After school, Larry went straight home to drop off his books and to pick up his pocket knife and the ropes. He also changed his under shorts. The front of them had gotten wet as a result being erect all day. He resisted the temptation to quickly give himself relief. He was hopeful that Natalie would take care of it. With that in mind, he rushed to the thicket.
He wanted to get there early and assure the ropes would be set up before Natalie arrived. He laid out the ropes so there would be one for each arm and leg. The ankle ropes were secured to the base of two trees. Then he looped two ropes over the branches of the trees so his wrists could be secured from them and put him in a spread eagle position. He carefully positioned the tautline hitches where Natalie could easily tighten or loosen the ropes. He checked and rechecked that his nail/loop system would release easily when the lace on nail was pulled. For good measure, he stuck the pocket knife into one of the trees so it would be readily available.
The irony that he was setting up the ropes for his own immobilization was not lost on him. He didn't need to think about his incentive to do so. He again had moist shorts from the anticipation.
Natalie arrived just as he was finishing. She was wearing sneakers, shorts, and a blouse. He had never paid much attention to her before, but he now was looking at her in another light than 'kid sister.' She carried herself differently than she had before yesterday. She was more self assured... and she was really quite cute.
He felt ill at ease as she approached. He wasn't sure how to act. He had been the neighborhood 'top dog' forever it seemed. Now it didn't seem right that he would let her humiliate him again despite how erotic he found it.
"Hi Larry," she called as she approached. She looked around at the ropes that he had strung about. "Looks like you're ready."
She looked pointedly at him. She could sense his hesitancy from the look in his eyes. She let her eyes drop, pausing momentarily to take in the incriminating bulge in his pants and finally focusing on his shoes. "I thought I told you that I want your shoes off when we are here. You look like you are about to run off."
He was beginning to have second thoughts. Being tied up one time could be written off as anomaly, just a childish misadventure. If they repeated yesterday's game, he knew that she would be in control of his life forever, at least until he graduated and moved away anyway. "Running off might be the right thing to do," he said quietly, more to himself than to her.
With a deep breath he removed his sneakers. Knowing that he would be crossing the creek, he had left his socks home this time. He handed her the shoes and again felt an erotic surge. Somehow he felt that giving her possession of his shoes he was symbolically surrendering his control.
Shaking himself, he pointed out the workings of the ropes and the hitches. He took great pains to make sure she understood the quick release feature of the ropes and that she knew where the pocket knife was lodged.
Natalie she felt in control of the situation and had little hesitancy in getting started. As Larry literally showed her the ropes, Natalie grew even more self confident. She was looking forward with sharing her prize with Priscilla.
"I understand the ropes and knots well enough," she said as Larry was concluding. She took a deep breath. "Well here goes," she thought to herself, then aloud to Larry she quietly said. "Take off your shirt."
Considering the last time they were here, Larry was not surprised that she would want him to strip down. Still he was reluctant to remove his clothes. Again, he thought about calling an end to this game and just leave. He looked over at Natalie. "Dang, she's cute," he thought and he felt himself get harder. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slipped out of it.
Natalie was smiling that smirky smile she had. He barely heard her say, "And the pants."
He was slower to respond to this command. He had a good build and felt some pride in displaying his torso. But he was extremely uncomfortable with removing his pants. He was self conscious about his obvious erection under the damning wet spot in the front of his jockey shorts. He was flushing bright red as he stepped out of his pants. He immediately bent over and picked up his pants and shirt. He started to fold them using the action to try to delay fully exposing his moist and bulging shorts.
Natalie was enjoying watching him squirm under her gaze. The state of his shorts was not lost on her. After yesterday, she knew more what to expect and a warm feeling of anticipation flooded her senses. She pointed to a nearby rock. "Just put them there," she said finally.
Natalie then picked up the end of one of the ropes Larry had prepared and slipped it over his wrist and snugly tightened the loop. She took his other arm and pulled him to the other rope and secured his other wrist. She wasted little time putting his ankles in the loops of the other two ropes. With Larry now bound, she stepped back to look at him.
Larry flushed even brighter as he felt her gaze sweep over him. He felt relieved that she didn't insist that he remove his jockey shorts. There was a lot of slack in the ropes allowing him a fair amount of movement. As he shuffled about he found the loose constraints were effective in being able to hold him. As he pulled, twisted, and otherwise tested the bonds, an erotic feeling of helplessness washed over him.
Natalie watched him struggle for a while and then proceeded to adjust the hitches to remove the slack of the arm ropes then the leg ropes.
As Larry felt the ropes tighten, a sense of fear surfaced. The feeling of helplessness was now constant as he felt the bondage transition from him pulling on the ropes to where the ropes were now pulling on him. He groaned when he felt Natalie tighten the leg ropes. His struggles against the ropes ceased as he struggled to maintain his balance. "Please, that's tight enough," he pleaded to Natalie when he was stretched into a full spread eagle position and it seemed like she was going to tighten the ropes even more.
Smiling impishly, Natalie looked over from where she was adjusting the ropes. She liked seeing Larry strung out like that. He looked sooo vulnerable. She trotted on over in front of him, her eyes sparkling. She zigzagged her finger over his exposed chest, laughing as he wiggled from the ticklish sensations. "You look so great like this," she said. "I love this game!!" Then grabbing one of his sneakers, she ran toward the creek. "Don't go away," she taunted. "I'll be right back."
Priscilla had waited for several minutes after she had seen Natalie enter the thicket.
She had not seen Larry enter and didn't want to scare him off by coming in too soon. She waited impatiently for Nancy to signal her that she could join them. It seemed forever until she saw her friend come out of the thicket and wave to her.
Natalie waved for her friend to come then filled the sneaker with water. Running back, she dashed behind Larry and poured the water on his back.
Larry gasped as the cold water hit him. "Whoa! That's cold," he protested.
Natalie was laughing. "It looked like you could use a little cooling down," she said. Then coming around in front of him she pointedly looked down at his bulging shorts. It looks like I should have splashed this side of you." She reached out and pulled the elastic on his shorts away from him then releasing it so it snapped back on the tip of his throbbing penis. She pressed her hand firmly against his throbbing shaft as she adjusted the shorts so they once again completely covered it.
Larry yelped at the snap and then groaned in pleasure as Natalie's hand pressed against him. He was ready for the game to progress. This is where Natalie would play with his penis until he shot his load. He expected it to be a humbling experience again, but the erotic excitement and the anticipated monumental orgasm that would follow eclipsed any embarrassment he might feel. From yesterday's encounter, he knew that she liked him to beg so he proceeded to do so without any encouragement from her. "Please don't stop," he begged. "Please rub my cock." He twisted his body trying to entice her hand to return to his crotch.
Then he heard footsteps in the thicket. His blood ran cold as the fear of being discovered overwhelmed him. "Natalie! Someone's coming. Quick, pull the nails out"
Nancy looked over where the sound was coming from. From her vantage point she could see Priscilla coming. She looked over at Larry. His eyes were wide open and he was white. She couldn't resist teasing him a bit. "Oh I think you are imagining it. You know that no one comes this way.
Larry pulled at the ropes, twisting and thrashing as much as he could. "Quick! Pull the nails out now! Pleeeeease!!" he cried as tears were starting to blur his vision.
Priscilla could hear Larry pleading with Natalie as she stepped into view. "Well what do we have here?" she exclaimed. Though she knew what to expect, the sight of Larry strung up took her breath away. She felt a sudden erotic surge flow through her at the sight. "Wow," was all she could say to Natalie as she tried to catch her breath.
Natalie made a theatrically gesture toward the helpless boy. "There he is in all his glory," she said dramatically. "Ready for anything we wish to do." She was grinning as she watched her friend look Larry over. She felt like a proud huntress that was showing off her catch, which was pretty much the case.
Larry stopped struggling now that he was discovered. He moaned under his breath. He wanted to hide. Obviously that was not an option. He had been attracted to Priscilla for the last year. Irrationally, the thought passed through his mind that now she would never consider dating him. He averted his eyes, looking up at the tree branches above.
The two girls giggled a bit as Natalie continued to show off her prize. She walked over to Larry and grazed his ribs with her fingers. Despite his efforts to will himself dead, his body twitched from the tickling sensations her fingers imparted. "Notice how ticklish he is," she continued theatrically. Her hand then pressed on his penis. "He especially like to be touched here," she continued. Then with a giggle she added, "but you have to be careful or he gets messy."
Larry kept his eyes averted. He felt foolish when he jumped from Natalie's tickle in front of Priscilla. He was mortified when Natalie rubbed his shorts. His penis which had started to deflate when he feared discovery took on new life as she touched it. He knew both girls noticed the reaction. He heard Priscilla rustling around and glanced down. He felt himself grow cold when he saw that she was pulling a camera out of the bag she carried.
With growing excitement, Priscilla watched him struggle. "I have to get a picture of this," she said to no one in particular. With eyes sparkling and a huge smile that wouldn't go away, she planted herself in front of Larry to take the picture.
Larry was looking at Priscilla with growing dismay. "No. No pictures!" He struggled violently against the ropes. He felt his knees weaken and the ropes pulled at his arms. The sound of the camera when she took the picture might as well have been a gunshot as from his reaction. He couldn't stop himself from whimpering as the camera produced his picture. Too much had happened in the last five minutes. He felt publicly exposed. It was bad enough when Natalie had him tied and turned on. He felt ashamed that Priscilla would see him like this. Now they had a picture. He had no idea what they would do with it.
"I want a picture of him losing those shorts," Priscilla said to Natalie.
"No problem," her friend responded. With that, Natalie removed the knife from the tree and crossed over to Larry. "I hope your knife is sharp," she said. Then with a giggle, she continued, "you better hold still."
In fact, Larry had made sure the knife was sharp as he wanted it to be able cut the ropes easily if that became necessary. Natalie carefully slipped the blade under one side of his shorts and cut up and through the elastic waistband.
Larry did heed Natalie's advice and ceased to struggle as she cut away his shorts. He heard Priscilla's camera record the event and he just sagged against the ropes in surrender as he felt the remains of his shorts slide down his leg to rest on his ankle.
Natalie stepped back and surveyed the naked boy. "He looks a bit droopy," she said to her friend indicating his drooping penis.
As he heard Natalie's remark, Larry thoughts revolved around his situation. He was helpless and being mocked by the two girls. With heightened senses, he shyly looked at them and appreciated how cute Natalie was and how pretty Priscilla was. He pulled at the ropes and felt almost reassured at the resistance they offered. He felt his penis grow as they watched. He surrendered to the erotic sensation of being at their mercy.
Priscilla noticed the anatomical change and commented to Natalie, "I think he likes us." Then to Larry, "smile!" and she took another picture to record him at 'attention.'
Putting down the camera, Priscilla walked up to Larry. "Lets see if I can get it to droop again." With that, she reached out and grabbed and pinched his nipple. She laughed when he yelped and she gave it a little twist before releasing him. She stepped back, looking down to see if the effect, if any, it had on him.
Larry felt a sharp pain as Priscilla grabbed his nipple. The pain surprised him as he yelped, but he felt an erotic surge from the stimulus and he felt penis stiffen even more. He moaned as he felt his need build.
Priscilla noticed his reaction and moved closer to him. She sensuously ran her palms up his stomach muscles to his pecs. She pressed her body against him hard enough to feel his engorged organ through her skirt. Then she grabbed and twisted both nipples of her helpless victim.
Larry moaned again when he felt Priscilla's hands caressing his body. He felt his need intensify almost unbearably when she pressed against his erection. He arched toward her when she twisted his nipples. He was beyond caring about the pain she inflicted. When she drew back this time, he was twisting with lust. His penis was throbbing with precum seeping from its tip. He was starting to notice that Priscilla was not as tentative as Natalie.
Natalie watched her friend tease Larry and noticed the effect Priscilla she was having on him. "It appears that he likes what you're doing, Cilla" she said. You definitely aren't making him droopy... drippy, maybe, but not droopy." She giggled at her own little joke.
"Lets see if this will make him droop," she continued.
With that, she used the knife to cut a very thin branch from a sapling. It was very thin, maybe an eighth of an inch in diameter. Quickly trimming the leaves off she swished it through the air to make it whistle and let Larry know what was in store for him. Then she started slapping his thigh with it whipping the twig back and forth.
Though he was warned by Natalie's warm-up swings, the onslaught of stinging took Larry by surprise. "Ouch. Ow ow ow ow," he protested. He started to dance trying to keep his genitals from taking a stray blow. He continued dancing as Natalie worked her way around to his buttocks. Somewhere, in the middle of the onslaught, Larry was aware that Priscilla had again used the camera, but he was to preoccupied to worry much about it. He was aware of his penis dancing and bobbing more than he was. By the time Natalie was finished, the girls were laughing at his vain attempts to get away from her little switch.
Larry welcomed the respite when she finally finished. He could feel the stings burning where she had attacked him. He looked over at the girls who were still laughing and giggling. Still feeling the stings from Natalie's switch, he felt an erotic rush as he watched them. He had never seen any girls more beautiful than they were. He was feeling lucky to be in the power of beings as magnificent as these. His penis was throbbing, begging for attention.
The girls walked over to where Larry was hanging in his ropes. They observed his obvious state of arousal. Priscilla grinned and pressed up against him again. Sliding against him, she let her hand trail over his penis. As she pressed her breasts against him, she gently lifted his testicles, feeling their weight. Her thumb teased the under side of his penis.
Larry was read to cum. He moaned and tried to arch into her hand but she pulled away before he could press into her. "Please, let me cum," he begged.
Priscilla picked up her camera. "I want a picture of him when he does it," she said to Natalie. "Show me what you did to him yesterday."
Natalie slipped around behind Larry. She pulled him close to her. She started toying with him. Tracing circles then rubbing and stroking his shaft, she soon had him throbbing anxious for release. Sensing that he was getting close, Natalie cautioned him. "Don't lose control too soon, Priscilla has to get in position to record the event on film."
Larry was appalled by the fact that they wanted a picture. He knew that any protest from him was futile and didn't object. Truth to tell, he was so aroused there was no way he would resist cumming for their photo shoot. He could feel Natalie's fingers tease him as he watched Priscilla move into position for her picture. Natalie paused for a moment and said to Priscilla, "I wouldn't stand right in front of him when you take your picture if I were you."
Priscilla giggled as she move aside slightly, "Good point Natalie."
Natalie snapped his swollen shaft with her finger. She giggled when he gasped in surprise. She snapped him again, this time hitting the sensitive tip of his penis. "I haven't heard you beg me to play with your cock. You know how I like to hear you beg." She grinned over at Priscilla.
Larry penis was throbbing. He moaned with frustration. He was all primed to go and now she wanted to play mind games with him. He flushed as he was aware of Priscilla right in front of him. He felt more humiliated than ever having to beg in front of Priscilla. He whimpered in frustration and finally gasped, "Please let me cum." He felt his ears redden as saw Priscilla giggling at him. He dropped his eyes. "Natalie, I need your touch. Please let me come."
Playfully, Natalie jiggled his rigid shaft, stroked it lightly, and then left it bobbing by itself. "You can beg better than that for me."
Groaning in frustration, Larry let go of any semblance of pride. "Please, please, please let me come. I've been aching for release all day." Natalie's body was still pressing against his back. He could feel her giggling as well has hear her. "Please rub my cock," he continued as he tried to remember exactly what he said yesterday that finally got her to finish him off.
Still giggling, Natalie looked over at her friend. "See how nice he begs. He's desperate because he hasn't had an orgasm since the last time he begged me." Turning her head so she was talking in Larry's ear. "Isn't that right, Larry?" she asked.
The question took Larry by surprise. He suddenly recalled that he had masturbated last night. Suddenly, it seemed deathly still as he paused before answering. Natalie pulled away from him. He felt the cool air hit his back.
"You did it last night, didn't you?," Natalie accused. She circled around in front of him looking straight into his eyes. "You promised you wouldn't and you did!"
Larry tried in vain to think of how to voice a convincing denial but he couldn't avoid looking into her eyes and he knew that she would see through any fabrication. He finally blurted a confession. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It just happened. It won't happen again, I promise."
"Well I'm through playing with you today," She said. "From now on you must get permission from Cilla or me before you may cum. Don't try to cheat. We'll know if you're lying." She punctuated her statement by pulling the quick release nails on the ropes that held his arms. Larry's arms came down immediately and he flexed them to restore full circulation.
Larry couldn't believe his ears. His penis was still throbbing in anticipation. He needed release desperately. Now, not only was Natalie not going to jerk him off, he was forbidden to cum without the girls' permission. He had been erect all day in anticipation of this encounter. The resulting ache had been increasing steadily all day.
Still miffed, Natalie went behind him and gave him a shove. She watched him try to maintain his balance with his legs still pulled apart by the ankle ropes. She nudged him again. He started to fall and had to catch himself with outstretched hands to keep from landing on his face. It left him in an awkward position with his buttocks in the air. He quickly bent his legs and dropped to his knees. His legs were still spread wide, but at least some of the tension was relieved. He found himself on his hands and knees at Priscilla's feet.
"What am I doing here?" Larry asked himself. His eyes focused on Priscilla's shoes as his thoughts closed in on him. "In two short days my life has turned upside down. I'm naked on my hands and knees at the feet of the neighborhood girls. I have to rely on them to release the ankle cords for me to get up. I ache from being so horny. They may or may not let me take care of that." While Larry thoughts rushed through his head, his gaze never wavered from Priscilla's feet. He let out a soft whimper as the realization hit him that he liked being at the feet of the girls.
Priscilla looked down on her neighbor. She wondered idly what was going through his mind during those brief silent moments. When she heard him whimper, she knew intuitively that he had surrendered to them. She smiled and looked over at Natalie. Natalie's eyes were sparkling and she nodded back. Natalie had also heard the whimper and deduced the significance. They would not need ropes or the threat of blackmail pictures to control him. He was theirs regardless.
"Look up at me," Priscilla finally said.
Priscilla was standing close to him and from his awkward position with his hands on the ground, Larry had to strain to raise his eyes to her face. She looked so beautiful... and so dominant.
Natalie came into Larry's view as she joined Priscilla . She seemed a lot more mature. "Maybe it's my viewing perspective," Larry thought to himself. "And she's so darn cute, it's maddening!" Out loud, Larry said nothing. His one whimper had spoke volumes
Priscilla turned to Natalie, her eyes shining. "I think he should be punished for his 'indiscretion' last night. A thicker sapling than the one you were playing with earlier is in order." Natalie agreed and the girls went off to select their instrument or torture leaving Larry to his thoughts. He knew what Priscilla had in mind and he shuddered. It seemed forever until the girls returned with a suitable switch, flexible and twice the size as the one Natalie played with earlier. He raised his head to look at them as they approached. He knew nothing he could say would save him. He tried to be stoic, but his wide eyed expression gave him away. They both giggled when they saw his eyes pleading with them.
"We'll let you off easy this time," said Priscilla. "Just two swats from each of us."
Natalie giggled. "Okay, Larry. Get off your knees and just stay bent over. I get the first strike." She swished the switch as she had done with the smaller switch earlier. The sound was deeper, much more ominous. She enjoyed watching Larry wince from the sound. She loved being able to intimidate him.
Larry struggled off his knees. He legs still held apart by the ropes, he rested a good amount of his weight on his hands. He would have felt foolish except the dread he felt overrode that emotion.
Playfully, Natalie brushed the switch against his exposed and aching testicles. Larry gasped and cried out, "No!" Quickly, he lifted one of his hands to protect his genitals. Now, he did feel foolish, bent over in an awkward three point stance with his remaining hand grabbing his crotch. He groaned inwardly as he heard Priscilla take another picture.
He saw the blow coming from the corner of his eye. He gritted his teeth as Natalie's blow struck him. The sting hurt worse that he thought it would. He felt his eyes start to tear. It took all his will power not to cry out.
Natalie handed the switch to Priscilla. Priscilla had always wanted to thrash someone. Until now it had been just an idle fantasy. Now she would finally get her chance.
Larry shuddered when he saw the gleam in Priscilla's eye. He closed his eyes and he didn't dare remove his hand from protecting his genitals. He heard the whistle of the switch just as the pain exploded into his body. "AHHH!!" he cried out as he released his protective grip and crumpled to his knees. Trying to catch his breath, he pleaded, "Enough please. That really hurts."
Natalie had seen that the her first blow was not nearly as effective as Priscilla's. Determined to make her second stroke leave a lasting impression, Natalie ignored Larry's pleas and took the switch from Priscilla. She whipped it around a couple of times and Larry started whimpering.
"Enough of that. You know you've got this coming, Get off your knees. You know the position.." Natalie watched as Larry trembled and assumed his position. He didn't neglect to cover himself she noted. She tapped his buttocks lightly a few times just to watch him flinch as he awaited the real blow. She felt a erotic rush as she watched him squirm helplessly. She swung her second blow with much more force than the first.
"YEOW!!", Yelled Larry. Natalie's blow wasn't as hard as Priscilla's, but it hurt more, considering how sensitive his rear had become. Again he crumpled to the ground. By now he was sobbing. "Please, please no more. I promise to do as you say. I won't jerk off with out permission." He looked up with blurry eyes to see Priscilla take the switch from Natalie. He knew Priscilla would hit harder this time. She seemed to really enjoy punishing him. His buttocks were an fire and couldn't stand the thought taking another blow.
Priscilla watched Larry squirming and begging. She got an erotic rush just thinking about delivering the final blow. But she had doubts. She wasn't sure how real his distress really was. She circled in front of him and looked down on him.
Larry saw Priscilla's feet in front of him. He leaned forward, prostrating himself before her. He was close enough to put his lips to her shoes. He started kissing them and her bare ankles. Priscilla was initially surprised by his actions, but she love the feel of him humbling himself before her.
Larry was in a panic. He didn't think he could take another swat, especially as hard as Priscilla hit. When she didn't back away, he shamelessly started passionately kissing her feet. Still sobbing, he continued begging through his kisses, "Please no more. I can't take more. Please, please, please have mercy on me." It sounded trite in his ears but he had to say something to keep her from swinging dreaded switch again.
Finally Priscilla stopped him. "Okay, enough of that. Get up on your knees and beg like a dog."
Feeling a glimmer of hope, Larry quickly complied. Resting on his knees, he straightened up a put his hands up like the paws of a puppy. His legs were still held wide apart and his genitals were again exposed. "Please don't hit me any more, please."
Priscilla sighed, "Okay, I'll hold off for today... We'll make up for it next time."
At her words, he felt a rush of relief. "Thank you. You really don't know how bad that switch hurts," he said as he started breathing again. He continued kneeling with his hands still raised. He started feeling foolish again but he was afraid to break position without direction from one of the girls. He flushed as he felt his erection returning. He could tell Priscilla was watching his penis grow and he turned an even deeper shade of red under her gaze. And once again, he heard the camera as Natalie decided it was a good pose for posterity.
Priscilla batted at the swelling shaft with the toe of her shoe. "Well it seems that we haven't dissuaded this guy from staying interested." Then she started to rub his eager shaft with her foot. Larry moaned from frustration as she teased him. She noticed his small thrusts meeting the strokes of her foot. "It looks like you still want a little action down there."
Larry groaned inwardly. He suspected where this was going to lead. He waited for her to speak hoping his guess about her intentions was wrong.
Priscilla continued to toy with his now throbbing shaft with her foot. "You know that you are not allowed to cum until we finish your punishment for your last transgression," she said firmly. Pausing for a moment, she continued, "Considering my schedule we won't be able to do this again for at least a week."
Larry knew that he would live in dread for that week knowing that he still had a stroke coming, but at least his buns wouldn't be so sensitive. That thought was pushed aside as his mind became increasingly aware of his throbbing penis and the resulting case of blue balls.
Her foot continued to tease his shaft. Priscilla laughed wickedly, "And you really don't want the consequences if you have an accident during that week."
Larry groaned. But he allowed her to tease him as her foot brought him closer to the brink. Actually, 'allowed' isn't the right word. He didn't have too much choice. But he didn't make an effort to resist her teases either.
"I can't last a week," he said in a low voice. He knew where she was leading him and he didn't have the will to resist her.
"A week will be over before you know it," Priscilla said cheerily as she looked down on his kneeling form.
"I need to cum," he said. "Please I can't last a week."
"Well, you know I won't even consider giving permission until you've paid your price for your last accident," she said mockingly. She continued brushing his shaft with her foot.
He knew what was required. He was still on his knees, hands in 'puppy paw' position from when he begged her not to hit him. His rear was still on fire and that seemed only to intensify his erection. He arched toward her teasing foot. "Dang," he thought. "I'm just a puppet with one fat throbbing string that she controls very effectively." With a sigh, he capitulated. "Please, Priscilla. Please deliver the last stroke."
She looked at him. "Are you sure?" She pressed her foot hard against his shaft.
He thought he might lose it there. For the first time, he withdrew from her foot as much as he could. "Yes, yes. Please. Deliver the stroke." Then sobbing from frustration he added in a hoarse whisper, "I can't wait a week."
Grinning, Priscilla grabbed the switch and slapped it against her hand. "Very well. Assume the position."
Larry started to shake. He couldn't believe he had begged to be hit again. He looked up at her face, his eyes pleading. Slowly, he lowered his hands to the ground. He bowed his head in surrender as he struggled to straighten his legs. His buns were on fire and he moaned from the pain as the skin tightened. He felt ashamed that he couldn't control his shaking and he whimpered softly as he brought up a hand to protect his genitals.
Priscilla felt an erotic rush as she had never experienced before. As she looked down on her neighbor, she could see him tremble. His pleading eyes left no doubt that he didn't want any more punishment, yet he was offering himself to her. She felt herself get moist as watched him position himself.
Looking over at her friend, Priscilla saw Natalie smiling. Both girls were surprised by Larry's choice of accepting physical punishment for the chance of orgasmic release. This not only gave them an indication of leverage they possessed in the administration of punishment and the granting of reward but, more importantly, Larry's trembling body was a graphic demonstration of acknowledging his acceptance of their control. He would not have submitted to the final swat if he anticipated breaking his promise of obtaining their permission in order to orgasm.
Priscilla walked slowly and deliberately around Larry. She savored his obvious fear and wanted the moment to last. Finally she positioned herself and held nothing back as she delivered the blow.
Larry couldn't control his trembling as he held his position. It seemed an eternity before Priscilla walked around him. As he waited, still clutching his genitals, he thought about his situation. He was chagrined that his penis was still hard. Suddenly, blinding pain encompassed him. Involuntarily, he screamed as he fell to his knees and forearms. He buried his head on his forearms, sobbing as his body shuddered from waves of pain he felt.
He didn't hear the girls walk around him until they stepped right in front of him. He lifted his head just enough see their feet through his tear filled eyes. He pulled himself forward and started kissing their shoes. He didn't know why, it just felt right.
The girls were a bit apprehensive when they saw Larry collapse after the blow. Concerned, they walked around the sobbing form hoping that he was all right. Both were surprised and felt relief when he started kissing their shoes. Priscilla finally broke the spell and reached down and grabbed Larry's hair, pulling his head up. "Up on your knees," she said quietly.
Larry looked up at the two girls as he rose up on his knees. Even through his pain, he couldn't help but admire the girls as he looked up to see them looking down at him. They looked especially beautiful from this angle. The ankle ropes still kept his feet and knees apart. He was aware that his genitals were exposed and his penis was throbbing and bobbing. He felt the urge to cover himself with his hands but he allowed his hands to drop to his sides instead.
Natalie watched as Larry rose up on his knees. She liked the way he just knelt there with his arms at his sides as if on display. For a few moments she just watched as his penis throbbed with a life of its own in stark contrast to defeated boy it was attached to. "Okay, you can jerk off now Larry," she said finally.
Larry had hoped that the girls would bring him to orgasm. He flushed as he thought about masturbating in front of them. He hesitated. Devoid of pride, he swallowed hard. "Thank you Natalie," he said. With that, balancing on his knees, he reached for his penis with both hands. Only a couple of strokes were needed to set him off. As he started to cum, he heard the girls giggling and the now familiar sound of the camera.
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