amber looked into April's eyes. "You little fucking slut! I should slap you!" Amber wanted to scold, but instead she bit her tongue and gave April a kiss on the lips.
"Put your tongue in her mouth" Chris said, his chin resting on April's shoulder watching Amber.
Amber began to kiss April, letting April suck on her tongue, and Chris began to rub April's pearl some more. Then the bouncing began and the room again filled with the sound, "slap…slap…slap". Amber sat back on the rug and watched her sister have an orgasm while being butt fucked.
When Chris pulled his cock out of April's ass, it was covered with come and some brown excrement. Amber prayed he wasn't going to do something nasty to her with it.
"Come with me girls" Chris said, and he led them out of the meeting room and across the hall. Amber couldn't understand why all the doors were opening freely and was terribly tempted to run for it. But as they entered the room across the hall she heard the door lock behind her.
They were in the "Master" suite. On the king sized bed were the fourteen year old identical twins, Kara and Kayla. They were naked, sitting and holding hands. Amber could see through an open door into a bathroom with a large sink and tub.
"Sit with my girls" Chris told Amber and April, and all four girls lined up on the side of the bed.
"Who is going to clean my cock?" he asked, standing in front of them with his dirty shaft dangling between his legs. Kara and Kayla both raised their hands.
Chris looked at Amber. "Oh, dear God, no" Amber thought.
"You should always volunteer Amber! I thought you would know that by now."
Amber felt tears coming on again as she looked at April's streak of excrement on the tip of the Master's shaft. "Come on" Chris said, reaching out and taking Amber by the hair, pulling her off the bed and down onto her knees. "Clean it up!"
Tears filled Ambers eyes, and she looked up to Chris once again, trying to plead with him.
"Do it now or I'll whip your ass in front of your little sister and all of your friends!"
Amber took base of the shaft into her hand, then closed her eyes and tried not to breath as she began to lick it.
Amber licked and sucked the shaft for a good fifteen minutes. After the first few passes with her tongue it wasn't so bad, but still, to think April's stinky shit was on it made her know that this was the most vile thing she could ever do.
By the time Chris let Amber stop, he was hard again.
"Have you ever watched the twins fuck?" Chris asked Amber and April. Both the girls shook their heads and then answered. "No Sir."
"Girls, get a cock on and show them what you can do!" Chris said to his twins.
Kara and Kayla got up and went to the dresser, opening the top drawer. There, they took out a strap on. It looked so real…too real Amber thought.
"Who's going to be the man tonight?" Chris asked, and both girls remembered that it was Kayla's turn. It was good that they remembered, because Chris could never tell them apart. Neither could anyone else. Kara helped Kayla strap the dildo between her thighs and around her waist.
"Okay girls…showtime" Chris said, leaning back in a chair near the bed and directing Amber and April to the floor to watch.
Kayla walked up to Kara, the big dildo protruding from her, and slapped her face.
"Get on your knees bitch!"
The twins were only slightly taller than April, but just as slender. They both had small breasts that would not yet fit into a B cup. Their bottoms were firm and round, the kind that Chris loved so much. Each had a thick bush that matched her long, auburn hair. The big cock on Kayla looked so much larger when standing out from her thin, 5'4" frame.
"Suck my cock!" Kayla demanded of her sister, and a kneeling Kara began to suck on the dildo.
"Watch carefully now!" Chris said to Amber and April, both at his feet, and the girls watched as Kara sucked the dildo, taking it deeper into her mouth and then letting it slide out…then going deeper yet…and letting it slide out…and then, they watched Kara take it all the way down her throat. Kara's nose pressed into Kayla's soft bush. Amber and April were aghast. Kara let the cock out of her mouth and then did it again…and then again…to her Master's delight.
Kayla then took her sister by the hair. "Get down on your hands and knees little bitch!" Kayla slapped Kara's face for emphasis.
Kayla got behind Kara on her knees and lined the latex cock up to her sister's cunt. Then in one, hard thrust, she rammed the entire cock into her. Kara gasped, but pushed back against her sister, and then seemed to enjoy it as Kayla gave her long, deep thrusts.
"Get your ass up on the bed!" Kayla barked, pulling out. Kara quickly stood up and leaned up over the bed, her ass high, and as Amber watched in horror, April watched in fascination, as Kayla stood behind Kara fed the entire shaft into Kara's tight ass.
After some deep thrusting into her sister, Kayla took the shaft out and then took Kara by the hair. "Now get down and clean me!"
Amber again watched in horror as Kara fell back down onto the floor and started to deep throat the dildo again. Chris was smiling, stroking his throbbing erection; he couldn't wait to see Amber do this to April.
Chris fell into bed with his twins, laying on his back while Kayla straddled him and fucked him with her pussy, the dildo now cast aside. Kara straddled Chris's face with her legs, and lowered her ass to his mouth, facing her sister. They smiled at each other. Finally, Amber had a chance to talk to April.
"I thought you were still a virgin!" Amber whispered, angrily.
"I am!" April whispered back.
"You're a fucking whore!"
"He only likes to butt fuck me."
"I see you like it too. You're sick! How many times?"
"Tonight was…like the fifth" April replied, thinking it hadn't been very many.
Amber didn't realize the Master was coming around that much. She wondered why she hadn't been summoned more.
"How can you like that shit?" Amber whispered.
"I don't know. I just do."
"Why hasn't he taken your pussy?"
"I don't know. He only likes to do it in my ass."
The bed began to bounce and squeak, the twins still smiling at each other as they rode the Master. They heard the Master start to moan, his mouth still under Kara's ass, Kayla grinding down with her right arm back behind her, reaching down and caressing the Master's balls.
The Master finally lifted Kara off his face, and then pulled Kayla down and started to kiss her hard. Amber was sure Kara's ass had just been all over his tongue. Then he rolled Kayla off of him and lifted his head, looking down at April. Chris gestured for April to come up on the bed with his finger, and as April started to crawl up he took her by the hair and pointed to Kayla.
"Go, lap her up good."
Chris watched April lay down between Kayla's legs, tasting his cum mixed with her honey as she lapped Kayla's dripping hole as he'd told her to. Then Chris pulled Kara back down on the bed next to Kayla.
"Amber, come lick up Kara."
With both Kayla and Kara laying side by side with their legs open, April and Amber laid on their tummies between the legs of each twin, lapping and licking. Amber was glad that she did not get stuck with Kayla, and could tell that April was not enthusiastic about her task either.
Amber looked up at Kara as she gave her a long lick up her slit, and Kara smiled and tilted her head back. Amber could see that Kara's asshole was very wet with the Master's own saliva. Then something came over Amber. She felt arousal she never had before, staring at Kara's beautiful pussy, and she started to enjoy using her tongue to make Kara feel good. As she licked and sucked and kissed and finger fucked the warm, wet twin, Amber was lost in another world. All she thought about was making Kara feel good. For several minutes she was even oblivious of the fact that April was laying beside her doing the same thing to Kayla.
Amber felt proud when she quickly brought Kara to orgasm, but she wasn't going to stop there. She continued working her tongue, finding all of the girl's sweet spots, her finger massaging up into her g-spot, finding out exactly what drove the pretty Kara wild; Amber wanted to find all of Kara's erogenous zones, and was doing a good job of it. It wasn't long before Kara came a second time. When Amber gave Kara a third orgasm in less than twenty minutes, Chris pulled Amber off. Amber smiled down at Kara, and Kara looked at Amber with desire. She wanted to return the favor, but instead, Chris was hard again and wanted Amber for himself.
With nothing more covering Amber's body than the black tank and hair band, Chris laid Amber back on the bed, Kara scooting out of the way, and positioned Amber so that her ass was on the edge of the bed, her legs hanging off. Then he lifted her legs and pushed them back, leaning on the edge of the bed in front of her, and pushed his hard shaft into her slit.
Amber looked over, Kayla biting her lip close to an orgasm as April's face was still buried in her crotch, and then she felt Chris's cock slide into her. Amber must've been wetter than she thought, because Chris was immediately thrusting deep into her, yet she really didn't feel much pain this time. In fact, as she held her legs back and opened herself up to him, she again began to experience the same feeling she'd had with John earlier. His cock seemed to fill her so full, but as it thrust back and forth she felt the intense stimulation on her clit and g spot.
After a few minutes Amber finally heard Kayla have an orgasm, but April stayed nestled between Kayla's legs as she'd been trained, continuing to lick and suck. Amber really did feel proud of herself that she made Kara come three times in less than half the time it took April to make Kayla come once.
Then Amber heard Chris's voice, as he reached down and began to squeeze and molest her breasts through her tank top, "Come for me princess…show me you love my cock in you."
Amber closed her eyes, thinking back…her encounter with John earlier…how good she felt with him…how handsome he looked over her as he fucked her. She pretended she was with him again, and within minutes she felt her orgasm coming on.
"Oh god…oh god…oh god!" Amber began to chant as her pussy contracted around the cock that was slamming her…and then she realized that she was rubbing her clit as Chris banged her, not even conscious of it while she was fantasizing about John! She'd definitely been masturbating too much, she thought to herself. Chris was delighted to see the pretty blonde's face and eyes tighten as she began to moan loudly, her juicy cunt quivering and contracting, her body shuddering. Chris released his own pent-up orgasm and came with her.
Chris looked down at beautiful Amber and also couldn't believe what a babe she was. But more than that, Amber had been at the Academy for barely over a month and she was already becoming a slut. Chris couldn't remember any other girl enjoying sex the way Amber was in such a short time.
"April, darling" Chris said, pulling his wet, cum-soaked shaft out of Amber's tight and slippery hole, "come and clean up your sister now."
Normally, Amber would have become emotional, but now she was just numb. She'd felt and experienced so much that day that her mind just shut down. She just laid back, her legs still folded back against her, until she felt April's tongue licking her slit and lapping the cum that was draining out of her. Once Amber was nice and clean, Chris decided the girls had enough for the night.
Chris himself was spent, and decided it was time to go. Judy took the girls to the dining room where there was a pizza – something they were definitely not used to anymore with all of the soups and veggies and whole-grain breads they were living on, and when Kayla had a string of cheese hanging from her chin without knowing it, Amber and April did something they had not done in a long time: they laughed.
As Amber lay in her bed that night, she no longer felt disgusted that she had to lick a girl's vagina. In fact, she was giving herself kudos for being able to give Kara three orgasms in twenty minutes. She wondered how April was doing…and then remembered April having an orgasm during anal sex. "What a fucking weirdo!" she thought to herself, and then fell into a peaceful sleep.
April, on the other hand, was more confused. Why was the Master not taking her pussy? Why was she not asked to give blowjobs? And then she thought about how she had to lick Kayla and Amber with cum oozing from them. April didn't like doing it, licking up the slimy, funny tasting stuff. Then she thought about how Amber eagerly lapped Kara and then came while Chris fucked her. April was afraid that maybe Amber was starting to like performing these sexual acts. April had worries, and tossed and turned in her bed..
Chris showered and dressed, hoping he didn't leave anything behind. Then he called the monitor. "Joe, I'm coming over to see you."
Joe's apartment in the Wing was littered with beer cans and fast food wrappers. He didn't like the "crap" that Rosalie cooked, so the Headmaster's house, much to Charlie's dislike, had become a regular stop for the "take out taxi". Chris walked in to find Joe half drunk watching a baseball game.
"How's it going partner?" Chris asked.
"Oh, you know…working on my golf handicap…getting' in shape for the marathon" Joe answered sarcastically.
Joe was a twenty eight year old paraplegic who had no control below his waist. He was confined to a wheelchair and had to have special accommodations for the relief of his bladder and bowels. Feeling outcast from society since his motorcycle accident, Joe figured he'd just be spending his time getting drunk and watching television all day anyway. When Chris offered him a handsome, ten year contract for doing just that, Joe felt Chris a fool.
Joe was the only person besides the partners and Rosalie that Chris could trust with the secrets of the Academy. Joe would never have sex again, and felt he'd been dealt a rotten hand in life. Why should he care if his powerful cousin wanted to borrow a few years off some stupid teenage girls' lives? Hell, he'd do it too if he could.
Joe was the monitor, the last bastion of security to make sure that the girls didn't defeat the system. He was the one who, upon hearing a beep on the intercom, zoomed in the surveillance cameras and administered the control shocks. He also monitored status of the lifts, the doors, and the ventilation systems. Once the girls were locked down in their rooms for the night, which was usually by 8:00 pm unless a partner was around, Joe shared the system with Judy. Judy had auxiliary controls behind a panel in her own quarters. Joe already had the security controls transferred over when Chris came in.
"Anything unusual or strange going on?" asked Chris.
"Not A" Joe replied.
"How about Charlie? Is he behaving?"
"Yes Sir"
"Judy's been a good girl. She loves her job, you know…I would had loved to have her around when I was sixteen."
Chris patted Joe on the shoulders. "Take care my man. I think four more years and you are done. We'll get you a nice place in South Beach so you can sit on your balcony and be entertained all day."
Chris left Joe to his beer and his baseball game. As he walked out, he passed Rosalie's quarters. Chris didn't even have to ask about her. Rosalie did all of the cooking, cleaning, and laundry for Judy and the girls. She spoke very little English. The police had wrongfully killed her son in a robbery attempt, and from that day forward, she had nothing but contempt for the law. At the same time, she adored Chris. Chris had helped her family in many ways over the years, and had even given Rosalie stock options which made her family well off. Her contract with Chris at the Academy would be the last, and Rosalie would die for Chris before she would ever expose him. She had simply convinced herself that Chris knew best and to stay out of his affairs, no matter what was being done to those "bad, slutty" girls.
That was the plan. Ten years maximum use of the facility at St. Mary's, then convert it back to the fall out shelter it originally was. Destroy all evidence. Let the girls go free. Chris wanted to believe he was only borrowing a few years from girls who weren't getting any breaks anyway. Eleven girls had now spent time in the B Wing, and Chris figured there would be two or three more before they closed it down. The girls never did know the Masters' real names. The only loose ends would be Charlie and Judy.
For the four girls that had already left the B Wing, or "graduated" as the partners liked to say, they really had the worst of the lot. Not only did they sacrifice precious years at the Academy serving the partners, but when the partners had grown tired of them (they'd gotten too old, too "ripe"), they were transferred to a Master in Brazil. The Master had a large coffee (and cocaine and cannabis) plantation in the mountains near Sao Paulo and the girls were confined to his land, which was heavily guarded. They were free to read, study, and learn; however, everything written and spoken was in Spanish and Portuguese, so the "graduates" were forced to learn new languages. The only thing that remained the same as it was at the Academy was that the girls were forced to have sex with the Master and his sons, often without a moments notice. But the necklaces were gone, they had separate quarters to live freely in, and they knew that they were one step closer to being in control of their own destiny.
The funny thing was that the two earliest graduates, who'd spent four years at the Academy and a year now on the plantation, both did not want their freedom. They were becoming so conditioned to living in servitude that the thought of being independent frightened them. Who would take care of them? They were both in their late teens, and never tried once to resist or leave the plantation.
Chris paged Charlie and left the Academy. As Charlie drove Chris back to the airport, Chris thought about the philanthropy his wife ran, and the orphanage in Bucharest, Romania, that they were making improvements to. The children were being taught English, and Chris was having a new dormitory wing added on.
"Four more years" Chris thought, and his beautiful vixens would all be free.
End of Part II
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