BDSM Library - A Lesbian Sissy Story

A Lesbian Sissy Story

Provided By: BDSM Library


                                                        A Lesbian Sissy story


TBeverly sat at her desk and swirled a finger through her long blonde curls. It had not been easy being a single mother. She had worked very hard to attain the degrees that had brought her to her present position as CFO for 'Omniverse Insurance.' By necessity the rearing of her son had largely been left to a succession of babysitters and nannies. 

He had been in boarding school for the last four years but had always spent the summers with her. Tommy was fourteen now and she had noted a change in his behavior since he had come home. He was very affectionate but also secretive and spent far too much time in his room. She felt he was up to something but unsure of what that could be.

He had no local friends so she had asked her neighbor for some help. Over the

past two years she had developed an intimate friendship with Celeste.

Celeste was a also a professional woman and a single mother with a sixteen year old daughter whose name was Larissa.

She picked up the phone and dialed her neighbor.

She implored her friend to ask her daughter to take Tommy into town and show him around a bit. With a little bribery, Larissa agreed and easily charmed Tommy into going to the mall with her. Tommy had not really wanted to leave his room but when her saw Larissa he could not say no to her. She wore a tight little tee and baggy shorts. The top let be known that she had some full teenaged breasts and very perky nipples. Her loose shorts showed a lot of her long legs and if she crossed them just right Tommy could see the color of her panties. By the time she took his hand and led him out the door Tommy would have followed her anywhere.

Left alone, the two women dropped the pretense that they were just respectable

mothers and professionals. They were all that but they were also lustful women who found pleasure in each others bodies. Hands found breasts, lips found lips and they were soon locked in a tight embrace. Slowly, Bev began to push away.

Ooh, Cel, baby. I want it too but I need to check Tommy's room while he is out."

"Come with me." They searched the closet and every drawer for drugs but found nothing. Celeste plopped down on Tommy's bed and pulled up his pillow to lean against. There, beneath the pillow, was a pair of Bev's panties.

Celeste picked them up and gave a little sniff. "Yep, they're yours alright. I think your son has some lustful feelings toward you."

""Oh, Cel, he's just a boy, you know how they are."

""Maybe, but it does look like he has been licking them and there's dried boy goo all over his sheets. Tommy clearly thinks you"re very sexy as do I. Now, let's go back to the big bed, shall we?"

""Of course, sweetie, I guess I owe you one."

As usual, their union was sensual and climactic. They each seemed to anticipate the others needs which ultimately resulted in two very satisfied women. Bev brought two glasses of wine and Cel handed her a freshly lit cigarette. They reclined and shared their thoughts.

"Cel, Larissa is very beautiful. Do you think she is, you know, like us?"

"Mmm, I'm not sure. She is such a free spirit it's hard to tell."

"I'm both angry and flattered that Tommy had my panties beneath his pillow."

"I feel like making him wear them and then spank him across my lap."

"in fact, the idea kind of turns me on."

"Bev, if he really loves you that way you could turn him into a perfect little sissy slave."

"My own son, Cel? That just seems so terribly naughty."

"Oh, honey, I was with you in Thailand when you had girly-boys licking you from head to toe. Think of the pleasure of your own private geisha boy."

"Mmm, that is a sweet idea. He does seem to be quite girly at times and if he is excited by my panties perhaps I could train him as a pussy slave."

"Please invite me if you do", said Celeste. I'll even bring Larissa."

"Oh, yes, please invite your lovely daughter."

"How long do you think she will keep him out tonight?"

"As long as she wants. She's a pretty headstrong girl."

"So, we probably have time for 'us' again?"

"Don't see why not," said Cel as she took Bev's nipple into her mouth.

They made love as equals late into the night while exchanging slaps, licks, kisses and even sharing a strap-on. They awoke early and began to wonder about their children. They went to Tommy's room and found Larissa sleeping peacefully in his bed. Tommy was lying crosswised at the bottom with her feet in his face.

"Oh, this is interesting", said Bev.

"Indeed, said Cel, perhaps we should talk with them."

Bev and Cel prepared breakfast together while still being naughty and playful. Bev used the intercom to awake Larissa and Tommy and they were soon all seated around around the table.

Bev spoke first. "Tommy did you and Larrisa have a good time last night?"

Tommy bit his lip then answered. "Yes, Mom. Larissa is really nice."

"Is that why you were kissing her feet this morning?"

Tommy's face turned bright red as he shifted his gaze to Larissa who was calmly

enjoying her eggs and waffles. Finding no help there he decided to tell to tell the truth to his beautiful mother.

"She said it would make her feel good, Mom and I just wanted to thank her."

The teenaged cutie winked at her Mom as they enjoyed their breakfast.

After they had finished each woman had a fresh cup of coffee while Tommy was given another glass of chocolate milk. There was lots of girl talk about fashion, shoes and recent celebrity news. Cel asked her daughter if all her active dating had resulted in a viable boyfriend.

Larissa said that a boy named Jason was pretty cute and had nice hard cock. She freely confessed that she had sucked it and that Jason had eagerly licked her pussy. They hadn't gone all they way yet but she felt that they might. Cel and Bev proceeded to give her advice on sexual techniques and means of teasing her boy-toy into submission.

Tommy's discomfort was palpable. He was instantly jealous as Larissa talked of another boy. Images of his teen queen with a cock in her mouth or of reclining to have her pussy licked made him begin to sweat. He didn't think things could get any worse until his mother spoke again. "Tommy, honey, can you explain why my soiled panties were found beneath your pillow?"

Tommy could stand no more. He was beginning to cry from embarassment as he left the table and ran to his room.

Bev and Cel kissed goodbye as Larissa waited in the car.

Celeste drove in silence until they were across the bridge and then turned to her daughter, "What did you do to Tommy last night?"

"Well, nothing really, I went shopping for some new tops and panties and he just tagged along. He seemed to love touching all the frilly things and once I caught him looking beneath the door and rubbing his crotch as I tried on a new thong. I just thought he was cute but when we got back home he invited me to his room. He said his bed was much better than the one in the guest room and begged me to take it. It did feel good and I soon fell asleep. It was only in the morning that I realized that Tommy had been sleeping at my feet and sometimes kissing them. I told him that it felt nice and let him do it more."

"He's really a very sweet boy and so obedient. I got a little creamy when he licked between my toes."

"Well, that's natural. Girls just want to have fun, right?"

"I wouldn't mind taking Tommy for a spin myself."

"Mom, I think Bev really likes me. Would you mind if we, you know, got together?"

"Of course not, baby, she is a very sexy bitch as well as my best friend."

"If that's what you want just go for it. You're very right. I know all the signs and she is definately hot for you."


Bev let her son sulk in his bedroom as she went about her day. She completed and faxed several documents from her home office. All the while she was thinking of Cel's words about the possibility of having Tommy as her personal servant.

She stripped off her jeans and put on a short satin robe and entered Tommy's room.  He was lying on his side beneath a sheet. Bev knelt by the bed and kissed his face. "I know you're embarassed baby but it's really ok. I even brought you a little present." She stood and loosened her robe. Tommy sat upright nearly gasping at the sight of his beautiful mother in only her bra and panties. Bev smiled and wiggled out of her undies and dropped them right on his face. "I've worn them for two days, Tommy, they should smell very nice for you."

Bev noted that there was already a tent beneath Tommy's sheet. She threw it aside and saw her son's six inch prick sticking staight up. "Oh, sweetie, do Mommy's panties make you feel like that?"

"I'm sorry, Mom, but yes they do. I know I'm a bad boy but you're so beautiful I just couldn't  help it."

Bev lifted the panties from Tommy's face. "Here, honey, I want to see you lick them while I give you a special treat." She took the hard little prick between her finger and thumb and began to stroke it. "That's right, baby, get all the dirty parts and from now on I want you to address me as Miss Beverly.  She continued to milk her boy and then used her long nails to rake at his scrotum as he slurped away at her panties. She brought him to the brink and then stopped. "I know what you want but you have to ask nicely."

"Please, Mo.. Oh. Mmmm. Please Miss Beverly. Please let me do it. I'll be such a good boy for you."

Bev's scarlet nails gave a few more strokes and Tommy erupted. His cum shot out and landed on his chest and chin. Bev wiped her hand on the sheet and smiled as she watched her son writhe in orgasm.

"Did you like that sweetie?"

"Did Miss Beverly milk you of all your naughty boy cream?"

"Yes, Miss Beverly, that felt really good."

"You're so pretty."

"Well, thank you,Tommy, but what about Larissa?"

"I saw you licking her feet this morning.'

"Do you like kissing the toes of pretty ladies."

Tommy's flacid penis began to respond to his Mother's silky words and the constant pressure of her scarlet nails. Bev soon had a full hand of hard boy cock. 

"Tommy, I'm setting your clock to awake you at 7:30. I like to take my morning tea in bed and Miss Beverly will expect you to be there at 8:15. We'll just take it from there. Now, get some sleep."

Tommy did sleep but his dreams were of Larissa, Celeste, and a new woman who looked a lot like his Mom but was very different. The beautiful Miss Beverly now held him in a silken cage and he had no desire to escape.






                                                                 A Lesbian Sissy Story                                                              

                                                                  part 2

.For the few of you who liked this concept here is Chapter 2.

When the alarm sounded Tommy was still clutching the damp panties that his mom, or more accurately Miss Beverly, had dropped on his face. They still smelled good even though he had spent much of the night sucking at the silky garment and dreaming of pretty ladies. He had spent a restless night because Miss Beverly had warned him that he would be punished for any stains on his sheets. He awoke with a very hard cock.

He carefully touched himself and felt a few shivers but did not want to spoil the moment. It would be nice to cum but he enjoyed the tension even more. Being hard and lustful was a lovely feeling. Not wanting to disobey Miss Beverly he squeezed his balls tightly to quell his lust and left his bed.

He went to his closet to get dressed but found it empty. His dresser was empty as well. The only garments in his room were a pair of pink panties and a little yellow dress hanging on the doorknob. Well, he certainly could not go parading about naked so he stepped into the panties and felt another lovely shiver as the silky texture of the fabric caressed his swollen penis. He slipped into the yellow dress

and looked at himself in the mirror. He rather liked the look. If his hair was longer

he could easily pass for a young girl awaiting the development of her breasts.   

Remembering his instructions  He brewed a pot of tea, toasted a muffin and spread some strawberry jam on top. Holding it all on a tray he knocked gently at Miss Beverly's door.

"Yes, you may come in."

Tommy entered to find Miss Beverly sitting high in her bed. Her white satin robe was draped about her shoulders but did little to hide the fullness of her ivory breasts nor her outstanding pink nipples. This  was the moment he realized that she would never again be just 'Mom.' Had he really once been fed from those devine orbs?

tommy swooned and nearly dropped the tray but suddenly found himself on his knees beside the bed without spilling anything.

The pretty lady was barely able to stifel a giggle but managed a coy smile as she reached for her tea.

"Oh! Tammy, my very sweet girl, you brought muffins too?"

"Put the tray down and give Miss Beverly a kiss."

Tommy noted that he had been renamed and referred to as a girl but he really didn't care as he moved closer to Miss Beverly and felt her full mouth engulf his own. Her deft tongue slid between his lips and licked all around.

Bev broke the kiss, began to sip her tea and completely ignored the boy. Tommy felt both lust and confusion as he watched the pretty lady on the bed finish her breakfast and light a cigarette.

"'Tammy, honey, you look so nice in your new outfit. How about we go shopping soon and get you some more dresses and panties? Maybe I could invite Larissa to come with us. For now, I think the yellow really suits you and I will get you some cute heels to match all your frocks."

"But, these are clothes for girls," said Tammy.

"Yes, sweetie, but they also look very fetching on sissy boys.

"Do you think I am a sissy?"

"I'm quite sure of it darling. You steal my panties, sleep with them and then beg me milk you. It's obvious that you lke your new frock. Just look at how your little pricklet

is making such a tent in your new dress."

"Stand and twirl for me. I want to see how it looks when you move."

Bev reclined on her bed smoking and sipping her tea while she had Tammy model his new outfit. She played a CD by 'Pink' and asked him to dance for her. At first, the boy had been shy but with her encouragement he was eventually vamping and flirting like a very cheap stripper. Bev clapped at his performance and invited him closer.

"Raise your dress, honey, I want to see your girly cock. Just bring it out the leg of our panties. woudn't that feel good?"

"Yes", said Tammy,

he boy scampered to the bedside and beheld Miss Beverly's perky breasts as well as her pretty feet.

They were smooth and white with newly painted nails of crimson and little flecks of gold embedded in the polish.  His penis jumped straight out from beneath his short dress with drop of precum right on the tip. Miss Beverly took a firm hold of his shaft and squeezed tightly.

{I'ts a pity it is so small. Tammy. Let's see what we can do about that."

Now, Tammy was not at all under endowed for a boy his age but Bev thought it would be best if he believed it in order to make his transition into the sissy lifestyle

easier. She waved her pretty foot before him and then brought it beneath his dress. She ran her soft sole along his hard dick until he began to gasp and thrust forward.

Knowing that Tammy was on the edge Beverly pulled her foot away.

"Wow! That did make difference, didn't it?"

"That's really not bad for a girl your age."

"You really like Miss Bev's tootsies don't you? But, honeybun, I have been wondering whose toes were more tasty. Mine or Larissa's?'

"I think you would be the best judge of that. Don"t you?"

Tammy blushed but could not form an answer. He merely walked toward the foot of the bed where ten colorful and sensual toes were waving in the air. His eyes grew wide and his cock was now standing so firm that Bev wondered if she had gone too far. She did feel some pride that she could have such an effect on him but she was not some incestuous pervert. She was a perfectly good mother that just wanted to have sex with her best friends daughter and help her son to become the sissy he was clearly meant to be. The boy, however, would require some attention and education for things to go properly. She would propose a trade. She would leave Tammy in the care of Celeste and gain her permission to take Larissa on her next business trip.

Tammy knelt at the foot of the bed and noticed that Miss Bev's feet became prettier the closer he got. He leaned forward and found the aroma intoxicating.

He tasted one toe and then another. He took them one by one between his lips. He began to love the sensation as they wiggled within his mouth.

Bev  lit another cigarette and began gently rubbing the fabric of the satin panties that covered her very moist pussy.

You're a good girl,Tammy, now lick between my toes."

With dreamy thoughts of Celeste and Larissa Bev brought herself to a satisfying climax. She rested for a moment then sat up to see that Tammy still had his mouth on her feet. He was most ardent as he placed soft kisses all over them.

""Stay right there, honey buns, I have a special treat for you."

Beverly rose to pinch the tip of Tammy's straining penis and then leap from her bed leaving the needy prick waving in the air. She returned wearing her new high heeled mules. They were red with five inch heels and a wide leather vamp that left her toes exposed. She used a gentle hand to guide Tammy into postion. She stood before the kneeling boy, tossed her hair and then slowly removed her panties.

"They're very wet. Just the way you like them."

"Taste them and make yourself come for Miss Beverly."

"Use your hand, honey, I want to see your pearly drops all over my new shoes."

Tommy was in awe. He took the panties and held them to his face while the gorgeous vision above him did a little shimmy dance that caused her breasts to bounce. It did not take long before his pearly drops were splattered all over Bev's new shoes. They both took a moment to enjoy the sight as his cream slid slowly over the smooth leather of Bev's shoes and onto her painted toes. 

:You're just too delicious,Tammy. I think we have had a good bonding as Mistress and servant but for the fun to continue you must agree to be my sissy maid and dress like a girl for me. Do you see what fun good girls get to have?"

"Yes, Mom, that was really nice."

Bev gave the boy a sharp slap on his face.


"Who am I darling?"

""Miss Beverly?"

"Yes, that's right and who are you?"

""I'm Tammy."

"That's my good girl."

"Since you like ladies panties so much  I think we should start at Victorias Secret. some sexy panties and pretty dresses would make you a most desirable sissy. The boys will go crazy for you. Wouldn't you like that?"

"But, I don't like boys", said Tammy.

"I want to be a girl so I can be like you and Celeste. I saw you together once and it was beautiful."

"Bev had been unaware that Tammy knew of her intimate relationship with Celeste but thus far her plan was showing great promise.

"Tammy, baby, I have make a trip next week and I was thinking that I could have Celeste look out for you. You would have to stay in her house, do everthing she tells you and continue to dress as a girl. Could you do that for me sweetums?"

"Er, I, Sure. I  like Celeste a lot."

""Oh really, and what do you like so much?"

""She's  hot. I love her clothes and her  legs and sexy shoes. She has a really nice butt too. Do you think she would let me kiss it?"

""Oooo, you naughty sissy, Celeste is going to love you but we'll have you get you

properly trained so that you can be of use to her. She can be very impatient, domineering, and a bit arrogant as well."

"Are you sure you want this Tammy?"

Tammy remembered a time when he was home last summer. He had dropped some chips in the kitchen and was on his knees picking them up when Celeste strode in to get another bottle of wine. She had been wearing a short black dress with matching five inch pumps.

The woman had stepped right on his hand and just stood there looking down on him with an amused smile. He did not recall any pain because from his lowly position he could see her lacy stocking tops. The lady quickly found the wine while the boy remained on his knees collecting chips. As she left Celeste stopped again and slowly brought the toe of her pump between his legs and gave a few taps while licking her lips. Tammy did recall that he could not take his gaze from her superior smile.

:'Better go upstairs, boy, unless you want to make a bigger mess," she said with a chuckle.

He had done just that. Filching a pair of Bev's panties Tammy had jerked off twice with them as he relived the incident with Celeste. Arrogant, bitchy and beautiful?

That didn't seem so bad if he could stay with Celeste.

The trip to the mall was exciting for both of them. Bev drove with her skirt pulled high feeling very confident and sexual as she observed the bulge in the tiny shorts that Tammy wore. She led him through the mall and he stood by quietly as she purchased several panties in just his size. Skirts and dresses required some fitting but the cute sales girl seemed to understand and gave a wink as she led them to where Tammy could try on his new frocks. Bev paid for five dresses on her card

and along with her receipt was a phone number and the name Melissa. Bev smiled sweetly and promised she would call. The last stop was at a shoe boutique where a slightly plump but pretty lady was very amused to fit Tammy with several pairs of heels and frilly socks. Bev liked the woman's attitude and secured her contact number as well.

Later that night Bev had him model each of his new dresses and dance for her.

When the final CD ended Bev ordered him to bed. He begged to stay with her and she relented with some conditions.Tammy agreed and stood by the bed as Miss Beverly took a lace from her running shoes and tied it tightly about his balls. She then found a ribbon and wrapped his cock until it became very small. Only then was allowed into her bed.


"Now, there will be no leaky girly cream all over my sheets."

"Good girls don't go around leaking in their panties nor pretty dresses."

"You like your pretty dresses don't you, Tammy?"

"Yes, Miss, they feel good.'

'I thought they would, now, let's go to sleep."





Over the next week Bev was careful to have nothing close to sexual contact with Tammy. Instead she taught him how to walk in his new heels and how to perform the many mundane tasks that would help to make a lady's life more comfortable.

During this time Tammy learned to clean, cook, do laundry and to serve

like a proper maid. Stll there remained the distraction of Tammy's prick constantly

lifting the front of his short dresses. Even with his panties there was always a bulge

and his garments frequently showed signs of leakage. Bev quite well knew that he was masturbating at every opportunity but ,yet, whenever his prick was hard it was frequently dripping precum. Something had to be done.

One day, after work, she stopped by a sex shop in a part of town she rarely went to and was very surprised to see that the girl behind the counter was none other than Melissa from the mall. Bev was happy to see her. The girl gave a cheery wave and said "Hi! Sure never expected to see you here."

Bev noticed that Melissa had cut her hair a bit but her red curls still made a perfect frame for her pretty face and emerald eyes. She was dressed in khaki shorts and a short T top. Bev's eyes danced between Melissa's face and her firm tits with their perky nipples. She felt like time was moving very slowly and that ages had passed since she had spoken. Had she been staring too long? She needn't have worried for Melissa was in her own little trance.

The young woman was quite taken by Bev in her crisp cream colored business suit.

She couldn't guess the lady's age but knew that even without her smooth makeup and well styled hair Bev was a not only a beauty but an accomplished lady of great determination and a demanding sensuality. This was the type of woman that she would gladly go to her knees for and hoped to do so soon.


'I'm surprised too', said Bev, 'don't you work at the mall?'

'I'm a college girl, I work wherever and whenever I can."

"I fully intended to call you, Melissa, but I have just been so busy."

Melissa just smiled and said, "That's ok. Mmm, you look great! That is such a hot suit. You must be a very important lady. By the way, where is that sweet little sissy you brought to the mall?"

"Well, that is why I am here", responded Bev, "I have been training him. He just naturally likes being a girl and likes his dresses but his constantly erect penis sort of disturbs the visual effect when dressing him as a girl."

"My goodness, Bev, you have been in the professional world too long."

"What you should say is that his hard little cock pokes from beneath his dresses."

"Yes," said Beverly with an amused smile. "You have stated the problem very well.

The point is I plan to leave him in the care of a friend while I have to travel for business and thought it best if I could find a way to constrain his urges."

With a little laugh Melissa came from behind the counter and led Bev to a corner of the store. "Here, I think this is what you're looking for." She presented a firm but flexible chastity device and explained how it worked. She then ran her hand over  Bev's smooth bottom. Bev turned to look at her and it only took an instant for them to know what was coming next. They shared a slow deep kiss while feeling each other every way possible while still dressed. They slowly pulled apart and Melissa said that she should close the shop. She then led Bev into a back room. There was a sofa, a coffee table and a couple of computers. Bev began to remove her jacket but Melissa stopped her.

"Please, let me do it. I really want this. I want to taste you so bad."

Bev began to relax and let the girl undress her. Oh, yes, this was nice.

The college girl made her feel so desired. She constantly kissed her and praised her beauty while slowly removing the blouse and bra. Bev's tits were really classy.

They were smooth, very white, firm, and topped with prominent nipples that looked like red rasberrys. The college girl gave each nipple a kiss and then stepped back.


"Just raise your skirt and sit back on the sofa," said Melissa.

Bev did not refuse, She moved from side to side with a sexy smile as she tugged her tight skirt above her hips. Melissa felt as though she had entered a candy shop.

The business lady's panties were of a light lacy confection that concealed almost nothing and her stockings were sheer stayups with white lacey tops and a thin border of red roses all around.

"I can't wait, Bev, let me get you out of those panties."

:Say 'please', giggled Bev.

Melissa went straight to her knees and began to gently remove the transparent undies. "Please! You are so beautiful. I really want you."

"There, sit back now and let me get these off over your heels."

Bev simi reclined with Melissa kneeling between her legs.

The girl was awestruck.  Her tongue was feeling thick and her saliva felt  like a mouthful of Liquid Silk (tm). The lady had a very  professional pubic trim that enhanced the color of the smooth outer lips of her femininity. Melissa began to kiss the knees and then inside the thighs and then upward until she planted a kiss right on those pretty lips. She followed with a deeper kiss and then a long lustful French kiss. She let her tongue slowly circle and began to suck. She was soon getting a steady flow of pussy cream that she lapped up eagerly. Her tongue did not tire and she started long slow licks of Bev's pussy from bottom to top.         

When she eventually began to tongue Bev's clitoris she felt the woman start a sensual fucking motion into her mouth. She felt long slim fingers caress her curls

and then form a tight gtip on her hair.

Bev pulled Melissa's face deep between her thighs and fucked the girl's face slowly but  firmly. She held the girl's

Melissa kept her tongue as busy as possible beneath such a passionate assualt.

She licked, swirled and sucked with complete abandon while using both hands to

grip and squeeze Bev's ass.

Bev began to moan and then pulled away.

"Damn, Melissa, you're good! I've got to cum baby!"

"Do my ass. I want to cum while you lick my ass. Push your tongue in deep you gorgeous slut."

The kneeling girl was only too happy to oblige. Beverly had a full round bottom and as she spread her cheeks she revealed a tight pink asshole. Melissa wasted no time in lubing it generously and then working her tongue inside.

A few minutes later the women were lying side by side recovering from their tryst.

"Melissa, that was awsome, do you want me to.......?"

"No, Bev, You deserved that. I got just what I wanted. Beneath your professional image you are a totally sexy bitch. Now, I feel like I really know you."

"Besides, I know two cute sorority girls that would rather suck my pussy than get an A in calculus."

This made Bev laugh but she could not doubt the truth of it. She brought wine and cigarettes for the both of them and then they just relaxed.

Finally, the ladies arose and dressed. They kissed goodby but Bev had to be reminded to take her recent purchase with her. Melissa approached and kissed her again while putting the bag into her hands.

"Melissa? Would you like to come by next week and help with fitting the device on Tammy?"

"Sounds like a party." said Melissa.

"There will be two other guests. Celeste has been my casual lover for about three years. Larissa is her daughter and I am very keen on seducing her. Just so you know."

"Not to worry, Bev, I'm not the jealous sort. See you next week."


Tammy continued to work hard at being a good sissy maid and do his chores in a feminine manner. He loved bedtime and his reward for being good.  Bev usually wore very short shorts and high heels as she casually milked him into slumber. He arose each day to put on one of his pretty dresses with matching slippers with two inch heels, prepare breakfast and then begin his daily routine.

Larissa would often stop by before or after her tennis or riding lessons. She always had some paltry excuse but it was obvious that she was really there to tease Tammy and flirt with Bev. Her short tennis skirts or tight jodhpurs definitely kept their attention on her. Tammy was often sent off to make coffee, fetch sodas or sweep the patio while the women talked.

One night, over drinks, Bev told Celeste what she had been up to. Her son was indeed a sissy albeit not a typical one. She had already trained him as a passable maid and planned to place him in chastity so he could more easily pass as a girl. Beyond that she had gone as far as she could as his mother and could not morally train him further. She then presented her proposal. Celeste could further trainTammy while Larissa would be a delightful companion on her upcoming travels if Celeste would consent.

Coy, as always, Celeste danced around the issue before being honest with her friend. "Darling, Larissa adores you and will jump at the chance to travel with you."

"I have always been fond of 'Tammy'. I have noticed his submissive attitude toward

women and would love to test his limits. Would you be ok with that?"

"I trust you Celeste. I think we are in agreement. You know, I have already bought a chastity device for Tammy and I'm planning a fitting ceremony shortly before I have to leave for Vancouver. Would you like to attend and do the deed?"

"Wild horses couldn't keep me away," laughed Celeste.

'Then, this belongs to you" said Beverly as she held forth a small silver key and  a box that contained the chastity tube.

"I want you to fit him, Celeste. He will accept it from you without complaint."

"Tammy is quite infatuated with you. He is looking forward to staying with you and actually asked if he might be allowed to kiss your ass."

Celeste took the key into her hand. "Thank you, Bev. I can assure you that Tammy will get her wish. Oh! You should 'pop the question' to Larissa soon. I know she wants you but girls like her have many options."

The next morning Bev was just coming downstairs while Tammy was in the kitchen slicing melon and berries to prepare a light cottage cheese salad for breakfast. Bev praised his efforts and complimented his chosen outfit. He wore a short blue skirt with a white T shirt with a logo that said "Gurls Rule". Tammy brought tea to the table as Bev seated herself. "That looks lovely,Tammy, you are becoming such a good girl. I love your outfit too."

"Thank you, Miss, I want to look pretty so that Celeste will let me stay with her while you're away with Larissa."

"Well, said Beverly, you're either a very smart girl or a snoopy little sissy to even know about such things. Which is it?"

"I didn't hear anything. I could just see that you like each other a lot. What shall I do if Celeste dosn't want me?"

"Don't worry, honey, Celeste seems quite keen on having you stay with her. She is anxious to teach you about things that I can not. I have invited both her and Larissa for a late lunch Friday afternoon. This will be your chance to make a good impression. I will order something from the deli but I would like you to dress very nicely and serve us." 

"Can you do that for me honeybunch?"

"I will do my best Miss Beverly. You are all my three favorite people in the world."

"I know you like Larissa and want her to go with you. I hope you both have fun."

Bev became almost teary with the sincerity of Tammy's statement.

"Tammy, baby, I want you to go back to calling me mom or just Beverly. I am first

and foremost your mother and I only want the best for you. That whole 'Miss Beverly' thing was just to understand your feelings. We can never do the things we have before. I think it best if Celeste continues your training. There seems to be a certain attraction between the two of you."

"Thank you, mom, you helped me to know who I really am and Celeste does excite me in a way I can't describe. She just seems so superior and bitchy but it's like she has a right to be that way. I think of her making me do very nasty things to please her. Do you think she will? I wouldn't mind if she was bitchy if I could just get close to her. I would like to do whatever she wants even if it's naughty."

"Those are very grown up thoughts, Tammy. You are more mature than I had guessed. I will be very honest with you now. Celeste may be quite firm with you and I'm sure she will demand a lot of you. You have never been spanked have you honey?"

"No, Miss."

"Well, baby, Celeste will certainly want to spank you. I'm sure she will turn your plump bottom bright red and make it hard for you to sit for a few days. She may ask you to do things that I doubt you've ever even thought of. She is my friend but she can be a bitch."

"There's another thing,Tammy. I know you want to be a good girl but your constantly hard prick leaks a lot of sissy goo into your panties and even onto your dresses. I decided it best to fit you with a device that will prevent such undesirable spillage. I asked Celeste if she would do the fitting. She will lock your penis away and hold the only key. Your cockette will belong to her. She may release you, sometimes, or she may not. It will be totally up to her. You must be very sure that you want this."

"I do want it , Mom. I'm not sure why but I'm just different than the other boys." "Mom, am I weird?"

"No! Tammy, honey, you're just finding your way through life."

"Mom? What will you and Larissa be doing on your trip?"

Bev laughed. "Well, miss nosey, hopefully we will see some sights, become lovers and bring each other much pleasure. Does that bother you?"

"No! I want you both to be happy."

"Could you and Larissa help me dress on Friday? I really want Celeste to like me."

"Of course we will, sweetie, but, I was thinking perhaps we should put on a little show for Celeste and then see how the two of you get along."

"What sort of show?" asked Tammy.

"Well, honey, I was thinking of spanking you right in front of Celeste and Larissa."

"It would be very sexy for everyone and also pique Celeste's interest in taking you on as her devoted sissy."

"I will do the spanking and then turn you over to that bitchy lady that you dream of

so much, You will, of course, have to parade about a bit so that she can see your bright red bottom. I'm guessing she will scoop you right up and  take you to her home."

Tammy shut his eyes and tried to understand.

"Musn't there be a reason for a spanking?"

"Oooo, you are such a clever girl, Tammy. I'm going to talk to Larissa and if she agrees to go with me we will arrange a little accident that will give me a perfect excuse to spank you. Now!  I have to go out for a while so finish your chores  and when I return we will have a treat. How about some chocolate chip ice cream and you can pick out a movie. What do you want to see?"

"Bratz," said Tammy.

Bev arose from the sofa. "I'm proud that you are my child Tammy. I really can't decide who is more interesting my sissy son or my lesbian daughter."

Bev gave him a kiss on the cheek and prepared to leave.

Tammy knew it was naughty but he could not help but watch as Beverly swayed about  in her short skirt and four inch heels gathering her purse and keys.

Later, Bev returned with pizza, ice cream and the movie.

Tammy enjoyed 'Bratz' admiring the cute oufits the girls wore. He was put to bed wothout a milking. Bev explained that if he wanted to impress Celeste it would be best if if his balls were full and his prick very hard. She would then have to relieve him before the chastity tube could be fitted.

The next morning Larissa dropped by  as usual. She was wearing her sleek white jodhdpurs, a black blouse and new riding boots. She was looking rather flushed and even had a few beads of sweat dripping down her face. "Good morning,' she said.I've just had the most wonderful ride. I had my steed at a near full gallop almost all the way. It was thrilling."

Tammy was at the stove making omelets while Beverly sat at the table sipping coffee and reading the morning news. Neither could ignore her entrance. When she was so pumped , like this, Larissa was like a force of nature. She went right to Tammy put her hand beneath his skirt and gave his bottom a firm pinch.

"Tammy, that looks so yummy. Make some for me as well. I am famished."

"Do you lke my new boots?' Tammy looked and so did Bev. The boots were ,indeed , quite striking. They were of glistening black leather with silver chains and small spurs.  

Tammy served breakfast along with fresh coffee and sat at the table with his portion of the omelet and his usual glass of chocolate milk. When he had finsihed

Bev suggested that he sweep the patio and pool deck. Once he had gone Beverly teached across the table and held Larissa's hand. "I'm glad we have become friends, Larissa. I have a question or perhaps a proposition for you. Please, answer just as you feel. However you answer I will always be your friend."

Larissa rose from her chair and  looked down at Bev.

"I like you a lot but, sometimes, you just talk too damned much."

With that said she delivered a full sensual kiss that left no doubt that the two would be spending some time together.

"Mom tells me everything, you know. In fact she tells everyone everything. I wouldn't have been around so much if I didn't think you liked me."

"So, you already know my question' said Bev. Will you come with me Larissa?"

The young equestrienne moved closer, stradddled her thigh and began to move back and forth. "Vvancouvvver" she whispered. "That sounds so exotic.

All those v's could make a girl like me feel giddy. I love V's."  Both laughed and closed for another deep kiss.



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