BDSM Library - The Tribe

The Tribe

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A tribe of sadistic women cannibals living on a small south sea island capture and enslave men who are tortured and sexually abused before becoming meat.


By C

Part I

Total confusion was the only way to describe Toms bewildered mind as he regained consciousness. The last thing he remembered was anticipating the exciting prospect of sleeping with a young and beautiful Polynesian woman that, after getting her intoxicated at a bar in a plush resort on Fiji Island, had taken to his room. Sex was only thing on his mind as she seductively mixed a drink and handed it to him. He recalled  starting to feel dizzy after drinking it and then nothing else until groggily waking up finding himself unable to either see, speak, or move due to being blindfolded, gagged, and tied hand and foot.  A rocking motion and the rhythmic splash of paddles made it obvious that he was in some type of water craft and the feel of a cool breeze made it equally obvious that he was naked. And, to make maters worse, the mummer of female voices left little doubt that at least some of his captors were women which served to add acute embarrassment to his confused state.

It seemed as if they had traveled for hours when the deep resonating sound of a horn being blown came from the rear of the craft that was answered by a similar sound some distance away. He then became aware of the roar of waves crashing in a surf which became increasingly louder. The speed of the paddles suddenly increased, and he felt the craft accelerate as it caught the crest of a wave before coming to a crunching stop when grounding on a sandy beach.

Tom felt the bonds on his feet being cut, and then hands grabbing his arms and pulling him to his feet. It was at this point that his blindfold and gag were removed. His view, however, was limited since it had become quite dark. The only illumination was a few torches on poles stuck in the sandy beach and others beyond that seemed to mark a trail disappearing in thick undergrowth beneath tall coconut trees. His view, however, was not limited to such an extent that keep him from seeing a group of women, all dressed in sarong type native attire, waiting on the beach. The torch light was also sufficient to enable him, when glancing around, to see that that he was in a large outrigger canoe whose crew were also women that were dressed like those on the beach. He could also see that he was not the only captive. There were many other men too numerous to count in the confines of the canoe who, like he, were naked with hands tied behind their backs. The number of captives significant outnumbered the crew, but with their hands tied, there was little they to do. In any event, the disproportion in numbers ceased when the women on the beach started climbing into the craft.

A woman came up, grabbed one of his arms, and said in a stern authoritative voice, “Come on Tom, lets get moving, we dont have all night.” In hearing his name, he looked at the woman and recognized her as being the one he had tried to seduce although she no longer wore a tight fitting cocktail dress or talked in a shy tone.  He then realized her vulnerable little girl manner had been nothing but an act to keep him off guard and become an unsuspecting victim of being drugged and kidnapped. But for what purpose?  He had no idea and could do nothing but do as she said and get out of the canoe.

In being the first, he was able to watch others that followed. Each man was being held by a woman, many of which offered little in the way of having sex appeal. But this didnt apply to the members of the crew who were all young and extremely attractive which caused him to wonder if the same rouse had been used for the others. He counted the men as they left the craft and was surprised to see that, including himself, sixty had been taken captive.  But this brought a glimmer of hope. Surely, the disappearance of such a large number would lead to a massive search being conducted.

Is your name really Lisa,” Tom asked a sort time later as they walked along the torch lit path. “Oh, yes,” she replied in a cheerful tone. “I hope you realize that that you will never get away with this,” he said. “When this many men suddenly show up missing, it will create such turmoil that not only will a massive search be instigated, but will continue until we are located.”  “I hate to disappoint you, but that will never happen. In fact, the large number plays in our favor. The governments of Fiji and other islands that rely heavily on tourism have no desire to let it be know that a large number of men occasionally disappear without leaving a trace.” Youve done this before?” Tom asked while feeling a chill pass through him. “Oh yes, our tribe has been doing this on a regular basis for over a hundred years,” Lisa replied. “For your information, the disappearances are being blamed on an underground slave-trade organization that, for some reason, targets men instead of women. This is true, to some extent, but we dont deal in trade. And where would they look when it is assumed that the men could have been flown anywhere in the world by the time they were missed?  Surely, it would not occur to them to search small deserted islands which, due to our village being well concealed, our island has an outward appearance of being no different than countless others. And it is indeed small. We are nothing but a tiny dot in a massive ocean. The only native animals of any size are a small number of wild pigs which we do not bother, and they do the same for us. We keep a small herd of domesticated hogs for another purpose but not for ourselves. Its for this reason that its necessary for us being forced to rely on our meat being ugh.., imported.

The disappoint Tom felt from having his hopes dashed was of such magnitude that he failed to pick up on anything being implied by Lisas last remark, and he looked at her in dismay when she started laughing. “Whats so funny?” He asked. “Oh, I was just thinking about how stupid men are. We call these trips hunting expeditions even though the term hardly applies. Hunting suggest pursuing a quarry that presents somewhat of a challenge, but when it comes to capturing men, there is no challenge whatsoever.  You are all alike in that whenever the prospect of getting some pussy from an attractive women comes along, your brain shuts down and you start thinking with this instead,” Lisa said as she reached down and grabbed Toms penis.

The act caused Tom to feel a wave of chagrin in realizing, as far as he was concerned, the ease in which her remarks had proven to be true. The only thing he had indeed been thinking about was getting her in his bed. They waked in silence for awhile and then he asked, “what are you going to do with us?” “Were almost at our village so all of you will soon find out what youre eventual fate, in one way ]or another, will be. But until then, if you make it through tomorrow, you become my personal slave. Youll just have to wait to find out what this entails.” 

Tom asked nothing else as a feeling of dispirited hopelessness came over him. They soon entered a village that, with the exception of what appeared to be a large ceremonial building, consisted primarily of individual huts with a few that were larger. The scene would have been quite picturesque if it were not for the fact that a human scull was attached over each doorway along with others on the tops of bamboo post about four feet high that alternated with others holding flaming torches. Tom could only shiver with the dread of what may lay ahead as he and the others were led to an area where a woman wearing a plumed headdress sat on a raised platform in a throne-like chair. “Thats the high priestess,” Lisa whispered in a respectful tone. “I strongly advise paying close attention to what she says.”

The high priestess waited until the men were standing before her and then called out in a loud voice. “From this moment, you are nothing more than slaves to do our bidding in whatever way we desire. Any reluctance to do anything being asked of you will be dealt with severity. You are about to be shown an example of what happens to a slave that causes us displeasure so heed my warning. It will not be repeated.”

Tom and his fellow captives were then led to a length of raised wooden seating resembling a small grandstand. All of the rows were filled with women of varying ages except for the first two which apparently were being saved for the new arrivals.  This proved to be the case when the men were led to the first row and, after being seated, their captors occupied the row behind them. They were facing a large bed of glowing coals surrounded by a circle of smooth stones. Two sturdy steel post with a V shape at each top stood opposite each other outside of the stone circle. A heavy wooden table with a dark stained surface stood between the fire and onlookers. But there was something else of the tables surface. A naked man lying on his back in a spread-eagle position was tied securely to each corner. A small iron pot filled with red hot coals sat between his legs that had a number of steel rods with wooden handles stuck into the glowing embers.  Lisa leaned over Toms shoulder and said, “What you are about to see could very well be what happens to you if you become my slave and hesitate to obey a command.” “What do you mean by if? Do I have a choice?” Tom asked. Lisa uttered a short laugh. ”Your only choice is how careful you choose to be tomorrow. Dont you remember me saying you will become my slave if youre still around tomorrow afternoon.” “What does that mean? What happens tomorrow?” He asked while wondering if he really wanted to know. “Oh, I dont want to spoil the suspense,” she said, “but I can assure you the name for tomorrows event is far more applicable than for the expedition we just concluded.”

Lisa then changed the subject and asked, “Have you noticed anything about that slave thats different from yourself?” “I havent paid much attention to him beyond noticing him being tied in an extremely humiliating position,” Tom replied. Whats different about him?” He asked while glancing at the helpless man. “You havent noticed that his bush is missing?” she asked while uttering a giggle.” Bush?” he asked, but then, when looking closer, he saw that the not only was the mans pubic void of hair, but that, with exception of his head, his entire body had was clean shaven.” Are you going to shave all of us like that?” He asked. “Thats up to a slaves owner, but I only do it when their time comes. Now stop asking questions and watch what happens to a slave that angered his mistress.”

Tom looked and a cold chill went through him when seeing a women walking toward the table. In addition to her native garb, she was wearing a large apron, but it was not this that had caused the chill. It was a large knife she carried whose bright blade reflected the light of nearby torches. The helpless man started to whimper when he saw the women, but then stopped in meek obedience when she yelled at him to be quiet. But his silence did not last long, and Tom could only gape in horror and disbelief when the man started screaming as the woman used the knife to almost nonchalantly slice open his abdomen. His screams became shrill shrieks when she reached in and started pulling out his intestines. The screams only increased as she then cut out his stomach, bladder, kidneys, liver, and other internal organs while pulling glowing, red hot, steel rods from the iron pot and using them to cauterize severed arteries and veins to keep him from loosing an excessive amount of blood.

In spite of feeling nauseous, Tom watched grisly activity with spellbinding fascination. When the woman stepped back, he was aware that she had left the heart and lungs intact, but he did not know she had also not removed the prostrate and seminal vesicle from the pelvic cavity. Up to this point, Tom had assumed the sole purpose was a sadistic desire to inflict extreme torture. It was for this reason that he was taken somewhat by surprise when two women came up carrying a heavy steel pipe and stuck a pointed end between the screaming mans widespread legs and into his empty abdomen. The woman that had disemboweled him then stepped up and, while being careful to not puncture the still beating heart or expanding and contracting lungs, she guided the pointed end into the severed esophagus while another woman tilted his head back. The screams came to a sudden end, and the mans eyes opened wide as the pipe entered his throat, emerged from his mouth, and continued for several feet. The pointed end was then unscrewed which enabled the man to breathe through perforations that had been drilled in the pipe. The opening also enabled moans being heard. Lisa leaned over and said to a woman sitting next to her, “I always get extremely turned on when hearing them scream when being gutted. I thought this one was particularly exciting. My nipples are engorged and my pussy is positively flowing.” “Youre not the only one in that condition,” the other woman replied with a laugh, “and the best is yet to come.” “Youve got that right,” Lisa said in a merry tone.       

Tom could only shudder when overhearing Lisas remarks being uttered in such an uncaring and amusing manner while realizing that he must make every attempt to keep from running afoul of this cold blooded woman. It was only then that it dawned upon him of what might lay ahead.  His suspicions increased when two women cut the ropes tied to the mans feet and pierced his ankles with the sharp points of an attached crossbar that resulted in hearing a noticeable increase in the volume of continuing moans. The women took a longer pointed bar and stuck it though one hip and out the other which once again resulted in louder moans being heard. A clamp was used to firmly attach the bar to the pipe. The mans hands were then cut free, but in his weakened state, his arms hung limp as the pipe was lifted to turn him over so that his hands could be tied behind his back. Any question Tom might have had as to whether or not the intended purpose of the pipe was to be that of a spit ended when, in spite of what he had already witnessed, he gaped in stunned disbelief as each end was lifted and it and its impaled but still living victim were lifted over the glowing coals where the ends were dropped in the Vs of the upright posts.

The mans ability to move was severely limited, but not to an extent that it kept him from jerking and struggling as simmering visible waves around his body gave clear evidence of being engulfed by extreme heat. In addition, the tone of his moans changed into what could only be described as muffled shrieks. He was obviously suffering excruciating agony, and a wave of disgust swept over Tom when he heard Lisa and other women laughing behind him. He shook his head in dismay in trying to contemplate women being capable of enjoying extreme sadistic cruelty to such an extent that, if not being witnessed, he would have thought impossible especially for women.

A woman attached a crank-like handle to the spit. When this had been accomplished, a large muscular naked man came into view, He walked with lowered head, grasped the handle, and obediently started slowly turning it.  When the naked body began  revolving, Tom felt a wave of embarrassed chagrin when seeing what, to him, is an extremely humiliating and degrading activity taking place between the victims spread legs if full view of a large group of amused women spectators. The limp penis and bulging scrotum hang over a thigh  as his body turns on its side, then dangle like pendulums as he revolves on his stomach before passing from view. They reappear when he revolves on his back, and the testicles can be seen moving within his scrotum as it slides from one thigh and to the other. His penis suddenly flops from one side to the other as his body continues to turn, and the cycle is repeated again and again.

Time passes and, although the jerking struggles and muffled shrieks begin to subside to some extent, it is obvious that the man continues to suffer extreme pain. Tom finds it hard to see how the poor guy could still be alive, but such is indeed true and remains the case even when the body starts to turn brown with juices beginning to appear along with getting whiffs of the aroma of roasting flesh. It is only at this point that the weak struggles gradually subside and then stop along with any sound being heard. Tom feels somewhat relieved in seeing that death has finally ended the mans extreme and prolonged suffering. His eyes remain open, however, which give an eerie impression of being awake yet oblivious to the intense heat surrounding him. Death had no effect on the humiliating activity of the mans sex organs, but, due to the length of time that it had been taking place, Toms embarrassment had subsided to some degree. It returned full blown, however, when he noticed the penis starting to grow with its movement becoming increasingly heavier. He could feel his cheeks burning when the growth continued until the shaft was curving outward from becoming semi-erect with juices running from a partially open hole at the tip of the flared head.

The increasing sound of feminine giggling and laughter serves to increase Toms growing chagrin which soon becomes mortification as he gapes with dumfounded disbelief in seeing the penis continue to swell until becoming rigid and swollen in an erection far exceeding anything that could have been achieved in a normal manner. The strutted ridge around the engorged head stands out in vivid detail to an extent of appearing to be on the verge of splitting. The hole gapes open and what had been a steady stream of juices running out was now bubbling and sputtering with steam spewing out and making it obvious of being caused by extremely hot internal pressure that, for some reason, in spite of Toms stunned and embarrassed state, reminded him of a spout on a kettle that was boiling over. The erection has caused the scrotum to draw tight around the testicles, and clearly outline their oval shapes. Tom failed to notice the bubbling and sputtering juices becoming milky in color, but he is startled a moment later when the rigid penis gives a sudden jerk, as a thick stream of semen erupts from the strutted head with such force that it lands on the mans chest.

A loud, spontaneous cheer makes it obvious that the women had been anticipating just such an occurrence. It does not take long for pressure within the internal male reproductive glands to build and cause another stream to squirt out with almost equal force. The spewing jets continue while being accompanied by women laughing and giggling that does not stop even after the humiliating spectacle finally comes to an end. Other sounds, however, can also be heard as one woman after another, including Lisa, cries out in uttering the distinctive sound of a woman experiencing an orgasm. It was of an extent that made it obvious that, for a great many, amusement was not the only emotion that had been aroused.

The spectacle had been the most embarrassing and humiliating thing Tom had ever seen. It made a complete mockery out of what men, throughout the ages, have placed an immense pride the ability to become erect and forcefully eject their potent, male fluid. He can only shake his head in dismay in realizing that these women have found a way to turn this proud ability into being nothing more than a highly amusing and degrading display.

With a start, Tom realizes that he has been staring, almost hypnotically, at the demeaning performance the mans rigid penis had been putting on in front of a group of laughing and sexually aroused women. He looks at the revolving body and sees that it has turned golden brown and is wet from cooked juices that glisten from reflecting the reddish light of glowing coals. Drops falling off make sizzling sounds as they hit the glowing embers which causes smoke to billow and swirl which, undoubtedly, will instill a smoked flavor to the mans flesh that is now emitting a strong aroma of roasting meat which, much to Toms surprise, is the most pleasing he had ever smelled. A wave of self-reproach suddenly passes through him when he realizes that not only is he enjoying the aroma of a mans roasting body, but his mouth had actually begun to water, and he is beginning to experience pangs of hunger. He tries to divert his attention, but this proves to be unsuccessful as he finds himself unable to take his gaze from the unbelievable sight of the revolving body of a human male being roasted over glowing coals in a cheerful atmosphere as though he were nothing more than a pig or side of beef.

A woman holding a long handled fork tells the man turning the crank to stop and, when he quickly obeys, she steps up and sticks the twin tines of the fork deep into a golden brown rounded rump. Clear juices flow from the two punctures when the fork is removed and applause breaks out when the woman calls out that roast is ready.

It is a stunned and subdued group of men, including Tom, that follow a group of women that are proudly carrying the spitted body which continued to emit a strong aroma of roasted meat. They soon arrived at a cleared area containing numerous picnic style tables along with flaming torches alternating with posts holding human sculls. The mans wet, golden brown body reflected the reddish glow of torch light as he was placed on a wooden table. When the spit was pulled out, wisps of steam could be seen coming from his nose and mouth. His open eyes continued to give an eerie impression of being awake.

The captives were instructed to stand to one side as the women started taking their seats at the tables. Although continuing to feel hunger, Tom was relieved in seeing that he was being excluded from the meal. He didnt know what his reaction would have been if given human male flesh to eat, but one thing he was sure of was that he had no desire to find out. When all were seated, a woman carrying a carving knife stepped up to the mans body, grasped his scrotum and still erect penis, quickly cut them off,  placed them in a wooden bowl, and handed it to a young woman whose face glowed with excited anticipation. Tom was unable to keep from watching the young woman as she walked to a nearby table. Until now, he had assumed the sex organs had been left on solely for the womens enjoyment and amusement. It was only at this moment that he realized they were actually going to be eaten. He had heard of animal testicles being eaten but nothing about a penis which surely must be extremely tough and tasteless. He contained to look when, after sitting down, the woman picked up the penis by the shaft as though holding a drumstick and bit into one side of the bulging scrotum. Tom felt his testicles draw up as though seeking protection, but this didnt keep him from being surprised at the look of pleasure that came on her face as she chewed and swallowed before taking another bite. This surprise, however, was nothing to what he felt when, after the skin sac and its contents had been consumed, he watched her take a bite from the root with such ease that it was obviously extremely tender. But his greatest surprise came when seeing an expression come on her face that could only be described as pure delight. Juices ran from the corners of her mouth as she eagerly continued up the shaft until only the strutted head remained, which she held  up, looked at as though examining ever detail, slipped it in her mouth, and slowly began to chew. An almost unbelievable look came on her face that reflected experiencing extreme bliss to such extent to make it obvious she was enjoying a supreme delicacy.

In addition to being surprised when seeing that, instead of being tough and tasteless, a roasted human penis was, in fact, quite obviously extremely tender and delicious, Tom felt a feeling of dejection. When seeing all that had happened as the body rotated over the fire, he thought he had witnessed the ultimate humiliation of a mans sex organs that could possibly be caused by women, but he now realized that it didnt compare to what he had just seen. It didnt matter that there were no women laughing and cheering as they had done before. Tom knew that he had just witnessed what was truly the most ultimate of humiliation being subjected to a mans penis and testicles. The simple act of being eaten by a woman and, in so doing, forcing these most male of all organs to succumb to being transformed into becoming the flesh of her female body was the most degrading thing possible for that which was the very essence of identifying being male could be forced to suffer.

It was only gradually that Toms dejected mood subsided, and he once again took notice of what was taking place. The other women, using only their hands, were eating chunks of the mans roasted flesh in a manner that indicated also being tender and delicious although not to the extent as had been displayed by the one when eating his sex organs. There was very little left of the body other than bones when the meal was finished, and the women started getting up from the tables. Lisa and the others that had taken part in the abductions came over and, one again, took charge of their captives.

“Well, I hope you learned a suitable lesson by seeing what happens to a slave that displeases his mistress.” Lisa said as she walked beside Tom while holding an arm that was still tied behind his back. In having become genuinely afraid of this woman, Tom said that he had indeed learned a lesson with a sincerity he truly felt.  When he saw she appeared satisfied with his reply he asked, “Who was the woman that ate the guys cock and balls?” “That was his mistress,” she replied, “a mistress always has the privilege of eating her slaves cock and balls when the time comes to put him down.”  “I would have thought this part of a mans body wouldnt be very eatable but, apparently, thats not the case,” he said.  “Thats an understatement if Ive ever heard one, Lisa said with a laugh, “a mans cock and balls are truly the most fantastic delicacies that can possibly be imagined. Its a good thing for men that women in the outside world havent discovered how utterly delicious these morsels truly are because, if they ever do, they will surely find a way for them to be sold in meat markets.”

Tom hesitated and then asked, “am I going to be spited and roasted alive and like that guy? Is that whats going to happen to me?” Lisa looked at him sternly and said, “Look Tom, you might as well accept that sooner or later youre ultimate destiny is to become meat. But its up to you how its done. When the time comes, most slaves are put down quickly. Its only the ones that cause displeasure that are roasted alive, so keep this in mind.” “What determines when the time comes,” Tom asked in feeling a sick feeling of dread in his stomach. “Oh, its nothing definite,” Lisa said. “If a mistress finds a slave to be particularly pleasing it will be later than one she grows tired of even though he might have been extremely obedient. But all slaves will evenly become meat so, as I said, you might as will accept it. The only choice you have in the matter is if its done quickly or by being roasted alive so keep that in mind. ”

Tom asked nothing else as he continued to have a feeling of dread. They soon came to a high enclosure with a heavy wooden gate and walls made from pointed coconut logs. “This is where all of you will stay tonight, Lisa said. Your hands will be untied, but I warn you to not even think about trying to get out. Our island is small and there is no way you can escape. We have dogs that can easily track you so, unless youre anxious to be roasted alive, you will be here when we come in the morning.

Once inside, the mens hands were untied and the women left closing the heavy gate behind them. The captives found wooded bowls of coconut meat and fresh water awaiting them which, in not having eaten anything the entire day, were quickly consumed. In being too stunned to try and carry on conservations, most sat numbly and gazed into space. Tom did the same until one of the men came up to him and said, “Hello Tom, I see they got you also.” Tom looked up and recognized the man as being someone he had met in the hotel bar the previous night.” Hi Frank, he said. Its hard to believe I could have gotten into such a hopeless, ungodly mess from simply trying to get a piece of tail.” “It was the same with me,” Frank replied sadly. “I still cant believe what those bitches did to that poor guy.” Mike looked around uneasily and said in a low voice, “I cant either, but I would be careful about how you refer to them if you dont want to suffer the same fate.”

Franks face grew pale as he also looked around. “Youre right,” he said, “I need to be more careful.” Tom noticed some of the men lying down and said, “I dont know whats going to happen tomorrow, but I have been given the impression that the more rested we are the better our chances will be to make it through whatever it might be. Lets try and get some sleep.” Frank nodded and they both lay down. Tom, however, couldnt get the image of a spitted naked man revolving over glowing coals out of his mind, and he lay awake for a long time before finally drifting into a troubled sleep.

The sun was just coming up when Tom and the other captives were awakened. The witnessing of what could happen to a man that had done something to displease these unbelievably cruel women had made a sufficient impression that none had been tempted to try and escape. After being given another meal of coconut meat and water, they were taken once again to the high priestess who addressed them while sitting in her throne-like chair.  “I trust what you saw last night provided a sufficient lesson to insure that you obey anything we say. Today, you will be tested to determine which of you has at least some degree of skill and fortitude. You are going to be taken into the forest and given time to find places of concealment. A horn will be blown signifying the beginning of you being hunted by women carrying bows and arrows. Each of these women, by the way, are highly skilled archers. This evening, another horn will be sounded that will signify the hunt being ended, and those of you that survive will return. I warn you to not think of this being an opportunity of trying to escape. Any that fail to return will be tracked and, when captured, will suffer the same fate as what you witnessed last night. You will do well to keep this in mind.”

When the captives were being led into the forest, Lisa came up to Tom and waked beside him. “Are you one of the hunters?” He asked in seeing that she had a bow slung over one shoulder along with a quiver of arrows.  “Yes indeed,” she said cheerfully. “Hunting naked men is the ultimate prey for a woman. I cant begin to describe how exciting it is to bring one of you down.” Tom started to say that he would have to take her word for this but, in not knowing what her reaction might be, decided against it. Instead, he asked, “If you get the chance to bring me down, would you do it even though it would mean me not becoming your slave. “Oh yes, I wouldnt hesitate. It would only mean you not becoming my slave, but I would pick another from those who survive that havent already been chosen by a member of the expedition. In the event that one of out selections is killed, we always get first choice from those that remain before they are assigned to members of the tribe that no longer have a slave. But even it did mean me not having a slave at all a month or so, it wouldnt begin to compare to the thrill of making a kill so I still wouldnt hesitate. Well, I have to leave and go to the hunter assembly area.” Lisa walked away and gave a cheerful wave before disappearing in the trees.

Tom, along with the other captives were led deeper in the woods, until being stopped and instructed to find hiding places before the horn sounded. The men looked at each other with uncertainty after the guides departed.  “Wed better get moving,” Tom said in taking the imitative, “the more spread out we are will increase the difficulty of being found. And make sure that you split up. Spotting someone hiding alone is a lot harder than two or thee being together. When you find a place to hide, make sure that you dont disturb anything that might draw attention.”

Toms authoritative tone had a calming effect on the men, and they started off in different directions. When younger, Tom had been a member of the Boy Scouts and, ever since, had enjoyed hiking and camping. He put his hiking and woodland skills to good use and was soon able to distance himself and, when making sure that he was alone, started looking for a suitable hiding place. He passed on several that, although offering excellent concealment, he decided might be too obvious. It was when he was looking under some thick underbrush that he noticed a well concealed shallow depression that was deep enough to prevent him from being seen by someone glancing under the foliage, and when looking over the edge, he would be able to see anyone approaching in plenty of time to lower his head and lay as flat as possible. He had just crawled into it while being careful keep from breaking branches or leaving scuff marks when he heard the horn being sounded.

When getting in position, he was pleased to discover that, in addition to being an excellent hiding place, the depression was quite comfortable which was no small factor since he would have to lie there all day. He was just getting settled when he heard someone approaching and, when peeping over the edge, saw one of his fellow captives looking around anxiously before making a hasty decision and crawled into some underbrush that provided only marginal concealment. Tom swore under his breath at this turn of events. He had gone to great length to be alone and now this fellow comes blundering along and could very well spoil everything. But there was nothing he could do at this point but stay where he was and hope for the best.

Tom was starting to relax when nothing out of the ordinary had been seen or heard as midday approached. But his ears perked up when he heard a rustling sound that seemed to be coming in his direction. He held his breath when there was little doubt that whatever was making the sound was definitely getting closer. It was at this point that the other man panicked and broke cover. He had run only a short distance, however, when an arrow suddenly plunged into chest. A stunned look came on his face as he stood for a moment and then fell backward. Tom had been surprised by the sudden turn of events, but it was nothing to the surprise he felt when seeing the mans body suddenly starting to jerk in violent spasms of such extent that they caused his flaccid penis and scrotum to flop and jounce about in wild abandon for what seemed to be considerable time before gradually subsiding.

Tom held his breath but continued to peek over the edge as he saw two women walk up and look at the sprawled body. One of the women then said, “Nice shot Mary, I dont know if Ive ever seen a cleaner kill. He must have been dead before he hit the ground to have cased such intense spasms. They sure did make his cock and balls to put on quite a show, didnt they?” “You can say that again Jane,” the other woman said, “I wonder what spooked him?” They then started laughing when a small wild pig came briefly into view before disappearing in the underbrush. When the merriment subsided, one of the women reached between the mans legs and hefted his penis and scrotum in her palm. “My, My, look at the size,” she said in an approving tone, “dont forget about us agreeing that if one of us makes a kill we would share his cock and balls.” “I havent forgotten,” her companion replied, “but forget about your stomach for the time being, and lets find something to use for pole to carry this joker out with.” Tom ducked down when hearing this and thinking of the potential danger being posed by these women searching for a tree branch or something. He remained hiding when hearing a chopping sound that was followed by some type of activity taking place near the body.  When he finally got the nerve to look once again he saw the women leaving while carrying the trunk of a small tree on their shoulders from which hung, by tied hands and feet, the mans lifeless body as though he were some type of wild game. His blank gaze gave the appearance of looking at Tom as his head swung back and forth before passing from view. 

Even though Tom had escaped being detected, he couldnt help from having an uneasy feeling. The two women were obviously very skilled hunters. In spite of listening intently for the slightest sound, he had been completely unaware of them approaching extremely close and were prepared to act within moments of the man showing himself. In looking back, Mike realized that, the way things turned out, it was fortune that the man had hidden nearby which resulted in him drawing all of the attention. If he had not showed up at the last moment, Tom realized that it might very well be his lifeless body hanging from that pole. There was one thing, however, of which he was certain. He would not make the mistake of underestimating the hunting ability of any the others. If they were as skilled as had been these two, he would have to be extremely vigilant for the remainder of the day.

The remainder of the day, however, turned out to be uneventful. Tom had seen no other activity when he heard a horn being sounded signaling the hunt coming to an end. It was with a feeling of relief that he started walking back in the direction he had come earlier in the day. The thought of trying to remain in the woods at try to escape being detected never crossed his mind.


By C

Part II

It was an unbelievably bizarre scene that greeted Tom when he left the woods and entered a cleared area except for a few trees. In some respect, it could be said to resemble what could be seen at a deer camp after the conclusion of a successful hunt with numerous deer carcasses hanging from tree limbs were being field dressed by happy hunters. But these numerous carcasses hanging from tree limbs were not those of deer. These numerous carcasses were those of naked human males hanging by their feet, cut open down the middle, and having internal organs being pulled out by happy hunters that were women.

At first, all Tom could do was stare in astonished disbelief at what, with the possible exception of the previous night, was the most astonishing thing he had ever encountered which, even though having already known who the quarry had been, did nothing to prepare him for being suddenly confronted by such a strange and hard to envision sight. It was only gradually that he was able to calm down and start to take notice of the activity and saw that sixteen of the men that walked with him this morning now hung lifeless and appearing to gaze uncaringly ahead as their bodies were being gutted by women who were obviously in high spirits. As he looked around, he recognized the two hunters he had seen earlier along with man they had slain, carried from the woods, and hung upside down like the others. One of the women appeared to be paying particular attention to the intimate details of the underside of his penis and scrotum that dangled conveniently at eye level.

It was several minutes later that Tom saw Lisa in the distance pulling internal organs from a mans body. He remembered her saying he would be her slave if he survived and, as hard it was to accept, that is what he had now become. He decided it would be better to go over that to risk being subjected to her ire possibly being caused if she had to go looking for him. It made him feel strange when going by naked mens lifeless field dressed bodies as he walked toward Lisa who was now playing with the limp and dangling manhood of her victim. When seeing him approach, she smiled and stood beside the body while reaching around a thigh and resting her hand on the scrotum as though posing for a picture. “What do you think of my kill,” she called out cheerfully as he came up to her. “I knew you had survived when I saw that you were not among those hanging out there.”

Tom, however, did not reply as a strange feeling went through him when recognizing the body being Frank who was far different from the man he had not only talked with in the enclosure but who he had sat with in a bar an laughed with while swapping dirty jokes and sipping mixed drinks. But now, his ribs and backbone were visible inside his empty body cavity, his tongue lolled limply from his partially open mouth, his face had a stunned, vacant expression whose open eyes gazed unseeingly into the distance, his limp penis and scrotum hung down in a degrading manner from between his spread legs, and his lungs, heart, stomach, intestines, and other internal organs lay beneath him on the ground.

Lisas cheerful manner suddenly changed when she glared at Tom and said, “What are you gaping at slave? Didnt you hear me talking to you? The angry tone cased a wave of panic to pass through Tom which brought him back to reality. “I.., Im sorry,” he stammered, “He and I were staying in the same hotel. We met in the bar and had some drinks together. Its just that I found it being strange in looking at him when hes like this and realizing he had been someone I knew.”  Lisa looked at Franks face and said, “I thought he looked familiar. He was sitting with you at the bar when I were sizing you two up and decided on you being the one I would allow to persuade me to go to your room after pretending to be drunk. I waited until he left and then made my move. He must have come back into the bar later and was taken by another member of our group. Its a small world, isnt it? But it looks like I made the right choice. Hes dead and you managed to survive. Youre first duty as my slave is to carry youre friends carcass back to the village.”

A short time later, Lisa walked beside Tom as he carried the limp body toward the village. He couldnt help felling strange at having the naked and gutted body of a man that he had not only had known, but had talked with the night before, being draped over a shoulder in a manner that caused Franks lifeless face to continually slap Toms bare buttocks, as his head swung limply back and forth while keeping time with Toms pace.

In spite of the circumstances, Tom asked Lisa a question of something he had been wondering about. “Er…, Im curious about something,” he said. “How did you manage to get me out of the hotel. “It was simple,” Lisa said with a laugh, “no one in a large hotel pays any attention to a maid pushing a laundry cart pilled high with linen . In fact, I got three of you out that way at the same time. The first was lying unconscious in his room with a do not disturb sign on the door during the time I was with you. And it was the same with you when I went back to the bar and selected the third. When he was also unconscious, I put on a maids outfit, got a laundry cart, went to each of your rooms, to be stripped, dumped in the cart, and then covered with sheets taken from the beds. You and two other naked men were lying with each other when I pushed the cart to the loading dock and into a waiting truck. It might interest you to know that the reason for me selecting you to be my slave was because you were better hung.” If the last remark had been intended to be a complement, it had had no effect on Tom, and he shook his head in dismay at the remarkable ease he and two other men had allowed themselves to have been kidnapped by this young and very attractive woman. 

When they reached the village Tom saw women and naked men that were obviously slaves doing various tasks as Lisa led him toward a large hut. He couldnt help but notice that not only did none of the men pay any attention to him and his lifeless burden, but all appeared to be extremely docile. When entering the hut, he saw six heavy wooden tables with dark stained surfaces and a group of women wearing aprons. Each table had a meat clever, a saw, and knives of different size hanging by the handles from hooks attached to the wooden sides. Two of the tables had naked bodies laying on them that were in the process of being dismembered. A chill went through Tom when he saw a woman nonchalantly swing a meat cleaver and cut off a mans head.

Lisa instructed Tom to dump Franks body on an empty table and put him in a spread-eagle position. A strange feeling of strange unreality went through him as he performed this task. One of the women wearing an apron came up, looked approving at Franks body, and congratulated Lisa on having made a fine kill. She then reached down, hefted his penis and scrotum, and said, “I assume you want the usual done with these.” “Oh yes” Lisa replied, “along with his head off course.” “I hear we have a lot more being brought in”, the woman said. Lisa looked at the three bodies and replied, “We took sixteen in all so that means there are thirteen that should be on the way by now. It looks like youre going to be busy for awhile.” “Thats true, we can butcher a few today and will be busy tomorrow morning, but then, well get a break from not having to put down any slaves for a few days. Besides, when youve done it enough times, its not all that difficult to take them apart.” “Yes I know,” Lisa interrupted, “its when trying to put one back together that can be a real pain. That jokes so old that it suffers from rheumatism.” They both laughed as the other woman looked at Tom in an apprising manner and then, while staring boldly at his crotch, said, “your new slave is well built and has a nice package, I wouldnt mind taking him apart.” “Well, if he can keep from being live roasted, I think that can be arranged. When his time comes, Ill request you being the one to put him down.” “Thanks, Lisa, “Ill look forward to seeing him again.” To say that Tom had a sick feeling of dread when hearing these women casually discussing him being killed and butchered while showing no concern, whatsoever, that he was standing next to them would be an extreme understatement.

As Lisa and Tom were leaving the hut, he heard a thump and looked back to the see the eerie sight of the woman holding Franks severed head up by his hair in one hand a bloody meat cleaver in the other. Thats where we keep our fresh meat,” Lisa said as they walked by a large mound of earth that had a heavy wooden door in the center. “It stays cool enough inside to enable lasting over a week without spoiling.” In spite of what Tom had seen, he found it hard to believe hearing her talking in a nonchalant manner as though talking about storing meat from some type of livestock instead of that of human males.

“This is my hut, Lisa said as they approached her dwelling. In noticing a scull over the doorway Tom asked, “Does that have any significance or is it just for decoration?” “Oh, it had a great deal of significance,” Lisa said, “He was my last slave that was put down last week. I will swap it with yours when youre time comes.” In addition to feeling a cold chill, the skull suddenly took on a great deal of significance for Tom also. When entering the hut, he saw the heads of five men mounted on wooden plaques that hung on the far wall with their penises and scrotums mounted underneath. Three of the shafts were fully erect and two curved outward in a semi-erect state. A tanned hide was attached to the wall beneath the center plaque. In addition, there were several long shelves upon which rested more human sculls. To say that that Tom was stunned at seeing mens heads and sex organs mounted trophy style and hanging on a wall would be an understatement to say the least. The same could be said for the eerie feeling that looking at them caused.

“Those are kills that I made in past hunts,” Lisa said proudly, “the one with the hide under it was my first in case you havent guessed, the hide came from him also. Your friends head along with his penis and scrotum will be up there in a few days although I havent decided yet as to what state I want his cock to be in. Theyre exciting to look at when rigid, but theres also something appealing about an outward curve. The skulls are from my more recent slaves. “Do you mean thats not all of them?” Tom asked in dismay. “Goodness no,” she said, “I hardly have room for all of them. A goodly number are on some of the post youve seen outside, and a few are in the ceremonial hut. The older ones have been disposed of.” “Did you eat the cocks and balls of all of them,” Tom asked in disbelief. “Oh yes, each and every one ended up in here,” she said while licking her lips and rubbing her stomach, “Ive lost track of how many I eaten, but its well over two hundred and all  were extremely delicious. A mans cock and balls are like what many of you say about getting some pussy the worst I ever had was wonderful.” With that she broke out laughing.  

Lisa looked at Tom whose bewildered mind was trying to process the magnitude of what he was seeing and had been told. “Lay on that mat over there and spread your arms and legs,” she said while displaying a mischievous smile “Move slave, do as I say!” she ordered in stern tone when he hesitated for a moment. He meekly obeyed and, when lying on his back in a spread-eagle position, she took leather straps and tied his hands and feet securely to conveniently located steel rings anchored in the floor. “The leather in these straps are made from male hides,” she said, “I like the idea of your fellow man assisting me in rendering you helpless.”

In indeed being helpless and not knowing what to expect, Toms eyes displayed fear he was genuinely feeling. His fear began to fade, however, when he saw Lisa take off her sarong and, when naked, stand above him with legs spread. He could only gape in awed admiration at what indeed was an amazing sight. Her full, perfectly formed breasts with erect nipples gave the appearance of proud, feminine defiance. Her narrow waist and curved hips merged into smooth upper thighs and shapely legs of equal perfection. Her flat abdomen tapered to a shaved pubic mound that in turn merged into the most sensuous looking folds he had ever seen which were enhanced by being wet and swolen with obvious arousal.

In spite of his anxiety, Tom could not prevent a familiar stirring from taking place in his penis that continued until becoming fully erect. “Well, well, well, look what we have here,” Lisa said with a laugh. “Once again, its shown that a mans cock has a mind of its own. Do you have any idea the extent of how this demonstrates the superior power and control women have over men when it takes nothing more than looking at our body to cause you to get hard? She then looked closer and said, “does bobbing up and down like that mean its straining it get inside me? Well, itll have to wait awhile for that. You have no idea how hot I get after making a kill, but I plan on getting even hotter by teasing your cock and balls and working them over some to demonstrate how helpless and vulnerable they truly are.”

Her last remarks caused Tom to feel a tingle of anticipation. It had always excited him whenever a woman had been willing to perform cock and ball torture, but, in never having had it done to any extreme, he was also somewhat apprehensive. Lisa got on her hands and knees between his legs and began to lightly stroke his rigid penis in a tantalizing and seductive manner that soon had him thrusting his pelvis up and down with pre-cum starting to ooze from the open hole. She then stopped, and looked approving at its uplifted and strutted features before reaching for a narrow leather strap that she looped around the base of his penis and scrotum and pulled extremely tight which caused him to cry out. “This will ensure that it stays hard,” she said when tying a secure knot.

Tom uttered a moan when Lisa squeezed his one of his testicles with the tips of her fingers.  “See how remarkably easy it is for me to cause pain when using only my fingers and exerting slight pressure,” she said, “lets see how you react to this. His moan became a shrill scream, when she closed her right hand around his scrotum and squeezed with all her might. “My, My, just listen to you carry on. And thats with me using only one hand. Lets see what else we can come up with. Tom again cried out in pain when she gave his penis a severe slap that caused it to thrash back and forth several times before coming to a stop. He cried out again when she slapped it opposite direction. His cries became continuous and he started bucking as she rapidly slapped it back and forth causing it to thrash about in wild abandon. But, in spite of the torment it was receiving, whenever she paused for a moment it returned to pointing upward at a convent angle as though meekly submitting to yet another onslaught. Not only did another onslaught occur, but was followed by others with increasing frequency until flying back and forth nonstop as she laughed in extreme enjoyment and amusement.

Toms brow was soaked with perspiration and he was panting heavily when Lisa finally stopped.  “Has it had enough?” She asked and then added when seeing his penis continuing to point upward while giving an appearance of standing at attention, “I guess not, it looks like its asking for more. My hands are sore, but I have something else it might like even more.” She walked to a table and returned carrying a small whip that had numerous narrow strips of leather hanging from the handle. “I dont think its necessary to tell you the source of this leather but, dont worry, its soft and wont break the skin or cause any permanent damage. Upon hearing this, Tom started to relax somewhat, but when she swung the whip across his penis and scrotum, he uttered a high pitched  scream as his genitals felt as though they had exploded in searing pain. “But being soft doesnt keep it from being extremely painful,” Lisa said with a laugh. She then started striking his cock and balls as rapidly as possible which resulted in his screams becoming increasingly shrill as he thrashed and bucked in a futile attempt to escape the onslaught. It was only when his struggles diminished due to extreme fatigued that she finally stopped.         

Lisa looked at Tom whose eyes reflected a dull, pain filled gaze. “Something tells me you didnt enjoy that nearly as much as I did,” she said with a laugh. “Its a good thing I tied you cock because, if I hadnt, it would be useless instead of remaining rigid - which is extremely fortunate since I cant remember ever being this horny. I assume you know how to eat pussy because thats first on the agenda. With that, she stood over him with legs straddling his head which allowed him to have an unobstructed view of the enchanting folds of her labia that, in addition to being extremely wet, had become dark red and so swolen that they gaped open to such extent he could see the inflamed tip of her strutted clit. He had been given barely enough time for this sensuous sight to register before she sat on his face and pressed her swolen wetness against his mouth and nose.

He had indeed eaten pussy many times, but his first reaction was one of near panic when finding it being extremely difficult to breath.” “Get with it slave,” Lisa shouted in a frustrated tone. In spite of his breathing difficulty, he quickly opened his mouth, stuck his tongue into her vagina and, when finding her strutted clit, started flipping it back and forth while sucking at the same time. “Ahhh, thats better,” she sighed and then leaned over and took the engorged head of his penis into her mouth and started moving up and down on the shaft. A short time later, she uttered a loud cry as her vagina exploded in an exhilarating orgasm. She then collapsed on Toms body which enabled him to once again breathe normally.

It required only a short time, however, for Lisa to recover. She sat up, reached for Toms still erect penis, pointed the flared head toward her, and looked intently at the yawning hole. “Well Mr. cock, youre finally going to get what youve been craving although, in bring tied so tight, Im afraid it might not be all that enjoyable for you since you wont be able to spurt. But thats fortunate for me because I plan on using you a number of times.

With this, she straddled his hips and lowered her pelvis while reaching down to lift his penis and guide it into her wetness as she impaled herself on the rigid shaft. Even though his tightly tied and severely punished penis had lost much of its sensitivity, Tom still relished the sensation of feeling it slide into the hot and wet interior of her vagina. When Lisa started moving up and down at an increasing pace, He felt the beginning of an ejaculation, but was frustrated when the semen reached the point of his tightly closed urethra and could go no further. His frustration only increased when, after experiencing yet another orgasm, she mounted him again after pausing for only a short break. It was when being repeated a third time that a small amount of semen was forced past the closure which, after emerging, was of sufficient quantity to make the head of his penis extremely painful. It was not until using it for a sixth time that she reacted in experiencing a massive, exhilarating climax, collapsed on his chest, and lay in blissful contentment while keeping him embedded.

When she recovered enough to once again sit up, Lisa looked at Toms still erect penis and said, “Well Mr. cock, you were a damn good fuck so I guess you deserve being untied.”  When the leather strap was finally loosened, a thick jet of semen erupted from the gaping hole with such force that it hit Tom in the face. This was followed by several more that, although somewhat of less intensity, were still impressive. “Goodness, that was quite a load you had backed up in there,” She laughed, “I bet it felt good to get it out.” All Tom could do was to nod weakly. “You dont look as though you enjoyed being fucked very much,” she said while gazing at his bruised penis that was rapidly becoming flaccid, “but I would advise getting use to it because its going to be repeated almost every day until I decide to have you put down.

A short time later, Lisa got dressed and, after telling Tom that she was going to the cooking hut, left him still being tied in a helpless and degrading spread-eagle position. When returning a short while later, she was carrying two wooden bowls, and, after setting them on a table, she released Tom. He was sitting on the floor and rubbing his numbed wrist when she handed him one of the bowls and said, “This is for you.” The bowl contained chunks of coconut and strips of dried meat. Lisa sat down at the table and noticed him gazing at the meat with a look of trepidation. In interpreting the reason for his hesitation she said, “dont worry, thats dried pork. I told you after we arrived that we keep a small herd of hogs, but, at the time, I didnt mentioned that they were used for feeding slaves. I hope you didnt think we would give a slaves delicious meat to another. That would be a total waste, and I can assure you it will never happen.

Tom looked as Lisa picked up a thick slice of cooked meat from her bowl as he chewed on a tough meat that was similar to jerky. In noticing his attention, she held the meat up after taking a bite and said, “This is part of your friends inner thigh. There are some more slices in here along with his cock and balls.  The skin has been removed to enable being stuffed and mounted along with his head.” When she finished eating the thigh meat, Lisa picked up one of Franks testicles that had a slick and shiny surface. Tom could not help but think that it reminded him of a peeled boiled egg which looked even more so by the way she held it when taking a bite. “Delicious”, she said and then took another bite. When both testicles had been eaten, she reached into the bowl, picked up the skinned penis that appeared to be partially-erect and, holding it by the root, started to giggle when making it flop heavily back and forth. “Why isnt it rigid like the cock the woman ate last night?” Tom asked. “They only get rigid when attached to a body while being roasted,” she said, “when cut-off, they still swell up while being cooked but only to this extent.

“Are you going to treat my cock like that before you eat it,” He asked in a tone of sick dismay. “Of course, I love playing with my food,” Lisa said cheerfully, and then, after uttering a giggle, said, “at least I love to play with it when its a roasted cock.” After having a bit more fun, she took a bite from the root and, in so doing, reacted in an enthusiastic manner that was almost identical to that of the woman Tom had watched the previous night. The similarity continued as she excitedly ate the rest of the shaft. When only the swollen head remained, Lisa held it up and said, “I always save the best for last.” A look of pure ecstasy came over her face when slowing chewing after having slipped the flared shape in her mouth.

“Simply fantastic,” she said after swallowing.  The only thing wrong with the head of a mans cock is it isnt a lot bigger. With that, she reached down and, with eyes closed, started rubbing between her legs. Tom watched in amazement as she unashamedly continued until uttering a cry as her body reacted from experiencing yet another orgasm.  She sat dreamily in the chair for a few minutes and then said, “Im ready for bed after that. Its been an extremely fulfilling and exciting day.  Lay down on the mat so I can tie you up again.

A look of dismay came on Toms face as he asked, “Is that really necessary Lisa? Her eyes blazed with anger as she stepped forward, grabbed his hair, pulled him to his feet, and drove a knee between his legs with all the force she could muster. Toms right testicle was driven into its protective pubic pouch and, although badly bruised, escaped much of the onslaught. His left, however, in hanging lower, became trapped between bone and knee and was flattened to such extent that it came extremely close to being ruptured. A wave of searing pain spread from his groin as his vision to become a flashing of blinding light. He uttered a cry of excruciating pain as he fell to the floor and started moaning as he grasped his crotch while withering in a fetal position.

Lisa glared at him, and, when he showed signs that his agony was finally starting to subside somewhat, she dragged him to the mat, kicked it aside, and roughly tied his hands and feet to the rings until he lay spread-eagle on the hard wooden floor. She grabbed his hair, lifted his head, put her face close to his, and said, “Im only going to say this one time so youd better listen. From now on you refer to me as mam or mistress. If you ever call me Lisa again you will end up riding a spit.” With that, she slammed his head on the floor, stormed to her bed, lay down, and in spite of her anger, was soon asleep. For Tom, however, the continued agony is his besieged testicles combined with a gut-wrenching realization of how extremely close he had actually come to being roasted alive made sleep difficult to come. It was only due to extreme exhaustion that he finally dozed off.

The first thing he became aware of when awaking the next morning was a painful throbbing in his groin. He looked around and saw that the hut was empty. A short while later, he heard the sound of womens voices singing rhythmic chants that lasted a long time. In still being tied spread-eagle on the hard floor, he could do nothing to ease his pain and was relieved when seeing Lisa enter the hut shortly after the chants had ended.  She had a colorful lei around her neck and a large white flower in her hair.

“I see youre awake,” she said, “do you remember what I told you last night?” “Yes mistress,” he replied meekly.”  “Thats better,” she said. “Theres something else I didnt mention that will result in you becoming acquainted with a spit and thats to never again question one of my commands.” She looked at his crotch and said, “youre balls are extremely swolen. “Yes mam, they hurt a lot.” “Thats good, even though it will keep me from using you for awhile.” “Could I please be untied mistress?” “Yes”, she replied, but only because I have something for you to do.” Tom gently held his throbbing scrotum after being released and said, “I heard chanting earlier. What was that for mistress?”  “We worship the lioness goddess Aria and pay tribute to her every Wednesday morning.”

Tom was surprised when hearing this. If this tribe of women actually worshiped a lioness goddess, it indicated them being even more primitive than he thought. The only things made from steel he had seen were the pipe being used as a spit, the two post it had been placed on, the rings in the floor to which he had been tied, and the impressive assortment of knives and other implements whose manufacture had never been intended for butchering human bodies but, nevertheless, performed this function quite well. He found himself, not for the first time, being curious about how these modern items had been obtained and decided to risk asking. “Uh, mistress,” he said, “I cant help but wonder where youre tribe got all the knives and other things from that I saw yesterday.

Lisa gave him a questing look and then shrugged. “Whats there to be curious about? We buy them of course.” Well, uh.., its just that I havent seen anything being made here that could be sold for ugh, money. ” Lisa laughed and said, why would need to sell anything when, in addition to providing us pleasure and meat, slaves also provide more than enough money to buy what we cant make ourselves. You had over two hundred dollars in your wallet which is quite typical and, even though, for now, we dont need anything, we take whatever money we find and save for future use. But, as I said, I have something for you to do so dont ask any more questions and come with me.”


By C

Part III

Tom followed Lisa to the same large hut he had taken Franks body. This time, however, when entering, he saw a great deal of activity. Women were busily engaged at all of the tables butchering mens bodies, and other bodies that had been field dressed hung upside-down from meat hooks. Their open eyes gave the appearance of waiting patiently for their turn to come while being oblivious of their nakedness providing unobstructed degrading views of the underside details of dangling penises and plump scrotums.  Tom, however, was not given a great deal of time for observing what, to him, was a profound scene of unbelievable magnitude. In seeing Lisa, one of the women pointed to a large bloodstained woven basket and said, “Its ready to go.” Lisa told him get the basket, but when he reached it he almost throw up in seeing it filled with arms severed above the elbows and legs above the knees with hands and feet still attached. But he had no choice but to steel himself and pick up the basket with its grisly contents, and follow Lisa from the hut.

They left the village and started down a path lined with flowers. When the basket started getting increasingly heavy, Tom said, “Is it permissible to ask where were taking this mistress?” “Were going to feed some animals that we look upon as being sacred.  Lower arms and legs are the only parts of the male body that leaves something to be desired, but Natasha and Samantha dont seem to mind at all. “If they can eat this much, they must be must be very large,” he said and then, after a pause, added, “sacred? Are these animals lions?” “Very good,” Lisa said, “although lionesses is more appropriate. Youre not all that stupid when your cock isnt doing your thinking for a slave that is.”

Tom was straining with his load when they finally reached their destination that was located at the base of a high cliff. A large enclosure formed by a stone wall extending from the bottom of a deep mote and, although only rising a few feet above the ground on the outside, it made an effective barrier.  There was also a section of grandstand style seating similar to what he had sat in the first night.


Large rocks lay plied at the base of the cliff, and a few trees in the enclosure provided shade from hot sun. But there were no female lions to be seen. It was only when looking closer that Tom noticed the opening of a cave in the cliff between a gap in the rocks. Above the opening, hanging from a large rope, was a gate made from heavy wooden bars whose purpose was obviously to be lowered when the lions were inside and provide safe entry into the enclosure.

Lisa took a horn made from a conk shell from a post and blew into it. Several minutes later, two large lionesses ambled from the cave and walked to the edge of the moat opposite to where Tom and Lisa were standing. “Thats Natasha and Samantha, start throwing the meat across,” she said. “Yes mistress,” he replied and in spite of feeling an eerie type of nauseous sickness, he started throwing mens severed limbs across the mote which the lionesses were soon gorging themselves on. In watching the hard to believe scene, a chill went through Tom in realizing that, one day, it would be his arms and legs that these female lions would be gorging themselves on. “Arent they magnificent,” Lisa said in a tone of pride, “I love to watch them enjoying a meal.”

As they were returning to the village, Tom became increasingly despondent in seeing Lisas cheerful mood. In spite of all that had occurred, he still found it difficult to envision this beautiful young woman who had an outward appearance of soft, feminine innocence could, in fact, be capable of unbelievable cruelty to such extent that she viewed human males as being mere playthings to be used for pleasure which, amongst other things, included brutally torturing their sex organs and then savagely and painfully raping them multiple times. And, of far more consequence, when tiring of them, being discarded as though having no value whatsoever other than to be slaughtered for meat.

When reaching the village, they went by the cook hut where Lisa got a bowl of cooked meat for herself and one containing the usual of coconut and dried pork for Tom. When they were inside the hut with her sitting at the table and he on the floor, she held up a chunk of meat and said, “This is part of your friends rump. I bet he used to talk about getting a piece of ass from a women, and now a woman is getting a piece of his ass in a way he would have never have imagined in his wildest dreams. With this, Lisa broke out in a fit of laughter, and, in being fearful of upsetting her, Tom pretended to join in even though he felt no amusement whatsoever.

After their meal, Lisa ordered Tom to lay on the mat so he could be tied. This time, even though a wave of dread sweep over him, he quickly complied. In seeing the look of fear on his face, she said, “Dont worry, Im not going to hurt you this time, I have to go out, and slaves are never left alone without being tied. Youll be spending a great deal of time like this so I would advise trying to get used to it. With this said she tied him securely and left the hut.

It was late afternoon when Lisa returned again carrying two wooden bowls. After being untied, she handed Tom a bowl which held what had become his usual meal. She sat down, picked up a thick mounded slab of cooked meat from her bowl, and said, “This is the last of your friend.” She did not mention which part of the body the meat had been taken, but it was hardly necessary since a small strutted nipple in the center made identity obvious. The enthusiastic manner in which Lisa ate Franks breast, although saying nothing, left little doubt that that she was finding it to be extremely delicious. She saved the strutted nipple for last by eating around it and, after also being eaten, she wiped her mouth with the back of a hand and said, “Youre friend turned out to be quite tasty, its too bad that theres none of him left. Now go lay on the mat.

In having no choice but to obey, Tom was soon once again laying spread-eagle and helpless. Lisa looked intently between his legs and said, Your balls look somewhat better, but theyre still swollen especially the one on the left. Tom uttered a loud moan when she did no more than reach down and cup his scrotum in her hand. “Well,” she said, “it looks you get the night off, so enjoy it because I can assure you they will be few and far between.

Her words proved to be true when the following night found her excitedly enjoying listening to his agonizing screams and watching him buck and thrash as she unmercifully lashed his tightly tied scrotum and erect penis before again being raped multiple times. In the days that followed, the activity became a dreaded and extremely agonizing routine. Tom didnt know what to expect when, after a week had passed, Lisa came in the hut and, after being untied, followed her toward the hut that was used for butchering mens bodies. They were walking behind it when Lisa said, “were almost out of meat we took in the hunt so we have so start putting down slaves again. I always find this exciting to watch, and it gets me extremely hot.”

The first thing that occurred to Tom was that the term being put down didnt exactly apply to the incredible scene he found himself being confronted with. Six naked men were hanging upside-down with spread legs suspended from a heavy overhead wooden beam. Their eyes displayed looks of extreme fear, but in knowing that pleading for mercy would not only be futile, but could result in suffering a far more excruciating death, they remained silent. A woman wearing an apron and carrying a large knife, walked to the nearest man, grabbed a handful of hair, pulled his head back, and casually slit his bared throat from ear to ear while being careful to stand aside and avoid being splattered be a thick gush of blood. She did not hesitate in continuing down the row until the others had received the same treatment.

In spite of being shocked and dismayed, Tom found himself experiencing a strange feeling of eerie fascination when seeing the bodies starting to convulse violently and causing dangling penises and scrotums to flop and jounce as spurts of blood coming from slit throats slowed to steady streams running into wooden tubs. To Tom, it seemed a long time for the convulsions to become shudders and then twitch a few times before hanging motionless with open eyes staring blankly ahead. He continued to have an eerie feeling as he found himself unable to keep from looking at the mens abdomens being cut open and disemboweled until being able to see glistening interiors of empty cavities in what, in spite of being human males, had truly become carcasses.

When the limp bodies had been carried inside, Lisas eyes flashed with excitement as she grabbed Toms arm and roughly pulled him toward their hut. He was soon thrashing and screaming in agony as her small whip lashed his rigid penis and scrotum, helplessly tied in the usual manner, far longer and more severely that any previous time except for possibly the first. The same could be said for the ferocity in which he was raped again and again. 

  The following day, Tom noticed Lisa having an enthused look on her face when she came into the hut, picked up a leather bag with some type of object in it and, after being untied, told him to come with her. He quickly complied and followed her to an area that had an overhead beam attached between two trees. Two long leather straps hung from steel rings fastened to the beam, and two stakes were driven in the ground underneath it. Tom was somewhat surprised to see a full length mirror leaning against a nearby tree. He felt extremely apprehensive when Lisa ordered him to stand between the stakes and spread his legs as far as possible, but by now, he knew to obey any command without hesitation.

His apprehension increased when Lisa securely tied his feet to the stakes and tied the leather straps that hung from the steel rings to his wrists. She then pulled the straps tight and tied the ends to the nearby trees leaving him standing spread-eagle in a vertical position which caused him to become even more apprehensive. It didnt help matters when he saw that a number of women had wandered over and were looking at him with amused expressions on their faces.

The purpose of the mirror became apparent when he noticed it had been placed at an angle where he could see Lisa standing behind him and realized that it would enable her to have a clear view of his front. His apprehension turned to extreme dread when he saw her reach in the leather bag and withdraw a whip similar to the one used to punish his cock and balls except that the leather straps were much longer, wider and thicker. He started to brace himself for what he knew would come, but the  lash came so quick, he was unprepared and jerked violently while uttering a loud scream as a wave of searing pain exploded in his shoulders that felt as though gasoline had been poured on them and set ablaze.

The lashes came with increasing force and frequency that caused Tom to scream continually as he violently jerked and withered in excruciating pain while being oblivious of the women that were watching becoming almost hysterical from laughing at his amusing and humiliating antics - especially at those of his franticly flopping penis and wildly jouncing bulges within is scrotum. In hearing the intensity of his screams and, in the mirror, seeing his body jerking in intense pain along with observing the exciting and extremely amusing activity taking place between his legs, Lisa found her adrenalin surging which resulted if her blows becoming even more ferocious. It was only when he was hanging limp in a semi-conscious state that she reluctantly stopped her exhilarating attack. Even though the whip, like the smaller one, did not break his skin, Toms entire back and buttocks were the color of a boiled lobster. When the other women had left, Lisa sat in front of him and amused herself by playfully batting his limp penis back and forth while waiting for him to recover.

“What did I do that was wrong, mistress?” Tom gasped later as he stumbled after her. “You did nothing wrong,” Lisa said cheerfully.” Its not only extremely exciting to whip a slave into limp submission, but it gets me very hot so I guess you know what awaits when we get back to the hut.”

Tom did indeed know, and although his entire back was extremely painful, when reaching the hut, he meekly submitted to being tied spread-eagle while laying on it and having to endure yet another prolonged assault by the smaller but still extremely painful whip that was being used unmercifully due to Lisa having become frustrated in finding that, in not giving him sufficient time to recover from of his totally exhausted and weakened state, none of her wide variety of erotic manipulations were able to induce a response in his flaccid penis.  It was for this reason that, even though the severity of his excruciating punishment caused him, this time, to indeed pass out completely, he was spared the ordeal of being raped multiple times. In being unconscious, however, he did not receive any pleasure that might have been derived in seeing Lisa having to use the tanned skin of a mans penis that had been stuffed in an erect state to relieve a fire that had been raging between her legs.

In the days that followed, in addition to suffering the usual prolonged and painfully agonizing nightly ordeals, he was again taken out and unmercifully lashed a few more times. And, in addition to carrying meat to feed Natasha and Samantha, he was forced to watch more slaves being put down and six others suffering indescribable horrors while being spited and roasted alive. As a result, he became increasingly resigned to what he knew awaited him, and, although having no desire to die,  if he only could keep from being put on a spit, he felt no fear of it coming in a way that not only would be quick, but would bring an end to his daily suffering.

He was lying on the mat, tied in his usual degrading spread-eagle position, one day when Lisa came in the hut with her face beaming with pride. “Well slave,” she said, “it looks like I wont be eating your cock and balls after all. The high priestess has selected you to be sacrificed to Aria in our annual ceremony of paying tribute to her for all she has bestowed upon us. Its a great honor to have ones slave chosen for this sacred purpose, and in a way, its an honor for you also. Toms mind was in a daze as he said, “Sacrificed? Do you mean like being tied to an altar and having a ceremonial dagger plunged into my heart?”  “Goodness no!” she said with a laugh, “that would be extremely primitive. You will be eaten alive by Natasha and Samantha.”

A wave of dismay flooded through Tom. He had become resigned to accepting death, but in a manner that would be quick and fairly painless. He had also accepted his body being cooked and eaten by women to such a point that, when being contemplated, it actually started having a strange type of erotic appeal to it especially when picturing Lisa eating his roasted cock and balls which, at times, had even caused him to become erect. But being resigned to accepting a quick death was far different than accepting one that would surely be extremely savage and painful. 

“I know that you dont want this, but, if its any help, it gives you a reprieve for a few weeks,” Lisa said. “Im leaving on another expedition in the near future to get more slaves and was going to have you put down tomorrow. Also, you will no longer be my slave after I leave. You will belong to the high priestess where you will be pampered in a manner to make you worthy of being offered as a sacred sacrifice to our goddess.”

For the next few days, Tom could not get the fear of what lay ahead out of his mind even when Lisa started treating him in a different manner. She no longer subjected him to excruciating cock and ball torture and, although he was still being raped multiple times with his penis tied in an erect state, it was not only being done with less ferocity, but in a manner that almost seemed to be somewhat passionate.

Several days later, Lisa came in with two priestesses and told him she was leaving on her expedition but would be back before the time came for him to be sacrificed. When Lisa left, he followed the priestesses to the large ceremonial hut where he was locked in a cage comprised of wooden bars. When seeing it at a distance, the first thing that came to his mind was that being locked in it did not fit his definition of being pampered but, when coming closer and seeing a comfortable looking cot instead of a mat with steel rings at the corners, he could not deny it would be a marked improvement over living in Lisas hut. There were was also a table and chair which meant he would no longer have to eat while sitting on a hard floor.

The first thing Tom did after being locked in the cage was to lay on the cot and relish a comfort he had almost forgotten. Further proof that his conditions had indeed improved came a short time later when he was brought a meal that, instead of being a bowl with a meager amount of coconut and dried meat,  was a platter of delicious looking tropical fruit and thick slices of roast  pork.

That night, he slept in comfort for the first time since being taken captive, and when waking the following morning he saw another fruit and roast pork laden platter waiting for him on the table.  When he finished his meal, two extremely beautiful young apprentices came and took him to a elaborately furnish room that had a large stone alter in the center being lit by a flaming torch at each corner. Even though remembering what Lisa had told him, he was somewhat apprehensive about climbing on the altar and laying on its cold surface. His apprehension  remained when he was tied in a spread-eagle position and then increased when seeing the high priestess enter and come toward him. But, instead of plunging a ceremonial dagger in his heart, she held up a bowl of scented oil and, after singing a lengthily chant, poured it over him and departed.

The two lovely young apprentices came up and, after tying a wire tightly around his penis just below the head, started rubbing the oil into his body. The reason for the wire tie became apparent when one of them started rubbing it into to his genitals and, in spite of the highly erotic excitement being caused, he was unable to become erect. When they finished, his entire body glistened in reflecting a reddish glow from flaming torches. 

The apprentices then left, and the high priestess entered once again only, this time, she was accompanied by a court of six priestesses. The high priestess and her court formed a circle around the altar and started singing chants that lasted for over two hours. When the ritual finally ended, he was untied and taken back to his cage where he found another delicious meal awaiting him.

The routine became a daily ritual and, although he was indeed being pampered and not mistreated, he was unable to get the dread of knowing what lay ahead from his mind. It even reached a point where he found himself regretting being chosen for this purpose even though it would mean he would now be dead and his cooked flesh having become that of many women including his cock and balls being a permanent part of Lisas body. But, at least it would be over and he would be unable to feel fear for what lay ahead or, for that matter, be unable to feel anything at all.

It was only gradually that Tom was able to bring himself to contemplate gruesome details of what he though would happen. In so doing, he recalled watching televised nature shows of lionesses killing and eating zebras, antelope, and other animals. And, in spite of scenes indeed being gruesome, he remembered that most of the kills appeared to have been made quickly and that the grisly activity only came after the animals were dead. If this happened to him, then the agonizing suffering he was dreading would never occur. He did not like thinking about his body being savagely torn apart, but, when looking at it in a realistic manner, if he was dead when it happened, it really didnt matter one way or another.

It was in this way that Tom became resigned to accepting his fate to such an extent that, when thinking of Lisa one day, he found himself being amused in wondering how she truly felt about being deprive the pleasure of eating his cooked balls and especially his cock which she had said, on numerous occasions, was the most fantastic and unbelievable delicacy that could be imagined. He knew her opportunity to eat those of another man would only occur if she were successful in making a kill in the hunt that would follow returning with a new group of captives, but if not she would have to wait until deciding to have her new slave being put down. Tom actually found himself chuckling when thinking that her decision for the fate for this poor fellow might well come much sooner than usual.

When over three weeks of being pampered passed, a day came in which, when laying tied on the stone alter, Tom had no reason to suspect being any different until the apprentices starting rubbing his body with fat instead of scented oil. In spite of having come to accept his impending fate, he couldnt help experiencing a wave of fear in realizing the day had finally arrived.

After the high priestess and her court sang chants that had become familiar but would never be heard again, he was carried, while sitting in a chair, behind the high priestess and others in a slow procession down the path that led to what, for him, would be his final destination. In arriving, the grandstand style seats were filled with women that, this time, had no slaves with them. When the chair was lowered, Lisa came up to him, reached for his hand, and in a remarkably gentle voice said, “You need to come with me Tom.”

In spite of his fear, he couldnt help being surprised in not only hearing her using his name instead of being called slave, but in her taking his hand in a warm manner as though regarding him as actually having human value, but he couldnt keep his knees from trembling as he walked with her over a wooden bridge that had been placed over the mote and toward four stakes that had been driven in the ground while noticing that the wooden gate had been lowered over the cave entrance. He felt a tight knot forming in his stomach when he submissively lay on his back and spread his arms and legs that Lisa, using leather straps, tied securely to the stakes. “Goodbye Tom,” she said when turning to leave, “I will remember you as being my favorite slave whose noble sacrifice bestowed upon me a great honor.”

Although her remarks had been said with sincerity, Lisa felt no conflict in feeling a building of excitement when walking back across the bridge and taking a seat that provided an excellent view of Toms spread-eagle body. She had always become caught up in a mesmerizing thrill when watching these sacred sacrifices, and this one was proving to be no exception. In fact, if what she was feeling was any indication, knowing him with such familiarity would only serve to greatly increase the excitement of watching it taking place.

A low mummer coming from the stands stopped when the high priestess and her entourage crossed the bridge, walked solemnly toward Tom and, with her standing at his head and the others forming a circle around him, raised her arms, gazed at the sky, and said in a loud voice, Oh goddess Aria, we, your humble servants, ask you to accept this sacrifice as an offering to your mighty greatness and beseech you to continue bestowing your bountiful blessings upon us.”  She then uttered a rhythmic chant that was answered, in like manner, by the priestesses and the women in the stands. This continued back and fort for over an hour before coming to an end. When the high priestess and the others crossed the bridge, it was pulled across and set aside.

Tom soon became acutely aware that he was the center of attention to a large group of women who not only were looking at him laying naked and helpless, but would soon watch him being killed and eaten by female lions. Yet, in spite of his fear, he started experiencing a strange type of excitement that became increasingly erotic, but then a wave of chagrin passed through him when he felt his penis starting to tingle. In a desperate attempt to keep from humiliating himself, he tried to focus on visualizing lionesses ripping flesh from his mangled body but, instead of having the desired effect, it only increased the rate of growth. It was not long until the sound of women laughing made it apparent that the activity between his widespread legs was being noticed, which not only increased his embarrassment, but became acute when realizing he had become fully erect.

The humiliating laughter became so loud that Tom failed to hear the gate being pulled up and, in so doing, did not comprehend the reason for the sounds of feminine gaiety fading into silence until hearing a low growl. He looked around and, with an extreme shock, saw the huge face of a female lion only several feet away. He quickly shut his eyes and tried to brace himself for being savagely attacked and, hopefully, killed quickly but unfortunately, at least for him, Natasha and Samantha knew their prey was helpless and, therefore, felt no need for a sudden and deadly attack.

When nothing happened, Tom opened his eyes and saw both lionesses standing motionless and gazing at him. They certainly didnt appear to be the wild and savage beast he had expected, and the first thought that occurred to was that maybe they were tame, and that all of this was nothing more than an elaborate rouse, but he quickly dismissed this notion. He had witnessed far too much unbelievable brutality being inflected on cowed and helpless men to think they would go to such length merely to play some type of cruel trick. His next thought was that the lions were simply not hungry but, when preparing for an annual and highly sacred ritual of human sacrifice, would not the women make sure that the lions had not been recently fed?

All further speculation vanished when Samantha lay down and draped a huge paw across Toms face and chest as though waiting for something which was exactly the case. In not being the dominant of the pair, Samantha always let Natasha be the first to act even when, as it was now, she appeared to be in no hurry. Natashas first move was to sniff between Toms legs who, in feeling her breath on his genitals, could feel his penis, which had become semi-erect, getting rigid again. Even though his fear remained, excitement surged within when he felt her licking his penis and scrotum. He had not ejaculated for over three weeks and, therefore, it didnt take long for him to feel the beginning stages of a rapidly building orgasm.

It might have been no more than coincidence, but when the first jet of semen spewed from his penis, it appeared that Natasha took this as a signal to open her mouth, take his scrotum and squirting erection within, and sink her sharp fangs deep within his lower abdomen. Tom uttered a shrill scream as a wave of excruciating pain exploded in his pelvis that was intensified when being lifted and jerked violently as Natasha shook her head back and forth in an attempt to separate his manhood from his body. She succeeded as the final spurts of semen mixed with blood gushed from the flared head of his penis, and it was only moments after his buttocks and arched body had fallen heavily to the ground that his severed penis and scrotum slid smoothly down her gullet.

In seeing Natasha finally taking action, Samantha bounded up and, with extended claws, easily ripped open Toms abdomen - pulling out part of his intestines in the process.  His shrill screams continued unabated from suffering agony of such extreme that it would have been thought impossible for a human to endure and remain conscious. But, conscious he did indeed remain as Natasha sunk her teeth into a leg and, after a few hard jerks and tugs, succeeded in ripping off a large, bloody piece of upper thigh while Samantha was gorging herself on internal organs. And still, he remained conscious and continued to struggle until both began to subside somewhat from weakness being caused by loss of blood. This occurred only after Natasha had torn more large chunks of bloody meat from his thighs and Samantha had empted his abdomen, but, although becoming weaker, he still cried out and struggled when Samantha raked her claws across his chest and ripped it open to such extent that it exposed his fluttering but still beating heart.

The movement of his heart attracted her attention and, after nosing it several times, she opened her mouth and sank her sharp teeth deep into it. Tom had been vaguely aware of feeling something touching his heart but then everything plunged into total darkness as though flipping a switch. Tom had no awareness of the latter, however, for the same reason he had no awareness of no longer suffering pain - in no more time than the blink of an eye, Tom had changed from a living being into one that was dead.

Lisa had never become so enthralled and excited while watching a slave being sacrificed. It was, in part, caused by him having been her personal slave and, therefore, someone she had known quite well, but the primary cause came from the thrill of hearing screams of an intensity and duration far exceeding any she had heard during any previous sacrifice while watching his body being violently jerked and torn apart. The most vivid and intense of these had come when watching his penis and scrotum being savagely ripped from his arched body. Surely, no sacrifice had ever lived this long or suffered such extreme agony. There was even excitement in watching him being eaten while no longer living with his open mouth and unseeing eyes expressing the horror and anguish being felt when death finally came. She was pleased to see that his head had not been severely damaged so she would still be able to put his scull over her door.

Lisa only left when Natasha and Samantha had fallen asleep on a bloodstained patch of grass while laying contently beside the remnants of what was left of Toms body that, other than his head, consisted primarily of splintered bones with raged chunks of red meat attached. Her excitement remained intense as she hurried to her hut, and, when entering, looked excitedly at her new slave tied spread-eagle on the floor.

Shortly afterward, he was screaming and thrashing wildly as Lisa, her eyes flashing with delight and excitement, was using her leather whip to lash his bouncing penis and scrotum with a fierceness that not only exceeded any he had previously experienced, but was lasting far longer. The same held true for the ferocity and number of times he was later raped with her final and most powerful exploding orgasm coming while vividly         picturing and recalling the delightful and exciting sounds of Toms horrific screams as his sex organs were being brutally ripped from his arched body.

In bringing this narrative to a close, it is suggested that the reader envision Lisas hut, with Toms grinning scull over the door, slowly receding and becoming increasingly smaller until fading in the distance.

The End

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