Natalie was home by herself. Her brother hadn't gotten home from school yet and her parents would be at work for a couple of hours yet. She was still upset by the outcome of the bet the other day. She had won, fair and square and yet her brother wiggled out of the ropes before she could take advantage of it and she never did get to play basketball. It just wasn't fair. The boys never let her play basketball with them. It wasn't that she really liked basketball. It was more a carryover that she was always excluded from playing the fun things her older brother always got to play.
She got up at the sound of the doorbell. She opened the door to see Larry standing at the door with a basketball under his arm.
"Hi Natalie, is Greg home?" he asked.
She shook her head. "No, he's still at school. He should be home shortly."
It seemed to her that Larry was looking at her differently than he had in the past. Nothing she could put her finger on... just a feeling.
"Oh. OK..." Larry responded. "I was just wondering if he wanted to play basketball." He turned away slowly to retrace his steps down the walkway.
Maybe it was her imagination, but she could almost sense that he was reluctant to leave. "You owe me a basketball game," she blurted.
He turned around quickly. "What?"
"You and Dan have to play basketball with me. Remember? I beat Greg at free throws and we never had time to play."
"Oh yeah," he responded as if that fact had never occurred to him. "Sure, I'll play you a game one on one."
Natalie was surprised that he agreed so readily. After all, it wasn't Larry that made and lost the bet.
"Really?" she blurted in surprise. "That's great. I hardly ever get to play."
Larry's eyes stayed on her as she closed the door behind her. She closed it while facing him, her hands behind her, showing off her slender form. He couldn't help but notice that
she was developing and wondered if she was purposely striking a pose for him. Regardless, with his fantasy of her still fresh in his mind she was having an effect on him that didn't exist a week ago.
As they crossed over to the hoop above the driveway, he blurted. "Yeah, you never did take advantage of winning that bet. Sorry we didn't tie your brother better for you."
"That's right," she said. "It is your fault I didn't collect the bet. I should get to tie you up to make things right," she continued petulantly.
At her words, she saw him turn beet red. She wondered at his reaction but before she could think about it, he quickly took a shot at the hoop as he tried to regain his composure. He grabbed the rebound and tossed the ball to her. "You get first out."
She grabbed the ball and dribbled it slowly. As she tried to go around him, she pushed past him. He found that he enjoyed even that short contact. She shot and missed and he grabbed the rebound. He dribbled backing up to get close to the basket. He could feel her as she reached around him to get the ball. He was quietly going insane with her being so close. He couldn't believe the effect she was having on him. After all, she was just a kid sister.
He took a shot, missed it and got the rebound. She jumped up reaching for the ball but had no chance as long as he held the ball above his head.
"OK," he said quietly. "It would only be fair."
Natalie blinked. She had never seen Larry act this way before. Not real different, but not the same either. Larry had changed in the last couple of days. "What do you mean?" She was confused, unsure what Larry was talking about.
Larry's ears turned red again. "You know. The bet you won with your brother. You didn't get to collect because of me." He held his breath not believing where this was leading.
Natalie thought she was misinterpreting what he was saying. She couldn't think of how to clarify without asking bluntly. "So you'll let me tie you up to make up for your mistake with my brother?"
His head was spinning as Larry was thinking about his fantasy of being tied up. If he allowed her to tie him up, she could blurt it to her brother. He was the oldest on the block and letting a little sister get the better of him would be devastating. He would never live it down. His throat got dry and he took a deep breath. "Well you did get gypped out of your bet."
Natalie couldn't believe her ears. He was a high school student and she was just in middle school. He was so much older and the thought that she could control him even for a short while sent a warm flash through her body. She loved the idea of having power over a boy. To be sure, she repeated her question. "So you'll let me tie you up?"
Larry nodded his head. "I try to make things right. You were cheated the other day."
At Larry's nod, Natalie felt a taste of power similar to the short taste she had when her brother was first tied. But this would be longer and he wouldn't get away as easily as her brother.
She smiled. "There's rope in the garage. I can tie you up where you tied up Greg for me."
In the garage, panic filled Larry as he thought about himself tied up as Greg returned home. How would he ever explain that? "Not in the garage" he protested. "Greg will be coming home any time now. We would be seen. How about in the thicket down by the creek?"
Natalie was trying to conceal her excitement at the prospect of tying up her neighbor.
"OK. Lead on. You carry the rope," she said as she handed him a couple of long lengths of rope.
Behind their houses, there was a creek where they often played, caught pollywogs, built clubhouses, and the like. Across the creek, there was a thicket that was rarely visited. Any noise generated was lost in the rippling of the water. It seemed perfect for their adventure.
Natalie was starting to get a little apprehensive about Larry's intentions. This was new territory for her. She had felt Larry has been behaving differently lately, but she wasn't aware that Larry was getting turned on by the idea of her being in control. His explanation that he just wanted to be fair seemed lame at best. Was he trying to set her up? It seemed too easy to get him to agree. She had been conned by her brother too often not to be suspicious.
They removed their shoes and waded across the shallows of the creek. At the other side, as Natalie put on her shoes, she asked Larry for his. Larry started to balk, but she insisted. "I don't want you to chicken out and run away from me at the last minute," she explained. What she didn't say, was that she could now outrun him if he turned on her. Not a foolproof plan, but it gave her a little assurance.
"I won't run off on you," he said but he handed her his shoes and socks anyway. He felt an erotic surge as he handed her his shoes. It was a small token, but there was no mistaking that he was surrendering control to her.
Natalie lagged back a bit as she watched Larry walk gingerly over the rocky ground with his bare feet. They stopped when they got to a small clearing. "Lets do this my way," she said. She still kept her distance from him. "I'm not much with knots, so I want you to tie each of your wrists to the end of a rope then throw the other ends of the ropes over that branch," indicating a strong branch a few feet over Larry's head.
Larry did as she directed and he felt his heart race as he felt her take control of the situation. The ropes hung over the branch and dangled by him. She pointed to another tree to the other side of him. "Take the loose ends over to that tree and then come back to under the branch."
She watched with amusement as he did as she directed. The space between the trees was littered with many sharp rocks and Larry had tender feet. It seemed to take him forever to get over to the other tree and back.
Laughing at his discomfort, she ran over to the loose ends of the ropes. "I didn't want you to grab me before I could secure the ropes," she said truthfully. Larry took a deep breath and tried to fight the nervousness he felt. He was strong and could still back out of this by pulling the ropes down. He rationalized that he didn't want to walk home barefooted. He didn't consciously address the fact, but the explosive orgasm he had when he had fantasized about being tied up by Natalie was still dominating his thoughts.
Before he finished the thought, Natalie pulled on one of the ropes and his arm rose above his head. She pulled as hard as she could and wrapped the rope around the tree. Without a pause, she pulled the other rope and Larry found himself helplessly strung up. Instinctively, he pulled at the ropes, but he no longer had leverage and Natalie had firmly secured them to the other tree. The feeling of helplessness sent a surge of panic through him and he struggled. As he struggled, he felt himself harden.
Natalie watched as he struggled. She now had a boy at her mercy and she was feeling excited by her new found power. Putting her hands on her hips, she strutted over in front of him. She didn't try to suppress her smug smile. She noticed the bulge in his pants and allowed herself to brazenly look down at his crotch. She felt the beginnings of erotic sensations herself but gave no outward indication of how she felt.
Larry flushed with embarrassment. Whenever he had a hard-on before, he could always sit down, turn away, or adjust some way so it wasn't so obvious. Now he could do nothing. His friend's kid sister was definitely watching and knew he was turned on. Embarrassed, he raised his eyes to the branch above and tried to will his cock to behave.
"Are you ticklish?" she asked, breaking the tension. With that, she reached over to his ribs and tickled. He normally wasn't overly ticklish, but in his exposed state, his senses were heightened and he jumped. She proceeded to tickle him and he started dancing about and then raised a leg trying to block his tormentress.
She stepped back. "Hmmm," she said. "Greg kicked at me when he was tied. I don't want to be kicked."
"I won't kick you. I promise."
"Maybe not on purpose, but you are still dancing around too much. I think I can fix that."
There was dead branch a few feet long laying near by. Natalie brought it over to where Larry was standing. She took the laces from Larry's shoes and tied one on each of his ankles. She then tied the loose end of one of the laces to the end of the branch.
"Spread your legs wide," she commanded.
Feeling compelled to do as she wished, he spread his legs apart. She pulled his free foot even further and he had to rely on the overhead ropes for balance. She tied the lace end as far as she could to the other end of the branch. His legs were now firmly spread. He worried that his hard-on was now even more noticeable .
Natalie stood back and looked at her handy work. He was indeed helpless. No amount of struggling would get him down without her help. No one would hear if he yelled for help thought she doubted he would. She knew he was embarrassed and didn't want anyone to see him like this. She again allowed her gaze to fall on his groin. She was fascinated by the bulge.
He could see the direction of her gaze. He couldn't hide his persistent hard-on and was very aware of her looking at it. He tried to shift her attention. "What are you going to do now?" he asked.
His words shook her out of her daze. "Now that you can't kick, I'm going to tickle you to death." Giggling, she ran around behind him and started to tickle.
He started laughing and wiggling uncontrollably. He couldn't wiggle away and when she wrapped her arms around him, he could feel her body press against his back and her hands continued to torment him. Gasping he started to plead "Stop. Please stop!"
Natalie ran her fingers across his stomach, feeling him twist and wiggle as he pleaded for her to stop. She couldn't believe the rush she got from having such power. She ignored his pleas long enough to let him know that she could do what she wanted before she finally relented. She kept her arms around him and pressed her body against his back as he sagged into her.
They were both breathless. She thought about the bulge she had noticed before she started tickling him. She let her hands drift lower as she thought about how it would feel.
She could feel his body stiffen as her hands slid past his belt.
Larry was out of breath. He welcomed the respite from tickling and enjoyed feeling her press against his back He became aware of her hands drifting down toward his groin. He was harder than ever and his penis was craving attention. He couldn't believe that she would dare touch him there.
She wasn't sure what to expect. He hadn't protested as her hands approached his groin and she rationalized that since she was not the one tied, she was free to do what she wanted. It seemed terribly wicked, but who would he tell? She let her hand lightly brush over the bulge then she pressed harder, feeling the outline of his penis through the material. As she pressed, she heard him make a sound, a cross between a squeal and a whimper. What surprised her was that he arched toward her touch trying to press harder into her hand.
She withdrew her hand. She giggled, "It seems I hit a nerve."
Larry's mind was in turmoil. He was embarrassed that the kid sister on the block should have him in such a predicament. He didn't know what would happen when he agreed to being tied up but it seemed like Natalie was doing everything to him that he had fantasized about. Now that it was happening, he was terrified about the ramifications.
Natalie walked around to the front of Larry. She felt the excitement throughout her body and also smug that she had her brother's friend in such a state. It was obvious that he was excited by the events. Except for some pictures, she had never seen male genitals. Could she dare to take advantage of the situation and satisfy her curiosity? His reaction to her touch seemed to invite it. She took a deep breath. "Let's take a look at that 'nerve' I hit," she said to him as she started to unbuckle his belt.
Larry was in shock. He had never been exposed to a girl in his life. Modesty was ingrained in him since he could remember. The thought of her seeing him, especially erect, sent him into shock. "NO!" he cried out desperately. He struggled with the ropes, pulling hard. His feet lifted off the ground and his feet thrashed awkwardly with the branch scraping on the ground as he twisted.
Natalie had not expected the outburst. She stepped back and watched him trying to break free. She loved seeing him struggle. For all his efforts, he couldn't wiggle free. The more he struggled, the more obvious it was that he was dependent on her for his freedom. Smiling, her eyes sparkling with excitement, she stepped on the branch and his ability to thrash about was reduced to merely twisting his body. Resolutely, she finished unbuckling the belt and unbuttoned and unzipped the jeans.
Larry was whimpering "No, oh no. Please no," as he felt her opening his jeans. His cock was straining in his jockey shorts when he felt her pull them down. He felt the cool air hit his genitals as his penis bobbed free. "Oh geeze," was all he could say. His eyes looked up to the branches above and he ceased to struggle, conceding that she was in control.
The penis was larger than Natalie had expected. She held the shorts and jeans down as far as they would go which wasn't far considering that Larry's leg were spread wide. With her other hand she touched the bobbing cock.
Larry said nothing, but a gasp escaped his lip at her touch. He felt his cock pulsing and he desperately wanted her to touch it again. The desire to cum was eclipsing any reason that he might have had. He felt her fingers tentatively trace his shaft as her fingers explored. He started thrusting toward her touch. She grasped his cock for a moment then released it.
He groaned. "Please, don't stop." He couldn't believe he said that. He had never admitted that he masturbated to anyone. Any time the subject came up with his friends, it was joked about and scorned. He tried to rationalize that asking her to touch him wasn't the same but he felt himself turn beet red at the thought of what might happen if she stroked him as he so desperately wanted her to.
Upon hearing his words, Natalie was hit with the realization that he was enjoying this, maybe even as much than she was. She hadn't had time to think about the implications, but, intuitively she now knew that she had the leverage of extending reward as well as the ability to punish.
Resting her hands on her hips, Natalie took a step back to look at him. He started to struggle against the ropes again. His pants and shorts were pulled down just enough to expose him, he was breathing rapidly, and his cock was throbbing He saw she was looking at him and he couldn't maintain eye contact, again averting his eyes upward in obvious embarrassment. "He doesn't look like he's enjoying this," she thought to herself.
"What's in it for me if I do as you ask?" she asked.
Larry was wanting to hide somewhere... anywhere. She was standing there with her hands on her hips just checking him out. He was aware that he was exposed and was throbbing obscenely in front of her. But he was at the stage where he would 'do anything' to get off.
"What do you want?" he whispered.
Natalie wasn't sure. She was surging with the excitement of having a male captive. She hadn't dared even to fantasize that her day would turn out like this. She knew she liked playing this power game. "Agree to letting me tie you up again tomorrow." she said finally.
He was relieved that she would request a repeat of today. It meant that she enjoyed herself enough to want a re-play and that she was less likely to let an indiscreet remark slip to his friends. He had never felt the erotic feelings that were encompassing him so strongly before. Despite the fact that he wanted to repeat this experience, he tried to make it sound like it was a sacrifice when he consented.
"OK. We can do this again," he said with resignation in his voice.
Natalie felt a rush as he 'capitulated.' She knew intuitively that a repeat was his desire as well. Her eyes sparkled as she decided to play out her advantage just a bit more.
"Beg me to do it," she said quietly.
"I said, beg me. If you don't beg sincerely, the deal's off."
Larry could feel the heat in his face as he flushed with embarrassment. He barely had the courage to ask her in the first place. Now she wanted him to ask... no she wanted him too beg ... for her to humiliate him.
Burning from his need, he croaked out "Please don't stop."
Natalie reached out and playfully batted at his shaft with her finger. She giggled as she watched it springing back and forth. Natalie was smirking. "I barely heard that. What exactly do you want me to do?"
He twisted in his bonds. Even he didn't know whether he was trying to escape or arch toward her playful fingers. He couldn't bring himself describe his need to her. Only a low moan escaped his lips.
Growing more bold, Natalie snapped his shaft with her finger. Larry yelped at the unexpected sting and twisted away. Natalie grabbed his shaft with her left hand stopping his twisting and she again snapped his penis, this time hitting the exposed tip.
"Ow!" he protested. "That hurts." He tried vainly to twist out of her grasp.
"Oh really?" she mocked as she snapped the tip again. "I thought you didn't want me to stop."
"Geeze!" he exclaimed as he tried to pull away. He looked down as she prepared to snap him again. "Oh no. No more!"
She giggled as she snapped the sensitive tip a third time. She released her hold and smirked at him. "Now tell me. What exactly do you want me to do."
"Let me down," he said immediately.
With eyes sparkling, she grabbed his penis and quickly snapped the tip again. "Wrong answer," she said.
Recoiling, Larry tried to twist away. "Stop that. Let me down!"
Still holding his penis tightly, she tenderly circled the head of his penis with her fingertip.
It took Larry a few moments to realize that she was caressing and not snapping. He soon settled down as the erotic feeling of what she was doing washed over him. "How does she know to do that?" he wondered as he felt himself stiffen even further in her grasp. He tried to pump into her grasp as her fingertip teased him.
She could feel his penis stiffen even more as she clenched his shaft. She giggled as she saw he was succumbing to her touch. She released her grip and ran her fingers over his swollen shaft. He was soon arching toward her, obviously trying to maximize contact with her hand.
Larry squirmed as Natalie played with him. He could feel the need to release building with each touch and found himself thrusting in response to her teasing.
Sensing that he would be a bit more malleable now, Natalie stepped back and again smirked at him. "So are you ready to tell me what you want me to do?
Larry's face flushed with frustration and shame. He couldn't believe that his friend's little sister was putting him through this. His lust eclipsed his pride. "I need to feel your hand around my cock. Please, I've got to cum," he gasped.
"Again," she taunted.
"Please, please, please. I'm begging you. All I need is your touch, a squeeze, a pinch. Whatever you want to do with it. Please play with my cock!"
Feeling smug, Natalie grabbed his penis and squeezed. She liked the rubbery feel of his shaft. Holding tightly, she yanked on it and heard Larry groan.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes," he chanted in short breaths.
She felt him tighten as she clenched his throbbing penis. Then she loosened her grasp slightly. She heard Larry grunt and felt the pulse of semen rushing through his shaft as his orgasm started. She had heard about male orgasms but the flood of semen caught her by surprise anyway. When a little of the warm fluid hit her hand, she jumped back releasing her grip entirely.
Larry was gripping the ropes tightly as he Natalie brought him to climax. His could think of nothing but the sensation in his groin. When he exploded, he felt her release her grip. He arched forward, vainly trying to regain her touch. As his semen surged, he heard himself repeating "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
He hung on the ropes for a few moments, trying to regain his breath. Sanity started to return and he started being aware of how he looked and how he had behaved.
Natalie stared at him, transfixed by the sight of him surrendering to his orgasm and then his recovery as his sanity started to return. She looked down at her hand where the first spurt of semen hit it. "Eeeew, yuck!" she exclaimed. She wiped her hand on Larry's jeans. Not being satisfied, she ran off to the creek to wash her hand.
Larry was left hanging, his composure starting to return. He struggled again with the ropes, but to no avail. He was again aware of being exposed. He tried squatting then bringing his legs up while spreading his legs further to try to get his shorts to ride up and cover him. It was to no avail as the elastic caught on his testicles. If anything, he was more exposed than when he started as his testicles were now being pushed forward by the elastic.
Natalie returned, her hands now clean. She looked over at Larry and giggled.
Trying to minimize his embarrassment, Larry spoke up. "It's about time we went home. Our parents are going to wonder where we are."
With a sigh, Natalie nodded her head. "Yeah I guess we should." She went over to where she had tied the ropes.
She looked back at Larry. He looked so helpless and docile. She wished she had a picture of him like that. She found the knots had tightened and wouldn't yield to her efforts to loosen them.
"Uh oh. I think the knots are stuck," she said.
Larry fought the panic that was building in him. "Try harder, Please!" He twisted as best he could to face her and watch as she struggled with the knots.
"I can't loosen them." The concern in her voice was real.
She walked back to him and looked at his wrists. "Your wrists are out of my reach too."
"Can you release my ankles?" he asked trying to keep his voice calm.
Natalie knelt down and tried to get the knots undone. The laces had pulled tight and she had no better luck at loosening them as she did with the ropes.
Larry looked down at the branch that held his feet apart. "Stand back, Natalie. I want to try something."
Larry grasped the ropes that held his wrists and pulled himself up. He started swinging trying to get momentum toward the tree trunk. When he felt he was lined up he thrust his legs against the trunk and the branch snapped. In his panic at being trapped, he had forgotten that he was still very exposed. He cringed as ends of the branch rebounded toward him. Though the pieces of the branch missed him, he was once again conscious of how vulnerable he was. For the first time in what seemed like hours, Larry was able to put his feet together. As soon as he did, his jeans dropped to his ankles.
Natalie started laughing at him. His cock and balls were still held out by the jockey shorts as they peeked out from under his shirt. He flushed at her laughter very conscious as to how ridiculous he looked.
"Can you pull up my pants please. We have to get serious and get me untied."
Grinning, Natalie pulled the elastic of his shorts out finally freeing his testicles, then with a giggle she let the elastic snap back hitting the tip of his penis.
"Ouch!" he protested. The snap surprised him more that it stung. He was perplexed that his penis was starting to get swell again. "Can you pull my jeans up please," he asked quickly. He was hoping to get covered before she notice his rising erection.
She noticed anyway as she pulled up his pants. With an impish smile, she pressed on his swelling penis as she zipped and buttoned his pants.
Larry stood up straight and stretched his arms. Then, with a determination fueled by desperation, he grabbed the ropes and again pulled himself off the ground. With an effort, he was able to go hand over hand to reach the overhead branch. He swung a leg over the branch impeded only slightly by the broken branch tied to his ankle. Once on the branch, he was soon able to free his wrists. His ego took a boost as he demonstrated he could free himself after all. Irrationally, in the back of his mind, he was hoping that Natalie was impressed by his prowess at being able to power his way to freedom.
Actually, Natalie was impressed by his strength. She had never thought of her neighbor as being particularly strong, but she had enjoyed watching his muscles ripple when he was pulling himself up. She liked the idea that she was able to control someone that strong. It made her want to repeat the experience all the more.
"Now that you're free, I've got to go," she yelled up to him. "Remember your promise. Meet me here the same time tomorrow." She giggled, "And don't forget the rope." Still smiling she continued. "And you can be sure that you will be tied so you can't do that swing and climb escape thing again."
Larry hesitated then nodded the affirmative. He was a bit less enthusiastic about the prospect of a repeat now than he was when he was bursting to cum. "Maybe I should bring a pocket knife in case the knots jam," he answered finally.
Natalie giggled at that. "Good idea. See you tomorrow," she called back as she trotted off.
He watched her run out of the thicket and he started wondering what he had gotten himself into. She had to know how he desperately he feared that someone would find out about what they had done. Would she use that to blackmail him? If so, what would she want of him? He was afraid to imagine.
He lowered himself to the ground and adjusted his jockey shorts that she had left half way down when she snapped the elastic. As he fastened his belt there was no denying that he was already very hard again. He knew he would be doing 'midnight pushups' tonight thinking about today.
He heard a sound from where Natalie had departed and he looked for a place to hide. He didn't know how he could explain the laces that still dangled from his ankles. He was relieved when he saw that it was Natalie returning.
"I just though of something as I was starting for home. I don't want you to have any more 'accidents' until we meet tomorrow." Her eyes were shining and she was giggling. "Understood?"
Larry just nodded his head, "Yeah," he said. "I understand." With that, Natalie darted off for home again.
During the next fifteen minutes it took him to undo the knotted ropes and his shoelaces he was thinking about their scene and the implications. She was going to use this encounter to her full advantage. The fact that she told him not to jack off illustrated that she knew she had power over him and was not shy about using it. He feared that this would be just the beginning.
As he headed off for home, he started thinking about how to tie knots that wouldn't jam.
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