Well folks, today is my wife and my 25th wedding anniversary. Last night she spent several hours tied in various postions while my two little brown subbies brought her to orgasmic exhaustion with rough and brutal hands, lips, teeth and toys.

We deeply love and trust each other and in the last 10 years or so, are totally comfortable in our BDSM activities. I offer this only because I think the the key to self actualization in this lifestyle is simply long-term trust. We had several rocky pathces early on caused by jealousy, fear of abandonment, fear of physical and emotional pain, and other concerns. Thorough communication, tenderness, tears, and working through the trails and tribulations all people face, we have come to a point where our activities seem to be the norm and expanding that box only heightens the feelings of closeness.

I stood on the deck last night as the girls slept having a fine local brew (Shinerbock) and a couple of Marlboros thinking that all was right with the world. A wave of deep satisfaction washed over me and any rages I held at bay deep within dispersed.

Today, we're off to buy her a BMW 330IX--the salesman will have prepositioned her long-desired diamond tennis braclet in the glove box. When were test driving, I'll tell her to ckeck the glovebox to see how roomy it is and the braclet will be discovered. She's a good woman and I treat her as the lady she is and the slut she wants to be when the timing is right. That's not something you learn from munches or over the internet.

All done--did not intend to be preachy nor dismiss what ever any body else has or is cultivating within their relationships--just thinking outloud virtually and offering what has worked for me--kind of proves the old adage that worthwhile things are wroth working for. The best to all hear--always a pleasure to read your thoughts and be among your worthy company.
Boxer ...gotta check my spelling first or redEva will block me