I'm telling ya folks, Texas is a wild place:
Chained woman says husband beat her earlier in the day

By Jesse Bogan
Express-News Staff Writer

Web Posted : 04/04/2003 3:33 PM

A woman who was seen Thursday with a chain locked to her neck told San Antonio police that her husband had beaten her early in the morning and tied her up.
Jerry Wayne Thomason, 41, who was charged in connection to the case with aggravated assault with serious bodily injury and unlawful restraint, remains in Bexar County Jail today in lieu of posting a $53,000 bond.

His 45-year-old wife was taken to Southeast Baptist Hospital on Thursday and was treated and released.

Her face was bruised, and she possibly suffered a broken jaw, according to the police report.

She told police that her husband at 4 a.m. hit her repeatedly and then tied her up.

Family violence detectives are following up on the incident today by speaking with neighbors, family and friends of the couple, police spokeswoman Sandy Gutierrez said.

Detectives are trying to determine whether the woman was the victim of domestic abuse and, if so, to what degree, she said.

Gutierrez said police have not searched the home of the couple and their two sons, ages 11 and 14.

A witness alerted police Thursday after seeing the 25-foot chain around the woman's neck as the couple dropped off one of their sons at a Southeast Side school, according to the report. Police said the witness asked the husband about the chain.

According to the report, he told the witness: “So she can’t get away.”

Meanwhile, Child Protective Services started a routine investigation to see how the two boys are doing, agency spokeswoman Mary Walker said.

“We do have some concerns about these children,” she said. “We are trying to determine if the children were present during any of this.”

