BDSM Library - Fan Girl

Fan Girl

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A man falsely accused of being a serial killer adopts the role to be with a girl absessed with the killer. But how far will he go to get her. Some cannibal themes, and human butchering within.

Fan Girl

By ninja5

Chapter 1

     The case had been thrown out of court on bad evidence.  It seems the detective in question had been a little too eager to convict me.  Still the ordeal had left me with an uneasy feeling that I was being watched.  People knew my face now.  I had had to move to London for that very reason.  In my old neighborhood I was a celebrity.  An unwelcome celebrity, treated like a pedophile, abused and spat at in my own streets.  In London I could hide among the crowd and few people recognized me.

     As I left my apartment I headed for the Underground.  It was overcast and I walked with my head down.  As I approached the entrance to the underground I bumped into a young woman.  I didn't apologize, but kept walking.  She followed grabbing my arm gently.  I turned.

"Youre him aren't you?”

"I don't know what you mean.  Excuse me."

"It's you.  You're him."

"I think you have me confused with someone else", I looked around to see if she was drawing the attention of others, but the crowd was too busy.  She was beautiful, blue eyed and dark hair.  A perfect smile, only my own apprehension stopped her from being innocent.

"No don't go", she said as I turned to leave.  She tried grabbing me again, this time I shook her hand off and hurried to the escalators.  My heart was pounding.  I wasn't in the mood for this today.  As I reached the escalators I took a deep sigh and relaxed and looked around me.  Standing behind me on the escalator in a woolen coat was the same dark haired young woman I'd bumped into.  She smiled at me.  At first I panicked, hadn't she been going the other way when I'd bumped into her?  I stared at her, the anxiety growing in me.

She continued to smile.  She was following me.

I almost tripped at the bottom of the escalators.  The young woman giggled as I collected myself and ran to the nearest train, not caring for its destination.  I could hear her light footfalls behind me.  She wasn't giving up.  I leapt to the train and turned.  The dark haired women in the coat glided in threw the closing doors and stood in front of me.  Smiling sweetly.

She was cute.  She had gentle features and she was staring happily with deep blue eyes.  The train began to move forward.  I was trapped with her now, waiting for the label to come out.  But when she spoke it was friendly.  Chirpy.

"My name is Kate.  I'm kind of a fan of your work."

"What work", I blurted.  "I'm not an artist.  I don't write or sing.  Would you just please leave me alone."

She giggled again.  "I've been looking for someone like you", and began to open her jacket, exposing a naked breast.  She was naked under the jacket. 
No one on the train gave an indication that they had noticed, she was brief.  I was hypnotized.... but then......  The panic came back.  What was going on?  This was surreal.  The train stopped at the next station and I moved to get off.

"Come with me", she said softly and leaned forward to touch my face. “Come to the end of the line with me.  We'll go to my place and you can.  You know..........."

"NO!!!  No I don't know what youre.....  This is some kind of trick by the police.  Who put you up to this?  It was that Copper wasn't it.  It's not bad enough that he ruined my life he has to....", but she cut me off when she opened her jacket, revealing perfect breasts and a toned stomach.

"I know who you are", she said.  "There's no point denying it.  I'm willing to give myself to you if you'll have me."

     She was a fan girl.  The type of girl who viewed serial killers as men with the power of a God.  A childish stupid attitude, but it had been so long since I had been with a women, and she was gorgeous.  Should I play on her desires just to get laid and then confess that the case against me had been false?  I was not the Bristol Butcher.  I was just some sap who had been seen in the vicinity of the first crime, and had no confirmable alibi for the second murder.  A Copper had planted evidence to deliver a hasty conviction, but my lawyer had pulled it apart.  It hadn't mattered; I had been convicted by the press.

     I had received many letters from fan girls.  Women wanting to be my lover and even my next victim.  I had never responded, always repelled by the idea, but Kate was perfect, and it had been so long.  Would she be disappointed after the sex with my performance?  She expected an Uberman who would dominate her and take her to her fantasy.  For the first time I became aroused by the possibility of living up to my pseudo-image.
"Stop what you are doing", I said in a domineering voice.  Then I hesitated.  Let me have a better look at you."

     She responded perfectly to my order.  The train was sparsely populated at this time and those who did remain on board talked on their phones or listened to their iPods.  Her smile became enticing.  She was getting what she wanted.  I was not dense, I had gleamed much information during the numerous police interviews and psyche-evaluations.  The killer was confident and took his time.  The murders had always taken place at the victims home.  He's kept them for days without getting caught, so he timed his attacks.  This meant he took time to get to know his victims habits.  When they went out.  When they would be undisturbed at home.  I would do likewise.

     It was several stops before the end of the Line.  More than enough time to find out what Kate wanted.  If she wanted to be ravished, I would do my best.  If she wanted to be a victim, I would have to decide where to draw the line.  I could not ask her what she wanted, but had to deduce it from questions, giving her enough to stay interested, taking a little to keep the image alive.

"Cover yourself my dear; we don't want to catch unwanted attention."  She complied. " Where do you live?"
"On the Waterfront.  At the end of the line."  She said softly, carefully gauging my reaction.  Perhaps she worried the site should not be to a killers liking.  "The station is near dead at this time of the day.   No one will see you."  She grew excited.

"Calm please."  She blushed and then lifted her skirt.

"Calm, my dear."  I nearly lost it.  This woman was actually inviting her demise.  For a second my old fears reignited.  Was this a set up?  The apprehension allowed me to collect myself.  She seemed to have no reservations; her concern was only with me getting caught.  How would she feel when I had had my way with her?  Would she call the police?  What would she tell them?  What could she possibly tell them? 

I decided it was safe to take a firmer grasp on the woman.

"When we get to the end of the line you will get off this train and walk ahead of me.  You will not look back.  I will follow you to your home and if it is to my liking......"  I paused.  I wasn't very good at this.  "When you enter your house change into something more comfortable.  I will give you five minutes.  Then I will enter and we will begin."

One of the questions that had always hounded me through the police interviews was how did the killer get his victims into the lingerie.  How do you get a bound victim to change clothes.  It seemed I wouldnt have this problem.

We were silent to the end of the line.  When the train stopped she got up, and after a pause, I followed her out.  At least I knew I could still back out, and she could too.  She could change her mind and look back.  She didn't.

I followed her to the water front, a five minute walk.  She must have been rich, or the daughter of a rich man, or his mistress.  She lived in a boathouse in a secluded dock surrounded by yachts.  It would be vacant till the weekend.  Four days alone, with no one to hear her scream.  The Bristol Butcher would be jealous.  I waited five minutes and then entered.

     She was prepared.  This reinforced my theory that she was a mistress.  She wore only a delicate thing.  Now she looked nervous.

"Is it to your liking?"  She asked.

     I nodded, speechless.  On the walk I had summed enough courage to get this far, now all I had to do was take her.  I approached carefully and not knowing how a serial killer would take a woman, I decided to be a gentleman.

     The sex was easier than I expected.  She was not concerned with me pleasing her, but concerned that she would not please me.  She was attentive.  Gentle.  Shy.  She was the perfect victim.  Through a mixture of arousal and the excitement of the circumstances, performance was not an issue.  The years of absence since the court case melted away and I hungered to take every inch of this strange woman named Kate.  I took everything I could get before; exhausted she drifted to sleep while I was still inside her.

     I awoke to morning a couple of hours later, Kate still fast asleep.

     She lay naked on the futon.  I admired her and was sad.  This was the time to leave, before it went any further.  Before she asked me to complete the final stage of her fantasy.  I hesitated and faltered.

     The cops had given me meticulous details on the cases brought against me.  Shown me photos, read me pathological reports on techniques used, and screamed abuse at the monstrous nature of what could come next.

     The Bristol Butcher, after having his way with the bound and helpless women, would use a butcher knife to carve (minding not to nick an artery) the superfluous flesh of his victim.  Always starting with the feet, the legs and arms.  Bandaging the wounds between episodes or between meals as the press had publicized.  His victims survived for days.  As he feed on them, time and the cumulative effects of being harvested, finally releasing them.
As I looked out the window to see if all was clear, Kate stirred behind me, awoken by my terrible realization.

"Are you going to eat me now?"  She asked.

"Yes my dear.  I'm going to eat you now."

Chapter 2

     There was no knife rack on the bench.  A precaution every boat owner took.  I knew I couldn't pause or seem frustrated.  My motions would have to be confidant, fluid.  I decided to get rope.  Being a houseboat there was lots outside and I left her briefly to go untied an unnecessary mourning.  Now to find a knife.  As I re-entered and took another look at Kate she stretched her legs out for me, belly up.

"Shoes off", I ordered. 

     She startled up and quickly began releasing the buckles of the high heels.  She beamed up at me and I'd have lost myself in her smile if I didn't have to keep my mind focused on how to get a knife without effort.  It had to seem effortless.  I dropped the rope in front of her and turned to the most likely draw.  Her eyes followed me and turn to panic.  "No.  Not that one."  The draw was half open by the time she had spoken.

     Inside something pink and cylindrical caught my eye.  I open the draw further.  Kate cried out "No", again and started to get up.

"Sit down", I ordered.  "Sit down and wait." 

     The smile was gone.  Her brow furrowed and she pouted at me.  Inside the draw a large pink strap-on dildo with the inset word "Dong" sat on top of feathered handcuffs; nipple clamps; and at least three vibrators, one with spiky protrusions.  At the very bottom of the draw was a pile of pornographic magazines with titles like Taboo, Finally Legal and Sapphic Love.  These clearly didn't belong to the innocent girl on the futon. 

A Mistress.  She had a Mistress.  Kate was a kept girl.  But kept how often?

I turned to her with a sincere expression.  "Now Kate, this is very important.  How often does your Mistress call?"  It was an accusation as well as a question. 

     She fell to putty, lowered her head and sweetly said, "Frauline Jeinsen comes twice a week."  Her eyes lowered and her voice was filled with disappointment more than shame.

"And she does things to you?"

     Kate nodded sadly.

"And when is she coming next?"

"Today, in about an hour.  She likes.....  She likes to work up an appetite before she takes me out to lunch with her friends.  I don't like her friends."  She looked up at me with pleading eyes and she was right, this was a deal breaker.  I pushed the thought of why this sweet little girl didn't like Frauline Jeinsen's friends to the back of my head and sighed.

"I have to go."

     Kate's face contorted in pain.  Her beautiful killer, the one person who could protect and release her was leaving.  As I quickly walked to the door she began to cry.

Chapter 3

"Crazy Fucking Women", I said out loud.  Safely out of ear shot.  Away from Kate the whole episode began to fade away, and I couldn't believe what I had almost done.  I stared up at the sky.  "Crazy fucking woman", I said again.

"Oh you don't know the half of it."  A woman's voice replied.  An American accent, I couldn't derive its origin.  "Though I was surprised Kate was the one who made contact.  I thought one of the others would have......"

"Who the fuck are you?” I blurted staring at the pale, red headed woman smoking at my side.  She was walking in pace with me now, though I had no idea where she'd come from.

"I'm sneaky", she said as if she'd read my mind.  "And I know how to get into your head.  I know how to get into a lot of people's heads."  Her eyes flared green in contrast to her hair.  "You start with hair and eyes", she said, pointing her cigarette at me.  "You'll get to my complexion and then my tits.  You're a little slow.  Most men would have pictured me naked by now.  But the back of your head is still thinking about Kate."

"The back of my head?"

"The reptilian part.  You wanted to eat her didn't you?"  She paused and sat on a bench.  I found myself stopping and staring at the woman.

     She broke an elongated silence.  "I'll tell you what I'll do for you.  If you come with me now, I won't call the cops.  If you do what I ask, I won't call the cops.  I'll even let you ask me questions, though I'd prefer you to figure it out for yourself."  She smiled.  The exact opposite smile of Kate.

     I stared horror filled.  "Are you Frau Jeinsen?"  I asked feebly.

     She laughed, her accent coming through.  "Do I sound like a Kraut?  Come.  I have a car."  She childishly held out her hand, and when I didn't take it laughed again.  "Come with me or I'll tell the Copper."  She began to skip away, dancing with her cigarette.  "Follow" she called back.  And I reluctantly followed.

     We walked through the park, past the Underground entrance to an immaculate 60's citron painted brown, orange and cream.  I got in the passenger's seat and she told me to buckle up.  Clearly road safety was a priority for her.  The Redhead drove back into London and pulled into a handicap space outside a BMW car dealership.  A banner bearing the words 'Collectors Auction' was strung up outside.  The Redhead lent back giving me a clear line of sight, and pointed to a young woman in hot shorts standing in front of a red Z3.

"That's Martel.  She was named after a city in France.  Her parents honeymooned there.  She models for the money but hates the attention.  She lives in a soundproof loft down town and she's an awful big fan of yours.  I want you to meet her."

"Meet her?"

"Oh she doesn't want to be eaten.  She just wants a real man.  The type who scares her like her father used to when she turned thirteen.  Always running away, secretly wanting to get caught."  The redhead seemed lost in her thoughts.  But then her face lit up as if she'd remembered something.  "Go and meet Martel.  Get an invite back to her apartment and when you get there tonight, leave the door unlocked.  Do this, or I'll tell the Copper about Kate."  She fluttered her lashes.  She would have been desirable if I wasn't being blackmailed.  I left the car and approached the car dealership wondering how on earth I would get this done.

     Martel was busy flirting with yet another potential buyer.  Three in a row, or were they just attracted to her.  Each man made the same joke about whether or not she came with the car.  She giggled each time and touched their hands, rubbed their shoulders and posed for photographs.  It reminded me of a Simpsons episode.   I had no idea how I was going to do this.  As the last straggler moved on I approached her and opened my mouth to say hello.

"Hel...", was all I got out.

     Her entire face lit up like a Christmas tree and she stumbled back, falling into the side of the car.  I ran forward to help her up.  As I grabbed her hand, she reacted as though I was electricity.  She clung to me, starring deeply into my eyes.  "Oh great, another fan girl", I thought.  At least this would be easy.

Chapter 4

Martel insisted on dinner, and I said Ok, "But only if I can walk you home".  She smiled the same way Kate smiled.  Submissive, but damaged.  For a moment I had forgotten all about the crazy Redhead.  Martel seemed almost normal at the restaurant, contemplative on the walk to her place, and hopeful when she invited me in.  We kissed briefly on the doorstep, and she led me in locking the door behind her.

"Wait here."  She said softly as I stood in the entrance to a stylish apartment.

"Don't take too long."  I said as she disappeared into the low light of the half lit loft.  I turned to the door, hesitated with my hand on the latch before unlocking it.  The Redheads motives hadn't occurred to me till then.  Did Martel have something she wanted?

Martel called from the distance and a followed the sound of her voice to the master bedroom.

     She sat on the bed weary in pink singlet and white panties.  My episode with Kate had given me confidence and I expected nothing less from Martel.  Act cool and in control.  It was time for this persona to pay off.

"Singlet off", I ordered.  She complied.  Slowly, teasing me.  I wonder if the Bristol Butcher liked to be teased by women, decided he probably didn't, then decided I didn't care.  It seemed to me that obsession with serial killers was like a religion.  They didn't question, they went on faith.

     She stopped halfway.  "Do you promise not to cut me?” she asked in an anxious voice.

"Martel", I said sincerely, “I promise not to cut you."  She believed me.

     Her breasts were small and shapely, in perfect proportion to form.  Her skin was not covered in Goosebumps like Kate's had been.  She was just as inviting though.  Smooth skinned and toned.  Not a hint of blemish.

     Something drew her eyes away from my approach.

     Though she had not made a sound, Martel had sensed the approach of the Redhead.  She glided quickly up behind her from the shadows.  A syringe in her right hand.  As Martel turned and opened her mouth, so startled she still had an inviting look on her face, the Redhead slid the needle into Martel's neck and press down on the plunger.  Martel's head fell back, and she plunged forward into unconsciousness.  I stepped forward to catch her but the Redhead stepped towards me, the half full syringe stabbing into my abdomen.  The Redheads face flash with colours and the floor raced up towards me.

     I awoke in a chair of a well lit living room.  Two blurred figures were before me, both almost naked.  The Redheads hair was tied up, revealing features that were both angular and smooth.  The Redhead donned a leather skirt and velvet gloves.  A jockey whip in hand.  Both women wore collars, Martel's with a chain on it, a leash.  Martel was naked except for pink panties.  Perhaps the white ones hadn't been to the Redheads likings. 

     The Redhead was whispering into Martel's ear, jockey whip in hand.  Martel had a dazed look of horror on her face.  The drugs the Redhead had given me burned through my system and I sweated like I was under bright lights.  I shifted in my seat, unable to get up.  The Redheads eyes shifted towards me.  She licked Martel's ear.  Martel made a catatonic whimper.  If she felt the way I felt, she wasn't going to be able to run, or call for help.  But then that didn't matter, if the loft was soundproof.

"Would you like me to make her squeal", the Redhead said.  "With this much Ketamine in her system she could make the most mournful screams.  Delirium and pain mixed like gin and vermouth." 

     I stared in transfixed bewilderment.  The (what I now knew to be) Ketamine forcing me to look at the world through a tunnel.  The Redhead did not seem impressed.  She glowered at me and slapped Martel's bare buttocks with the riding whip.

     Martel groveled at the Redheads feet.  The Redhead looked at me for a reaction.  I may have given one of concern for Martel.  I may have sighed in ecstasy; in my hazed state of mind the situation was overwhelmingly erotic.  Both seemed possible on this drug.  The Redhead seemed content and picked Martel up off the ground her right hand clutching the collar around her victims neck.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, mumbling the words. 

"I've already told you.  I prefer you figured it out for yourself."  She turned her attention back to Martel, fondling her bare breast through gloved hands.  Martel made more whimpers, but didn't seem to have the resolve to muster a scream.  The Redhead pushed Martel's head down and licked her back.  As my eyes began to clear I could see several welts.  The Redhead had whipped her, again mixed feelings of concern and arousal.

     The Redhead stopped; paused, and then fastened the bands around Martel's ankles and wrist together, hogtying her.  She took a step back from her work and eyed Martel's feet.  She looked up at me. 

"Well we can't do anything to her is this condition.  The Ketamine is too effective at blocking out pain."  She leant back down towards the girl, not taking her eyes of me, and whispered something in her ear.  For the first time Martel broke through the drug.  Her face filled with dazed fear.

"What did you say to her?"

     The Redhead made an effort, or acted as if she was making an effort, to remain calm.  "You're never going to learn if I keep having to fill in the blanks."  She let the tension build.  "I'll show you what I told her."

     The Redhead shifted towards Martel's helpless feet and very slowly, almost kiss like, bit down on her big toe.  Martel found the will to scream, a mournful erotic scream, despite the dulling effect of the Ketamine.  A trail of blood ran from the Redheads mouth and she seemed to be sucking the wound.  Martel's screams turned into rushed breathing and her face relaxed, the pressure from the bite ending, the drug taking back over. 

     The Redhead stood up and began to glide towards me, licking her reddened lips.  "We need to get this drug out of your system, and do you know the best way to boost your metabolism."  She paused thinking the answer obvious.  She looked at me disapprovingly.   She went to a black leather bag in the corner of the room and produced another syringe.  I tried to move away but the Redhead was too agile for me.  I felt a prick and then a surge of energy.  "Amphetamines", she said. 

     As my head past clear into overdrive I stood from the chair and began walking to Martel, immediately clasping at the chains which bound her.

"Oh you shouldn't do that", the Redhead commented smugly.

"And why the fuck not, you crazy bitch?"  I meant it as a rhetorical statement.

"Because youre an accomplice, youd have to explain why you picked her up.  How you met me.  All about Kate.  Could you imagine Kate's statement to the cops."   Her voice changed to a reserved tone, mocking Kate's gentle voice.  "I'm his biggest fan.  He was going to eat me and everything."  The redhead smiled.  "You can't go.  You're in this with me.  You and Martel are both mine, and if your reaction to Kate is anything to go by, you want to know what happens next."

"I can't let you hurt this poor girl."

"She's already damaged goods.  I've watched her for weeks.  No friends, no family contact.  She's alone.  Only the perverts she hates will miss her pretty body.  Stop acting like you care.  You were a suspect for so long because you fit the profile.  All you need is a nudge in the right direction.  Now's your chance.  Trust me."

     She was the exact person I shouldn't trust, but I hesitated too long, and just like with Kate, I wanted this.  "Are you the Bristol Butcher?"

     She smiled. "I'm the Bristol Butcher."

“Women arent serial killers”, I said.

“I prefer to think of myself as a Connasuer de la cuisine fine.”  She walked away from me towards Martel.  “French is so similar to English.  Its like we stole their language and took out all the pretty sounds.”  She reached Martel and slowly kneeled beside her.  “Make a pretty sound”, the Redhead said gently running her nails over Martel's back.  Martel moaned in fear.  The Redhead opened her mouth as showed her teeth, they glistened.  Her mouth was watering and to my surprise, so was mine.  “Nous allons manger cette fille”.  She said softly and I knew enough French to know what she had said.

“We are going to eat this girl.” 

Martel obviously knew French too, because she began to cry.

Chapter 5.

“We have a lot of ground to cover so I want you to pay attention”, the Redhead slapped the side of my face to take my eyes away from the weeping Martel.  “Firstly you have a website.  Relax, calm down.  The police know you dont run it or visit it.  When they saw it was run by a woman, Moi, they gave up that lead.  They were so close too.  All my meals have come from the internet.  When a conversation is faceless people will tell you so much, even that their loft is soundproof.”  She moved to her bag again, neatly laying things out on a coffee table.

“Thats the source covered.  Second is method.”  She pulled out two familiar syringes.  Firstly is Ketamine to subdue our friends why we get ready.  Secondly, Ritalin in a saline solution to pep them up before we begin.  It will also stop any unnecessary loss of consciousness.  We dont want them to miss a second.”  She removed another syringe, “Synthetic Clotting Agent, stops them from bleeding to death.  We have to keep the meat fresh now dont we.”  I stared at the colorless liquid in the needle.  “And finally”, she said producing a tiny syringe, “This puppy is hard to come by.”  She gently shook the syringe.  “Five milligrams of this will make the transmission of impulses down the neural pathways magnify.  What do you think this means?”

     The question threw me.  “Shell feel more pleasure.”

“No.” A disapproving look.  “Shell feel more pain.  Were eating her, not making love…. Although.”  She broke off and eyed Martel, who was rolling on her belly as is she could propel herself away like a snail.  “It might confuse her if we gave her some pleasure.” 

     The Redheads brain worked faster than mine, even on amphetamines.  I could see her entertain the notion and then dismiss it in a second.

“That covers basic tools.  The third thing to consider is the act.  You have to get to know what your meal does, and doesnt want.  Give them a little of what their damaged little brains want, and then take everything they have.  You havent done much research so Ill be in charge of Martel, and besides, you promised not to cut her.”  As she said the last few words she pulled a sushi knife out of her bag.  “Be a dear, find a wok and some oil and turn the kitchen stove on.  Im hungry.”

     Once she has the knife in her hand I knew that there was no going back.  I couldnt go for help, I would be implicated.  Martel was lost.  As I turned to the kitchen to do as she had directed she called out in a sensual voice. 

“You cant imagine what she will be prepared to do just to make the cutting stop.  Even if you tell her you will keep going she will do anything to keep hope alive.”  A broad grin came over the Redheads face and her head rolled back in near anticipation.  “Ill make her eat my pussy for a day.”

     I continued to the kitchen.  “Hurry back and bring a plate”, she called.  “I need to teach you where the major arteries are.”  As I turned my back again Martel let out a blood curdling scream.  The harvest had begun.

     I bought a plate from the kitchen and handed it to the Redhead.  I hadnt missed much, and Martel wasnt missing much, yet.  The Redhead has flayed the sole of Martel's foot with the sushi knife revealing the pink flesh underneath.  It was obvious the Ketamine was no longer protecting Martel.  She tried to beg, but every time she started a sentence the Redhead would pierce the exposed flesh of her sole with the point of the sushi knife.  Finally Martel broke through the pain.

“Please.”  She tried.  “Please, Im not meat.”

The Redhead smiled calmly.  “En francais.”  She said.

“Je ne suis pas la nourritore.  Sil vous plait ne me mangez pas.”  She squealed the words as the knife plunged into her sole again, this time it was twisted.

“Say it without the accent.”

“What”, Martel cried.

“Oh well, you had your chance.”  The Redhead kneeled on Martels back pinning her belly to the floor and grabbed the ankle of the injured foot.  With the knife in the other hand she slowly trimmed a thin slice of flesh from the sole.  Martel jerked and shook but was held back by the cuffs and weight of the Redhead.  My penis swelled as watched the every changes expressions of pain and fear on Martels face, so many subtle variances along the same theme.  The Redhead took the slice of meat and placed it on the plate.  Within two minutes the plate was full and Martels living bones were visible.  Her foot was nothing but dangling skin, ligament and bone.  All the flesh had been removed.  Martel twitched, but was too weak to scream anymore, her heavy pants came in unison to the throb of my erect member.  It didnt matter if I ran know, I was accessory to a brutal crime, and I was enjoying it.

     The Redhead stepped away from Martel and picked up the plate.  The wok in the kitchen was hissing from the oil.  “And now, we eat.”  She said.

     We sat at opposite ends of Martels table, a plate of thinly sliced meat in front of each of us.  On the floor in the background Martel moaned and sobbed.  The Redhead had chosen chopsticks as eating implements, a tool I thought would be reserved for Asian girls.  I found this kind of funny, but didnt think it was appropriate to laugh.  The Redhead noticed this, but didnt say anything.  The bond of teacher and student was established and she was too intelligent to boast her advantage.

“Me first, then you taste.  Tell me what you think?”  She said, then selected a piece of meat and placed her red lips around it.  She sighed as she began to chew, her other hand reaching down past her belly to stroke herself.  After a few seconds pause I did the same, even touching myself.  I found I had too; sex and food had been linked now.  The power she had over Martel and the arousal it gave was all about this moment.  I chewed slowly.  The meat was so tender it broke apart in my mouth.  It looked like pork, but tasted better.  I felt like I had just won a fight, come first in a race.  It was the same feeling I had when I glided myself into Kate.  It was power, control, dominance.  Every man should feel this way.

     The Redhead was looking at me now, waiting for me to verbalize the feeling.  I smiled.  “Je suis son Dieu.”  I said.

     She frowned at me, “Without the accent.”  The moment paused.  I suddenly realized I was working very hard to please women who had manipulated me into helping her mutilate and torture an innocent girl.  Surprisingly, my biggest current concern was how to improve my French in the next five seconds.  Naturally she read this in me and smiled.  She continued to smile all through dinner.  Martels pained sobs were our music.

     I did the dishes whilst the Redhead treated Martels injuries.  It was clear that she was a Doctor, or a Nurse.  Firstly because of the array of drugs she seemed to have, and secondly because of the skill with which she turned the skeletal remains of Martels foot into a stub at the ankle.  Martel resembled an amputee victim rather than a half slaughter pig.  The excess skin and bone was placed in the trash, and the Redhead dragged the weakened Martel into the bedroom. 

“I love breakfast in bed.” She cried out.

     When she remerged I had finished cleaning the dishes and we faced each other.  I awaited instruction, but as I eyed the Redhead I wanted something more.  She was softly built and supple, pale and fiery.  I was still hard from dinner and I hoped I would get to be inside her like I had Kate.

“Ill be honest with you.  I dont like cock.”  She said eyeing me soberly.

     I had forgotten she was inside my head.  I started to wonder how she had such a firm grasp on my mind from the start, but gave off as she began to talk.

“I shared tonight with for my own reason; you are not privy to the facts at this point in time.  I have been watching Martel for quite some time.  Shes mine.  I get the rest of her.  I however, have not developed the same attachment to Kate yet.  Shes perfect to start your career with.  There is however one obstacle in your way.”

“Frauline Jeinsen.”  I said like a child trying to show teacher how smart I am.

“Yes.  Come by tomorrow.  Im going to get you a job that will give you the opportunity to get rid of Frauline Jeinsen.  I will leave a package on the doorstep.  Dont come in, Martel and myself will be quiet busy all day.  Theres the door, make use of it.”

Chapter 6.

       The amphetamines and Ketamine fought it out all night in my sleep.  I had vivid waking dreams of Kate, Martel and the Redhead.  Kate and Martel were running naked through an abandoned London, the streets vacant of people.  I was chasing them constantly, not getting tired, and every time I cornered them the Redhead would appear from a shadow.  A gorgeous pale figure with a needle in her hand, shed inject it into me and would whisper, “Not yet.”  Kate and Martel would run away out of reach and Id start chasing them again.  Finally in a darkened alley they were trapped.  Kate stood there with a sweet smile on her face, welcoming me.  Martel clawed at a wall, trying to dig through.  The Redhead appeared out of the shadows, again holding a syringe. 

“Two beautiful meals”, she said in her regionless accent and guided the syringe towards me.

“Two?” I replied.  “Dont you mean Three?”  I reached for her catching her wrist. She screamed angrily.

I awoke erect.

During the court case I had been hounded for a confession so hard I had actually felt guilt.  There was a definite moment when everyone around me thought I was guilty that it had transposed to me.  I had to come to terms with that guilt, and it made what I was going to do now even easier.  I had tasted Martel, and I had been fulfilled.  I wanted more of her, but my new mentor wouldnt allow it.  She had however given me a most appetizing alternative.  Kate was willing.

I had already begun to look at women a little differently.  A business woman in a skirt walking in front of me had the supplest looking calves.  A fit looking jogger who ran past in a cropped sports top had the most appetizing abs.  I walked past a kitchen depot and found myself drawn to carving knifes.  Like my first invitation to sex, rational and conscience were not factors.  My life had changed from celibacy to fetish charged nymphomania.

I rounded the corner to Martels street and my mouth watered as a mature schoolgirl walked by in knee high socks and a tiny skirt.  Martels loft looked normal from the outside, and passers by could have no idea what was occurring on the inside.  On the doorstep was a brown package that looked as if a mailman had left it.  I approached.  It had my name on it.  Hastily I unwrapped the brown packaging and found a note and a box.  The note read:

Frauline Jeinsen is Dr. Cassandra Jeinsen of Bristol University, Archeology Department.  She is currently completing a Post Doctorial Thesis on post conflict rituals of certain Saxon tribes.  Im a fan of her work, but her conclusions are all wrong.  Certain personality traits mean she goes through a large number of field assistants.  Attached is a resume under an established alias.  They wont bother checking references, they need someone fast.  Apply for the job and youll get it, and whatever you do, dont fuck her, and dont eat her.  Save it for Kate.

PS.  Youll need to pay a visit to my friend Raul.  Describe me and he will give you what you need.  He can be found at Clifton pharmacy, hes the Argentinean behind the drug counter.  Use the money to get what you need and buy some field clothes.


Besides the Resume there was a bundle of cash, about a thousand pounds.  I looked at the door.  The Redhead was just behind it, toying with and feeding on Martel.  The idea of getting rid of Jeinsen and having my way with Kate was inviting, but I wanted to finish what we had started the night before.  I felt as though I was missing the best part, the moment Martel would break and do anything to make the Redhead stop.  I needed to see it.  It felt like I was leaving something unfinished.

Chapter 7.

Raul was the only South American staff member, easy to pick out.  I approached him dressed in my new Kakis and thick grey shirt.  He eyed me suspiciously.

“Welcome Sir, do you have a script?”

“No, not exactly.”  I paused and he had already begun to move away.  He turned his back on me and repeated a well rehearsed line.

“Sir, this window if for prescriptions only, perhaps one of the girls on the floor could help you.”  He rolled his Rs and drew out the ends of words. 

“No, a friend sent me here….”

“And does your friend have a prescription?”


“Sir, this window if for prescriptions only, perhaps one of the girls on the floor could help you.” 

“My friend, shes this pale, crazy, American Redhead.”  He paused and turned around quickly.

“You have my attention senor.  Did you bring enough money?  Do you want what she usually gets?”  As he spoke he eyed the other costumers in the store, he wasnt concerned about the other members of staff.

“Yes”, I was uncertain.  “Just give me what she usually gets.”

He stared down at me again.  “La miss either buys the party pack, or the nurses pack.  Which is it?  One or both?”  He said the last sentence playfully, as if he was implying I had some kind of kink.  I began to grow cautious, wondering how much he knew.

“Whats in the party pack?” I asked.

“The party pack contains Ketamine, Pharmaceutical grade amphetamines, and a couple a pills of Flunitrazepan.”  I frowned when he mentioned the last drug.  “Rohypnol”, he clarified upon viewing my confusion.  “Everything you need to have a party.”

“And the Nurse pack?”

The Nurse pack costs a bit more.  I have to skim it off hospital supplies.  Gangster doctors use it to treat injuries the police would investigate if you went to a hospital.  You, senor, I think you want the party pack.”

“No, Ill take both”, I asserted.

“Both, what kind of party are you and that Redhead have going?”  He chuckled, exposing the kind of deviancy that you keep well hidden.  I started laying the cash on the counter, note by note until Raul held up his hand for me to stop.  Not knowing how much the Redhead paid, I was certain I got ripped off, but it didnt matter.  I had my kit for Kate, and all I had to do was get Frauline Jensein out of the way.

Chapter 8.

Bristol reminded me of my University days, tall brick buildings separated by undulating grassy patches.  A group of male students sat on a hill watching women walk by.  Inspecting the cattle.  Though yesterday had seen my objectives take a dramatic shift I wasnt at all concerned, other men didnt seem that different from me.  Like all potential serial killers I blended in.  I was however a little concerned about being back in Bristol.  The biggest obstacle was being recognized at the job application.  News of my University days in Second Year Anatomy had reached the papers.  The people in the Anthropology and Archeology departments had an antiquated view of the world; I would have to hope they were a couple of hundred years behind current events.

I entered the reception of the Archeology Department and approached the counter.  I read the name on the Plaque, “Doris Winkle”.  Doris was a sturdy, yet soft middle age woman who looked like the gossipy type.  Her eyes smiled through her spectacles.

“What can I help you with young man?”  She asked with no hint of recognition.

“Im here to apply for the position of Field assistant with Dr. Cassandra Jeinsen.”

She looked up at the ceiling and sighed with relief, as if the weight of the world had been lifted from her.  “Thank God youre a man.”  She took my resume and began flicking through the pages.  “Can you start immediately?”

“Ah, yes.  Is everything Ok?”

Doris looked left and right swiftly and leaned forward.  I found myself doing the same.  “Jeinsen is loaded, she pays her own way.  The department cant make anything stick to get rid of her.  They need a conviction to prove misconduct.”  Doris spoke hastily in a whisper.

“A conviction?”

“For misconduct.”

Doris handed an employee pay form requesting bank account details and postal address.  My confusion over what to write was less than my confusion over what Doris had just said about Jeinsen.  Quickly I filled in superfluous information, trying hard to remember the spelling of my aliases last name.  The form only took a minute and as I completed Doris turned to me giving me her attention.

“What misconduct is Cassandra Jensein supposedly done?”

Doris snatched the form and then leaned in again.  “She goes through a lot of field assistants.  The men usually beg to keep the job, but she fires them.  The women always come back broken.  The poor dears look like theyre going through hell, but they keep coming back until its too much and they have breakdowns.  One took her to court, but Dr. Jeinsens Lawyer tore her apart on the witness stand.  Were not allowed to talk about what she said.”

Immediately I thought of Kate, but this time without the hunger.

Doris stamped the form and her complexion changed from grave to friendly again.  I wondered if shed gossiped so much shed lost the mindset to comprehend what she was saying.

“Dr. Jeinsen is already out in the field.  Heres the GPS coordinates, you can take one of the University vehicles.”

Chapter 9.

The dirt road ended on a rocky outcrop and I looked at the map Doris had given me.  Frauline Jeinsens dig site was about a mile walk from here.  I would make it in about half an hour.  Plenty of time to decide how I was going to get rid of her.  I was briefly concerned about Doris Winkles possible testimony at a trail.  She could identify me.  If I killed Frauline Jeinsen, it would have to be in a way that the police could never trace back to the Bristol Butcher, and more importantly, their prime suspect.  I began walking down the track which followed a shear fall into a valley.  I could just bring her here and push her over the edge I thought.  I was still thinking about it when I rounded a corner a stumbled onto a gorgeous bushwalker.  As I had been doing all day, I began sizing her up for meat.  Muscular, yet perfectly shaped long legs.  Obviously fit and healthy, but more importantly she had an angelic face with Germanic features.  She conveyed the Edwardian sense of superiority held by the upper classes from the time the Titanic sunk.  She held an identical map to the one Id been given, an axe was strung on her back, and she carried a shovel.  I had found Frauline Jeinsen.

“Dr. Cassandra Jeinsen?”, I inquired and my mind began to picture strapped to a table in lingerie, the defiant look in her eyes fading as she fell under my control, as she became food.

“About time you showed up.”  She was not angry, just bitchy.  It was the kind of bitchy beautiful women use to deflect unwanted advances.  She changed her tone, or at least her body language did.  She looked at me, smiled briefly, and then took on an inquiring superior look.

It was then I notice she was hardly dress.  Her shirt was open from her midsection, exposing the outline of two perfectly shaped breasts.  Her skin was tanned like she had just come back from the Mediterranean.  She noticed me gazing at her, but did not alter her expression, if anything the sense of superiority intensified.

“Im your new field assistant.”  I said and then gave her my alias.

“Can you read this fucking thing?” she said changing the subject and pointing to the map.

“Aagh, yes.  Your site is about half a mile down this track, and then a short bush hike over some hills.”

Dr. Cassandra Jeinsen folded the map and put it away without confirming the route for herself.  “My last assistant filled out the map.  A delightful girl, but easily distracted.  No endurance.”  She smiled a wry smile and gestured for me to lead the way.  As I walked past her I realized I had done so on the cliff side.  I could not push her, nor could risk trying to drag her around, she could scream and pull me down with her.  I would have to look for another opportunity.  I felt relief.  Last night had given me such a power rush but a minute with Frauline Jeinsen, as Kate called her, had already left me feeling inadequate.  We walked in silence.  Occasionally I turned around to view Cassandra Jeinsen, and each time I was met with a subtle smile and confident eyes.  I had to think about the monster Kate described to stop myself from being attracted to her, but by the time we had reached her dig site, I had started to falter.  I wanted her in the same way I wanted the Redhead, but I knew I couldnt have them.

“Excavate the top layer and chronicle everything you find”, she ordered sitting against a bolder.

     I was flustered, Id come here to get her out of the way, not to be her slave.  I eyed her shovel, I could lung for it.  I could raise it up and bring it crashing down on her gorgeous face ending this game and seizing what I wanted.  She noticed my hesitation.  She smiled.

“Ill give you a heads up on how science works.  The assistants do all the work and the academics take the glory.  If you do a good job, maybe Ill write you a good letter of recommendation, or Ill let you fuck me.”

“What?”  I lost my train of thought.

     The smile disappeared.  “Youre not afraid of sex are you?”  I couldnt tell if the inquiry was genuine.  “I need to work on my tan.  Be a good boy, do a good job and well fuck.  Waste any more time and youll have to find another project to give you a hands up in your career.  There arent many about.”

I briefly wondered what planet I had landed on.  My life had shifted from forced celibacy to something out of a smut novel, but with a very dark undertone.  As I stood there disarmed Cassandra Jeinsen began to remove her top, revealing two perfectly shaped natural breast.  There were no tan lines.  She seemed serious about everything she said.  She began removing her shorts.  “Get to work, and for Gods sake say something.  A little chit-chat while you work never hurt anyone.”

“Do you work like this often?” I asked staring down at the excavation hole wondering what exactly she expected me to do.

“I dont work my dense little helper.  I work on my tan, and if the boys helping me are good I give them a present.”

“What about the girls who help you?”

She sat up, a knowing smile spread over her face.  “So what have you heard?”  She confidently enquired.  She didnt seem the slightest bit worried about what I might have heard.

I decided to tell her the truth.  “The lady who accepted my resume said the women came back damaged.”  She was stunning in her posture.  She seemed proud of what she might tell me.  Like the Redhead she wanted to be in control, but also took pride in what she could do.

“Start working and Ill tell you a story, not about one of my little girl assistants, but about my half sister.”

I picked up a brush, one of the tools she had brought and started running it over the rock.  I had no idea if this is actually what Archeologists did, but I had seen them do this on television.  If it was wrong she didnt correct me.  As I worked I could feel her still looking at me and I knew she was smiling.  “What about your half sister.”  I asked, prompting her to talk, a little interested myself.

She rolled onto her belly, axe at her side and began her tale.

“My Daddy was very rich, but he never loved my Mother, she was a trophy wife.  He did love this other woman he knew from college, and when I was five he bought this beautiful little girl to come play with me.  I played nice; it was my way of ignoring the argument my parents were having in the next room.  I didnt know they were arguing over the brunette girl.  The world makes more sense in hindsight.  As we were playing my Daddy came into the room and said, Cassandra, this is your little sister Kate…..”

“Kate!” I said softly.  Cassandra Jeinsen continued to talk, not pausing.

“I always want you to look after her, he said to me.  Never let her go without, he added.  As the little girl and I stared at each other I noticed we had the same color eyes as me.  The same as my Daddys.”

I chanced a look at Cassandra.  She was still watching me, the smile gone from her face, but she definitely had the same colored eyes as Kate.  A gentle but deep blue, like a shallow sea.

“Because my mother kicked up such a fuss I didnt see much of Kate, but when I did I lived in fear that my Daddy loved her more than me.  I was worried I would become a trophy daughter.  I decided to get control over my sister, thats what Mother would do after all.  At first I just dictated which dolls she could play with, then I progressed to teach her I was the real favorite, by pointing out I got to live with our Daddy.  By high school I was taking my shy little half sister to parties and deciding which boys she would fuck.  At college when I began to experiment with boys I found I could have any I choose if Kate would join in on the fun.  While that was going on I realized Kate was always more satisfying than the boys we would fuck.  Kate never developed confidence, pride, self esteem, or vanity.  After Daddy died and made my trust fund conditional on looking after Kate, I was in full swing.  A mistress with a submissive little, shy, slut I can do anything I want to.”

She stopped talking and I realized I was frozen in the hole.  “Why did you tell me that?”

“Because theres nothing you can do about it.  Your word against mine and its not like Kate can stand up against me.  In recent years Ive become a little stricter, but not strict enough.  Would you believe she had the nerve to take a lover?  I had to make her pay for that oversight” Cassandra rolled over on her back and closed her eyes.  “I know you still want to fuck me, youre a guy, and all guys want to fuck me.  Your working very well, keep it up and I might even introduce you to Kate as one of my friends.  Im sleepy, talking time is over.  Get back to work.”

As Cassandra Jeinsen lay stretched out in the sun I started to feel hot.  I was angry.  Kate, though crazy, had given herself to me and started me own a path that had stopped me from hiding.  I was seeking out a new, dark adventure and suddenly I wanted her to play more of a part than just a victim.  I hated Cassandra for being so controlling.  I didnt want to kill her to get her out of the way anymore.  I wanted her to suffer like Martel was.  I wanted to eat her, to have total control over her.  To make her do everything I ordered.

Chapter 10.

I had left the kit meant for Kate in the University car, so there was no way I could take Cassandra out here.  I would have to play along for the rest of the day and hopefully get the chance to be guided back to Cassandras home.  After numerous hours of brushing dust backwards and forward, formulating plans.  Cassandra rose from her slumber.  She stretched and rolled on her side.

“Any luck.”  She said this with little interest.

“No, I havent found a thing.”

“I suspected as much.  This site is probably exhausted.  Still you worked hard all day.  Do you still want a reward?”  Her smile returned and she glided one hand over a breast.

“Can we go back to your place?”  I asked, realizing my chance would come if I played along.

“Well its not like Im going to yours.”  She started putting on the shorts and shirt.  “Carry our stuff back to the car and wait for me.  We can leave your car here and you can come back to my place.”  She did up her shirts buttons, leaving the top three undone.  “You can write up todays findings and add to my thesis, and then you can fuck me.”

I wondered if she would continue to add tasks onto her list.  Cassandra was a very specialized kind of prostitute.  If her mother was a trophy wife, she had clearly train Cassandra well.  I carried the equipment, all of the equipment, back to her car.  Once Id loaded it up I grabbed my kit from Raul and went to the passengers seat.   I put on my seat belt.  She looked across at me as if I was an idiot.

“Do you really think you need a seatbelt?”  Cassandra said as she started to drive off leaving the other Museum vehicle behind.

After an hours drive in silence we arrived at Cassandras house.  It was out of place on the English coast, it looked like it belonged in Hollywood.  Large steel pillars jutted out of the cliff face and supported the seaward side.  Every window was shaded glass and there was no sign of neighbors.  It was the perfect place to keep my first victim.  Isolated and alone.

Cassandra parked in a large triple garage next to two other vehicles.  Both were covered but from their silhouettes looked expensive.  She guide me through a series of doors to an open living room were a laptop sat on a coffee table.  There were no windows in this room.  She started to disrobe as she walked to an adjoining room.

“The thesis is loaded on the Laptop.  Read through and make any additions you can.  Im going to get changed into something to make you work harder.”  She did not look back as she spoke, and she closed the door behind her.

The second she was gone I opened Raul's kit and looked for the syringe of Ketamine.  I removed the safety cap and positioned myself behind the doorway she had gone into.  It was a long wait.  From in the room I could hear Cassandra hum a show tune from the fifties as she did whatever she was going to surprise me with.  After about ten minutes of waiting on edge I heard footsteps coming toward the door.  I fixed my footing ready to strike.

Cassandra walked out wearing on fishnet stockings and extended high heels.  My motivational costume to get me to polish her thesis.  She strutted out confidently, expecting me to be hard at work.  She paused when she saw I was not behind the laptop.  Taking the opportunity I stepped forward and jabbed the syringe into her buttock.  She let out a sequel of surprise and I pressed down on the plunger.  Injecting the Ketamine into muscle rather than a vein in the neck, like the Redhead had done, meant that the drug took affect more slowly.  Instead of instantly passing out she turn a howled at me.

“You fucking freak.  You dickless son of a b..”  She didnt finish.  She knew something was wrong.  She started to rub her buttock, most likely feeling numbness.  Then she slapped her thigh while gasping.  She was losing feeling in her legs.  She stumbled back and I made no effort to catch her.  On the floor now she rolled onto her belly and tried to drag herself away with her arms, her legs trailing paralyzed.  The pulling became softer as her head dropped and within another ten seconds she was unconscious before me in lingerie.  It had not been as easy as when the Redhead had done it to Martel, but had been easy enough.  I stared down on the glorious flesh before me.  The rest would be out of a wet dream.

Cassandra awoke much sharper than I had.  Immediately she straightened herself and surveyed her situation.  I cleared my throat, distracting her from staring at her restraints too long.  Her fowl temper was gone.  She gave me a look that said, “Is this really necessary.”

Cassandra, though drugged and suspended from the ceiling was not concerned with her own safety.  She believed with absolute assuredness that this was some kind of sex game.  In a way it was.  I now had control, and she was going to play cool until she had it back.  Judging from her reaction when I jabbed her with the needle, once she had control back I would pay.  But that was not going to happen.

“Well?” She said feigning anticipation.  “What are you going to do with me?”  Her voice, though she controlled it, had a mild slur from the Ketamine.

“Have you ever heard of the Bristol Butcher?”

“I get my shopping delivered.”

“Kates heard of the Bristol Butcher.  Shes one of his biggest fans.”  I was attempting to intimidate her.

“I knew I should take away that girls internet access, but I just love sending her emails of what I plan to do to her next time we meet.  If she knows you shes going to have to pay.”  A pompous smile appeared on Cassandras face.  She could see my reaction through her haze.  She was regaining control.  “Did Kate send you to teach me a lesson, or are you taking your own initiative.”  She looked down and up at her restraints.  “What happens when I need to pee?”

“You stupid bitch.”  I said.  I suddenly realized how angry I was.  She spoke so casually about taking revenge on Kate for my actions.  The angry was followed with confusion.  I had only half slept; I was still coming of the drugs I had been given yesterday; Id worked all day in the sun.  I just wanted to be with Kate without having to worry about Cassandras interruptions.

It slowly dawned on me that I was caring about Kate.

“Hello?”  Cassandra called in an intoxicated voice.  “Could you untie me, or perhaps give me more of whatever it was you just gave me.”  Her smile had cemented itself on her face, and then it faded.  Straight lipped and eyebrows raised she stared at me.  “Untie me know; never go near Kate again, and I wont call the police.

I thought about just slitting her throat.  It seemed to centre me.  I couldnt handle this woman as my first victim, she was too strong willed.  Cassandra waited in silence.  I reached for the knife I has stolen from Cassandras kitchen.  I would stab her in the heart and go to Kates.  I wouldnt make her a victim I would just be with her free from Frauline Jeinsen.

A phone rang in my jacket pocket.  I didnt have my phone with me.  Someone must have put it there sometime this morning.

“My patience is running thin.”  Cassandra asserted as I reached into my pocket and pulled out the phone.  The screen said “Private Number”.  I answered.

“Hello”, I said faintly, not knowing what to expect.

An American accent spoke in a very controlled voice on the other end.  “I told you not to fuck her.  I told you not to eat her.  Which is it you are currently screwing up?”

“Neither.”  I said defensively.

“Do you mind, or should I scream.”  Cassandra was still waiting to be untied, her voice was growing harsher.

“But you havent gotten rid of her.  Why didnt you just hit her with a shovel, or push her off a cliff.”

“I couldnt push her of a cliff.  She walked around the wrong side of me.”  I realized how childish this sound.  Though I wasnt paying attention to her, this sentence had an unexpected effect on Cassandra as she realized her peril and started to scream.

I lunged for her in panic one hand grasping her neck, desperate not to anger the Redhead.  Again, I briefly wondered how the Redhead had gotten such leverage over me.  I squeezed my hand.  With her arms restrained Cassandra had no defense; her scream became a gurgle, then a gasp.  I loosened my grip.  Her eyes were fearful for the first time.  Brute force had taken her control and as my hand slipped from her neck she was silent.  Not wanting to be choked again.

“Good work.  I can see a how a mans strength might come in handy with this sometimes.  I dont have that advantage, I have to be shifty.”  The Redhead voice echoed in my head.  I hadnt realized the whole time I had kept the phone pressed against my head.  “Turn to your left.”

Obediently my head turned left.  Standing in the doorway Cassandra had walked out of was the Redhead.  A mobile phone gently held against her pale face.  I startled.  Cassandra took a breath to scream.

“Quiet.”  The Redhead spoke gently, and Cassandra thought better than to scream.  “You really got under his skin.  I think he might have choked you properly for if youd screamed again.”  The Redhead folded up the phone and walked towards Cassandra, eyeing her naked body.  “Now that I see you up close it would be ashamed to let you go to waste.”

“What are you doing here?”  I asked on a short fuse.  It did not phase her.  Her first reaction to the question was to look angry that I had taken her attention from Cassandra.

“I went to Kates houseboat to see if youd come good on your mission, when you werent there I left.  Did you know Kate cries when shes alone?  Poor girl, so unhappy, too afraid to kill herself.  When you werent there I figured youd be here, getting yourself into trouble”

Cassandra interrupted in a shaking voice.  “I dont know who the hell the two of you are, but if its Kate you want you can have her.  Just untie me.  Let me go please.”

“In French.”  The Redhead said approaching her.  When she reached her she glided her long unpainted nails over the mound of her breast.  Cassandra was half way to broken.  She let out one sob of fear.

“I dont speak French.  Please, just dont let him kill me”, she chanced a look at me thinking I was the real threat.  Cassandra didnt realize that only when the Redhead had let her presence known that things had gone bad for her.  Up until the phone call she was going to die an easy death.

“No French; German then.”  The Redhead ran both hands down Cassandra sides from her armpits to her healthy thighs.

“No”.  Cassandra interrupted herself with a sob.  “Only my father spoke German.”

“Thats Ok.”  The Redhead was staring deeply into Cassandras blue eyes, “Ill teach you a little while I work.”  Abruptly she broke eye contact and turned to me.  “Take the syringe out of your nurses kit that says Morphine.  Inject the entire contents of this into her and when she passes out drag her downstairs and out the front.  My car is weighting.  Well put her in the boot and Ill drive her to Martels.”

“Is Martel still alive?  Is it safe there?  How will I get home?”  I asked in quick succession.

The Redhead walked towards the stairs grabbing a piece a silver wear she obviously liked as a souvenir.  “Martel is still very much alive.  Shes quiet forthcoming with information at the moment and assured me shes not expecting any callers, ever.  What an antisocial introvert she turned out to be.  And youre not going home; Im dropping you off at Kates.  Finish what you started.”

Chapter 11.

I had another long drive in silence.  The Redhead wasnt outwardly showing it, but she was angry with me.  I felt uncomfortable that I had angered her.  She continually appeared out of nowhere and she had deliberate motive in her actions.  We approached the parking lot of the waterfront where Kates houseboat anchored.  “Stay” the Redhead said when she parked.  She got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side.  She opened the door for me and leaned in.  “Ill refresh your kits for Kate.  The dock is still deserted; you have a couple of days before the weekend.  Enjoy your meal, take your time, but if shes not meat in an hour or so youre going to have to contend with me.  No more screw ups.”  She handed me refresher syringes and stood back for me to exit the car.  As I did so she moved to the drivers side and got in.  I started to walk towards Kates houseboat hearing the rattle of the Citrons engine starting up again.  The Redhead drove away waving her right hand out the window in farewell.

The Waterfront was deserted again.  I walked down the wharf toward the only light coming from Kates houseboat.  As I reached the door I tentatively raised my hand to knock.  Before I could do so I heard Kates soft voice through the door, “Who is it?”  She must have heard my approaching steps.

“Kate its me.  Ive come back.”  I had dropped the act of being confident; there was an edge to my voice.

“Im not allowed to let you in.  Frauline Jeinsen was very angry.”

“Frauline Je…. Cassandra is not going to be a problem anymore.  Ive taken care of her.”  There was silence from the other side of the door, and then slowly the door opened.  Kate had indeed been crying, her eyes were red and her cheeks glistened.

“Is she really gone?”

“She wont be coming back” I assured her and she rushed into my arms embracing me.  She was warm and it was comforting.  After a couple of minutes I tried to pull back, but she held tight.  “Ok, Ok.  Kate Ive had a busy day, what I really need is a place to sleep.”  I knew I was deviating from the Redheads plan but I didnt care, I was exhausted and there was no way I could butcher Kate after that welcome.  She kissed my neck and rubbed her chin into my chest.

“Will you eat me in the morning?”  Her voice was uncertain and I knew that without the need to escape Cassandra Jeinsen she would think twice about being my victim.

“Well talk about it then.”  I said stepping to her side, taking her hand, and guiding her to the bed.  I didnt bother undressing I just lay there.  A minute later after removing all her clothes Kate rapped her naked body around me.  The houseboat swayed gentle on the tide and I began to drift off to sleep.

I awoke to the crash.  Light bright flickered before my blinding as they couldnt adjust.  I heard Kate scream, as I rose to face the torch light someone grabbed my arm and with a great deal of force twisted it behind my back and pushed me to the ground.  An unfamiliar voice screamed, “Police. Freeze.”  It was like the first time they had come for me.  Immediately I thought of Martels place being discovered.  The Redhead telling them all how I had help in the kidnapping of Martel and Cassandra.  This time I was guilty.

A familiar voice could be heard barking orders as another member of the armed police desperately tried to calm Kate.  My head was pushed to the ground and I was silent, but Kate screamed hysterically.  Again the familiar voice could be heard, this time addressing me.  “Youre not getting away with it this time you bastard.”  It was the Detective Dennings, the copper who had framed the evidence against me.  “Get that girl covered and get her out of here.”  He pointed to Kate and then to the door.  He hovered above me looking down with disgust.

I kept quiet as Detective Dennings had me handcuffed to a chair.  Kate was outside but had stopped screaming.  I was questioned, but said nothing.  This only angered Dennings more.  He paced back and forth in the Houseboat, another police officer on guard.  Outside I could faintly here Kate talking.  She sounded frantic.  After a couple of minutes a member of Englands finest walked in and approached Dennings.

“She says he was with her all day.  Hes her boyfriend.”  Kate had lied for me.

“Search the place hes got to have something here with him.”

“We cant search the place; wed need a Court Order.  Face it Dennings, someone recognized him and called us fearing the worst.  Nothings going on; youve been chasing him too long.” 

Dennings looked furious.  The officer on guard leant in and started uncuffing me.  I rubbed my wrists and glared at Dennings.  He glared back, “Youre gonna fuck up, and when you do Im gonna be there.”  He turned and walked out of the door.  When they had all left Kate came back in looking shaken.

“How did they know you were here?”  She asked looking afraid.

I was beginning to wonder.  They had not arrested me.  If theyd discovered Martels or Cassandras whereabouts they would have.  I thought about what the officer had said; someone, they didnt say who, had seen me and called the police.

The Redhead had set me up.  Shed gone out of her way to get me at Kates houseboat.  Shed insisted on me eating Kate tonight.  She was expecting the police to catch me in the act. 

I was wide awake now.  Hastily my mind ran through possibilities of what would happen next.  She was a serial killer who knew exactly where I was and how I thought.  I would have to do the one thing she wasnt expecting.

Chapter 12.

The morning air was crisp and we walked the final block to Martel loft in silence.  I held Kates hand and the affection felt quiet genuine.  My suspicions were correct; I was developing feelings for Kate.  She followed, warmly dressed.  It was a risk bringing her but I knew if I went alone the Redhead would just kill me.  With Kate present there was a game to be played, and I knew the Redhead wouldnt be able to resist playing it.

As we reached the steps the package had been left on yesterday I turned to Kate.  “This is where Cassandra is.  There are some other people here too.  If anything happens I want you to promise me youll run for the door and scream as loud as you can.”

Kate obediently nodded.  I couldnt tell if the look of apprehension on her face was for the implied danger or fear that she would disappoint me in some way.  I knocked on the door.  No answer.  I pulled out the phone I had found in my pocket yesterday and hit redial.  It rang.  After a couple of rings someone answered.  They said nothing.

“Its me.  Im outside, let me in.”  I said and the person on the other end of the phone hung up.  About a minute later I could hear the locks being undone on the other side.  The Redhead pulled the door ajar enough so her face could be seen.  Moans of pains drifted softly through the crack.  They were from Martel.  She glared at me with pure rage, but the second she laid eyes on Kate it faded.

“Sorry I glared at you I was in the middle of getting breakfast ready.”  She opened the door with one arm, the other behind her back.  I knew it was holding a knife.  She smiled at Kate.  “Come in.  Can I get you a cup of coffee?”  As I entered Martels loft the moans became louder.  Kate clutched at my arm and followed me past the doorway and the Redhead into the loft.  I could tell Kate was afraid.  She looked around the apartment looking for the source of the noise, and then she gasped.  On the table the Redhead and I had first tasted Martel laid Cassandra Jeinsen.  She rolled her head to the side and stared at us.  She was awaiting her turn.  There was no sign of distress; the Redhead must have continued to dose her with Morphine.

I could hear the Redhead put the knife away.  She wasnt going to kill me outright.  Kate pressed up against my side, clearly disturbed to see Cassandra again.

“Oh, dont worry about her.  Shes so doped up she doesnt know what is going on.”  The Redhead addressed Kate is a soothing voice, it had a hint of flirtation to it.  “So you two still want coffee?”

“We had some visitors last night.”

“Anyone I know?”

“No, but someone I used to know.  It seems they got a tip I was up to my old tricks.”

The Redhead face flashed serious for a second.  She didnt like me taking the credit for her handy work.  “I wonder who it could have been.”  She said as she started to prepare coffee.  As the Redhead and I exchanged glances Kate crept over to Cassandra.  Cassandra smiled at Kate in opium bliss, she looked as if she wanted to say something but could find the energy. “Oh, dont disturb her dear.  You know Kate I think we know each other quiet well.”

Kate turned to her confused.  The Redhead was starting to play out her game.

“On the forum.  My user tag is SecretWitness69.  Weve had some lovely chats.  The one moaning in the bedroom is 4evavictim.  I think you might have chatted to her too.”  The Redhead shifted her gazed from Kate to me and then back again.  “How many sugars in your coffee?”

“Spend much time chatting to my fans on line?” I said, and again I could see the anger in the Redhead rise, and then subside as she controlled herself.

“I have Administrative privileges.  I know the profile and IP of every member.”

“Must make things easy for you?” I stated

“Are you his girlfriend?” Kate asked the Redhead, interrupting the back and forth. 

I could see her maniacal mind assessing the options.  “No” the Redhead said.  “Im just helping him out.”

“Oh.”  Kate said staring at me with anticipation.  “Can I help too?”

I opened my mouth to speak but the Redhead interrupted. “You know Kate you can help.  Youre boyfriend and I”, Kate blushed like a Japanese schoolgirl, “need to go out for a private chat.  You can watch over the girls while were gone.  The girl moaning in the bedroom will need some water; shes lost a lot of blood.  Dont untie them, and dont answer the door unless you here this knock.”  The Redhead tapped the kitchen top in a short rhythm and headed for the door, abandoning the coffees she had just made. 

I went over to Kate and kissed her.  “Ill be back soon Kate.  Just hang tight.”  She smiled back at me in stark contrast to her surroundings.  I followed the Redhead to Martels front door and left with her.  The Redhead did not seem worried that passes by might here our discussion.  We walked side by side and at the first corner she began to speak.

“It was bold of you to bring Kate to Martel's.  Why did you do it?  Now I have to eat her too.”

I felt defensive.  “You will do nothing of the sought” I replied.

“Shes seen me at the house, she has to be eaten.  A shame really, I think she would have preferred if you did it.”

“I may have if you hadnt called the copper on me.”

“Theyd found out about the website, I had to lead them astray.  It was nothing personnel.”

I stopped walking; she stopped and turned as if this was unreasonable.  “This whole time you were setting me up.”

She smiled brightly at me, as if shed just realized what an idiot I was.  “Youve already been set up.  When Kates remains are found the Copper will come racing back to you.  You wont get off this time.  Now come, Ill buy you breakfast and then its off to Bristol for a tour.”

We rounded a corner to a quant café, the Redhead led me in and we took our seats in a deserted corner.  The Redhead ordered for me then folded her hands and rested her chin on them.  She smiled.  Her body language became very flirtatious.  There was an awkward pause as I decided what to say to her.  She gazed at me invitingly, and I was certain that if she wasnt planning to kill me I would be attracted to her.  Maybe I was a little attracted to her all the same.

Seeing this in my reaction she giggled to herself.  “Poor little Kate is going to be heart broken when she finds out your not her champion.”

“Let's leave Kate out of this.”  I said, trying to be reasonable.  “How about Kate and I go away and leave you to your thing.”

“Cant.” She went in and smiled as if she found me attractive.  For a woman who didnt like men, she was very good at making herself appealing.  “I told you, shes seen me.  Everyone who notices me ends up dead.”

Our breakfast and coffee came.  We ate in silence, all the time see didnt take her eyes of me, all the while she was letting me know she was in control.  When wed finished eating she stood up.  “Come” she ordered politely.  “I want to show you the scene of my first killing in England.  I think it would be important for you to see it as you got the blame.”

I followed her like a puppy.  A taxi magically appeared at the entrance to the café and she walked straight for it.  We got in the back seat, and she placed her hand on my leg affectionately.  “Driver; Bristol Industrial area please.  Ill give you the exact address when we get closer.”  As she finished speaking and the driver started to pull away from the kerb she turned as if she was going to say something, but then she just stared at me.

“Going back to the scene your first crime?”

The Redhead giggled.  “Just the first that was noticed.  Ive got a long history in France and back in Boston.”  She kissed me on the check.  At least I knew where the accent came from now.  “I like to move around, Im thinking Sydney, Australia next.  You have a lot of fans in Sydney.”

The cab driver ignored us as the Redhead grew more affectionate.  I was certain it was to put me off guard for when we would be alone.  I was slightly off guard, as the Redhead caressed my thigh she discovered my erection.  She teased it out of sight of the cabby.  Despite the seriousness of the situation I found the sudden advance appealing.  I had to remind myself she hated cock.

As we neared Bristol the Redhead directed the cabby to my old neighborhood, then to the Industrial complex nearby, finally to the scene of the crime I had been accused of.  She handed the cabby cash from a full purse, most likely she had been skimming Martels Credit Card or alike.  We got out and approached the abandoned factory; the Redhead produced a key from her handbag and approached a chained door with the word “Condemned” on it.  “Huh”, I thought.  All this time she had a key.

She slide the door open and disappeared into the darkness.  Cautiously, knowing it would come soon, I followed.

“So this is where Maggie died.”  I said, naming the victim.

“Oh Maggie died several times.  She broke, recovered, and broke again.  She had the most delightful tongue.  I could have sat on her face for hours.”  She turned and smiled.  “I did sit on her face for hours.  I always betrayed Maggie; every time I promised to stop it was a lie.”

“Sounds like fun.”

The Redhead was silent surveying the surroundings.  “The walls in here are thick.  Even passes by like you couldnt hear her beg.”  The Redhead moved like a magician, if I hadnt been watching her hands I wouldnt have seen it.  Her right hand glided down to her purse and produced the sushi knife.  She tucked it into the sleeve of her arm warmers.  “Come closer, I want to show you something.”

I approached without hesitation, not wanting to alarm her.  As I drew closer she turned to face me, she opened her mouth to say something.  Guessing it would be the last thing I heard I drew my arm back and punched.  She was so swift I hadnt even seen the blade glide up to my throat.  The head start was just enough and my fist connected with her abdomen.  Her light frame was propelled backward, the knife clanged to the concrete floor, she grasped her chest winded.  With the time Id bought I reached into my shirt pocket and produced the Ketamine Id purchased for Kate.  I grabbed the Redhead by the hair and drew her head back, exposing the supple flesh of her pale neck.  She gasped and clawed at my wrists as the syringe penetrated.  She grew limp.  My second attempt and already I was getting better.  She collapsed to the floor.  It was time to rewrite history a little.

Chapter 13 (Unlucky for some).

When the Redhead awoke she immediately looked around in panic.  Perhaps she had used the Ketamine in her downtime to relax.  She didnt yell out.  It became obvious from my perch that she was scanning the room for me; she wanted to know where I was.  She struggled against the metal restraints between glances.  Finally she spied me and stopped struggling.

“Well this isnt exactly how I planned this morning ending.  I should be at Martels pondering which one to have for lunch.”  Her voice had a hint of alarm.  She was just playing at being in control, I had control.  “I could scream you know.”

“No one heard Maggie scream.” I said walking towards her.  “I went to see Raul while you were unconscious.”

Silence from the Redhead.

“Have you ever bought his Secret Agent Kit?”

“No, I dont believe I have ever had need of that.”

“But you know whats in it?”

The Redhead changed her tone.  “Unshackle me, and you and Kate can go about your business.  I wont bother either of you again.”

I denied her change of topic.  “The Secret Agent Kit contains Sodium Pentothal, or Truth Serum.  It lowers the subjects will power and inhibitions, making them freely talk.”

She stared blankly at me as I approached her naked restrained form.

“Youre going to tell me all your secrets, including how to keep a victim alive whilst you harvest flesh from them.”

The Redhead screamed, violently tearing at the shackles.  I couldnt tell what affected her more, the thought that she would become my victim, or the thought that she would have to tell me everything.  The needle in my hand was here kryptonite.  I walked towards her slowly and removed the safety cap.

“You can have Kate.  You can have her.”  She spoke quickly.  She jolted her head around looking for an escape.  Not seeing one she stared back at me, a look of panic on her face.  “Ill tell you what you want to know.  Ill tell you everything, I promise.”

I pinned her head to the side, the veins in her neck bulged as she struggled.  Slowly I pressed the tip of the needle into her neck and dropped the plunger.  Her eyes grew wide as the drug went straight to her brain.  As I took the pressure of her head she shook it wildly trying to fight off the effects she was no doubt already feeling.

“Do you know what else I bought while you where unconscious.  I bought a small gas fired barbeque and a sushi knife of my very own.”

“Dont do this.”  She said in a panicked voice. “Ill help you.  Ill teach you whatever you want to know, I promise.”

“You set me up to take the fall for you.”

“Im sorry.”

“You tried to kill me.”

“Im sorry.”

“How can I trust you?”

“You cant.”  The truth serum was beginning to take effect.  I could tell by the look on her face it wasnt what she meant to say.  Her shifty quick mind was losing its edge.  I had dulled her weapon.  Her breathing hastened as the realization came over her.  She would guide me through her own preparation as meat.  She would ensure that she lived through the experience.  “Oh God” she said realizing her fate.

“Now you know what the others felt.”  I kissed her on the cheek and removed the syringe with the clotting agent in it.

“No.  No.  No.”  Her voice was broken and she had begun begging.

“How long after I inject you with this will you be ready for cutting?”

She took on a pained expression.  She was fighting the urge to answer.  The drug won in the end and with an exasperated voice she answered.  “It varies depending on the vesiculation of the area.”  She held her breath, thinking if she didnt breathe she would say anything.

“What if I injected it in your calf?”

After about Forty-five seconds she could no longer hold her breath and started gasping for air.  I softly slapped her on the check.  “Pay attention sweaty.  How long after I inject you till I can start cutting.”

She gazed at the ceiling and blinked in disbelief.  “About two minutes.”  She started to cry.

I injected the needles contents into her calf.  “Are you impressed with the restraints I made?”

“Theyre cold and brutal” the Redhead answered.

“They suit you then, dont they?”


“Whats your name?”  I seriously wanted to know.

“SecretWitness69.”  Shed said her user tag instead of her real name.

“No, not your avatars name.  Youre real name.  What did your Mother call you?”


“And your last name.”


“Well Mel Cova, I think its time for you to guide me through this.  How should I start?”

Mels spirit had been broken.  Her history of kills meant nothing now.

“You started by flaying the skin, Ive done this before at University in anatomy.  Is that how youd start.”

“Yes, but please dont do this.  Ill let you have your way with me, you can take me anyway you want.”

“But I thought you didnt like cock?”

“I dont, Im just saying that to get you on my side.”  Her eyes bulged even wider; she could no longer deceive me, or play me.

“I think Ill just get you ready for lunch now.  Im so hungry.”

“No. No. No No….” She broke off into a scream as I made a long, shallow incision down her shin.  The scream continued only interrupted as she gasped for air.  Next I cut her skin cylindrically below the knee and above the ankle.  Using the sushi knife to peel back a corner I pinched a flap of skin between my fingers and pulled gently on her skin.  I unwrapped with one steady pull.  I tossed the flap of skin to the side and examined the wound.  Her naked flesh was revealed and I could see her meat a rich red.  My mouth watered.

“Your flesh, its so fresh.”  I mused.  “Do you think you will be delicious?”

Mel was in great distress, she was fighting to calm herself and talk.

“You can stop now, you dont have to do this” Mel pleaded.

“But I want to do this.  I want to be with Kate and not have to worry about you.”

“Once you start you cant stop.”  She forced her face towards me.  Her toned took on a serious sound.  “You consume their souls.”  Her face grimaced again from the pain.  “You eat their broken little souls and you need more…. So hungry, all the time.”  It was part warning and part plea for survival.  She was an addict.

I contemplated what she said for a second, for a moment I wondered if I should just abandon her here and take Kate far away.  As Mel began to sob again I grew aroused.  No.  I would finish what I started.  I could feel the smear grow on my face as I our eyes met during her convulsions.  “Would you like to know what you taste like?”

Her eyes grew wider than ever before. “No.  Please no.”

“Surely you want to taste a little piece of your soul.”

“No I dont, please dont make me. Please.”

“Ill tell you what.  If you chew and swallow what I give you, Ill slit your throat after my meal; otherwise Ill be back for seconds, thirds, who knows when Ill finish.”

Mel stared in silence.  “Just kill me now.”

“No.” I asserted.  “After my meal.”

Her mouth crinkled as if she were going to cry out in remorse. “Ok.” She said mournfully.  She had no way of knowing if I was lying or telling the truth, but she needed to cling to any strand of hope she could.  She knew too well what was in store.

As I took a step back to set up the self powered mini-BBQ I watched Mel.  She panted for air trying to control the pain emanating from her raw calf.  I was confused by how arousing I found her distress.  I let my eyes glided over her naked form.  I entertained the notion of raping her, but dismissed it.  With a hiss of gas the portable stove flared into life.  I placed olive oil in the small pan that came with it.  As it began to sizzle the familiar sound cause Mel to start screaming again.  Her eyes focused on mine as she continued.  If I hadnt felt so hungry I might have done this to her for a sense of justice; this woman had ruined my life.

Even restrained the target muscle jerked backwards and forwards.  I grabbed her knee to steady her and shifted the knife ever closer.  Sliding the blade back and forwards I cut a thin strip of flesh and placed it in the pan.  The meat sizzled, so thin it almost instantly cooked.  The aroma was intoxicating and reminded me heavily of that night I had first tasted Martel.  Skewing the cooked meat with the sushi knife I glided it over to Mel.  She eyed it through the pain.  Harshly I slapped her with my free hand.

“Stop screaming and listen.” I ordered.  To my surprise she responded like one of her victims would have.  As she calmed herself I drew the meat closer to her mouth.  “If you eat this and be quiet while I have my meal, I promise to kill you before this goes any further.”

She frowned in desperation, “But thats what I would say, and I wouldnt.  I would keep going.”

“But Im not you Mel.  Im going to keep my word.”  As I spoke I already knew that she would obey out of hope for a quick release.  “Ive only taken a little; I cant believe you acting this way.  Now come on, open up and taste this treat.”  As I spoke I edged the shaving of her flesh a little closer.  Her mouth opened and I placed it on her tongue.  She closed her mouth but didnt chew.  “I tapped her breast with the flat of the blade, “Come on; chew.”  After a moments hesitation she began to chew and then swallow.  I felt supreme power.  “Now tell me honestly, how do you taste?”

The horrified look on her face grew still as she murmured one word, “Delicious.”

“How would you rate yourself in comparison to all the other woman youve eaten?”  I was genuinely curious.

“The best.  Definitely the best.”

Peace seemed to come over her.  I thought for a moment.  “You know it is possible all these years youve been eating woman, all you really wanted to do was taste yourself.”

Her breathing grew shallow and she turned her head to me.  A placid look was on her face, “Thank you.” She said.

“Dont thank me yet.  I still have to have my lunch and I got a feeling, revelation or no, its going to hurt.”

Chapter 14.

Mel, now surrendered to the process, she tried not to call out as I shaved the flesh from her calf, but whimpers on intense discomfort escaped.  She was now a willing victim.

I began asking questions.  “How do you seal the wounds after removing a limb?  How do you prevent them from going into shock?  What are the fatal tolerances of the drugs we use?  How do you cook breast meat?  What tactics do you use on stubborn victims?”  As the questions flowed her meat simmered in its own juices.  When it was time to finally eat a passed every fourth strand of flesh to her.  She ate vigorously.  Finally it came time to show her my handy work.  Roughly I raised her head, showing her what remained of her lower leg.  She gasped as she sighted the bare bone.

“Now, how do I remove this and patch you up.”  I asked.  It was the most vital piece of information if I was to make my victims last.  She answered freely and in detail as I performed the steps.  Finally it was done; the vibrant redhead had been reduced to an amputee.  I gazed at her with a sense of completion.  “Youve been an excellent mentor Melanie Cova, its time for me to keep my end of the deal.”

“What?!”  A look of concern and fear came back on the Redheads face.

“I promised to kill you and Ill keep my word.”

“No, you cant.  Weve only just started.”

I was puzzled by the deranged state of the plea.  “You want me to keep you alive.”

“Yes.  Ill show you more.  I want you to keep going.”  Her expression changed to hope.

I thought about her again, “I dont know Mel, I have to get back to Kate.  I have no way of getting you to Martels….”

“Leave me here.  I wont scream.  Go to Kate, and then tonight, use my car to pick me up and take me back.”  There was no hint of deception in her voice.  “I want to be eaten.  I want you to have my soul.”

I leaned forward and roughly kneaded her breast.  “Im not going to be gentle with you.  Im still very angry because you ruined my life.”

“I know.  Im sorry.  I wont say a word to Kate I promise.”

I thought about it, hesitated and faltered.  “Ill go to Martels, pick up Kate and the two of us will come pick you up.  Well have some more of you for dinner.”

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