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Review This Story || Author: Falcon

A 'Routine' Enslavement

Chapter 35 The Punished and Rachel’s Trial

Chapter 35 The Punished and Rachels Trial

While learning my new job as a slave advocate and completing my civil defense training, I also made a point of checking up on Erin and Kim from time to time.  They remained my property and therefore my responsibility.  I had apprenticed both of them as slaves for a three-year term with Westham Automotive Services.  If I was satisfied with their progress at the end of three years I could re-apprentice them for a second three-year term.  They would be learning how to repair the new robot cars and performing real work while learning. 

Sarah Westham greeted me upon my arrival and took me on a tour.

“We work the apprentices hard all day, but have them in classes to learn their future trade in the evenings”, she stated.

“I would like to see what they are working at right now”, I replied.

Ms. Westham led me into a car wash area where I found Erin and Kim washing and waxing luxury cars along with six other boys and two girls. 

“As you see Ms. Glenn, most of our teenagers are wearing minimal clothing as would be appropriate since they are indentured apprentices but not slaves.  I rather like how they look in their short shorts, t-shirts and sneakers.  Erin and Kim, on the other hand, are being kept naked as you directed in their sentences.”

I noted that my two boys were wearing steel collars by means of which they were tethered to their workstations.  Their slave numbers, as I had directed, were tattooed into their muscular thighs. 

“Since they are chained to their workstations, how would they go to the bathroom?” I asked.

“They would have to ask permission for the bathroom and then be unchained by a supervisor” she replied.  “You may also notice that I have had the penis rings installed piercing their frenulums, as you directed.”

I had requested these rings be installed on the boys in this particular manner since I knew that the frenulum is the most sensitive part of the penis on the underside just behind the glans.

“By attaching light chains to these rings”, she continued enthusiastically, “any person having authority over the boys could pull them along.   The chains attach to their rings with a locking device that requires a key to disengage the chain from the ring.  The slightest tug on their penis chains will tend to cause rapid arousal because of the extremely sensitive flesh to which these rings are attached.”

“What are those lightweight gold chains about their waists”, I wanted to know. 

“These are for both safety and comfort”, she explained.   “Naturally I was concerned that I not injure your property with an accidental yank on their penis chains.  So I conceived the idea of having those chains normally pulled gently back between their legs and gracefully draped up to a point of attachment at the back of their waist chains.  I didnt want these chains to be too tight under normal circumstances because I like the aesthetics of having their penises hanging down at a natural angle.”

“But only under normal circumstances you say?”

“Yes.  If a supervisor should be displeased with one of the boys, however, his penis chain could be tightened to the point where it pulls through his ass crack and is tightened to the point the boys penis is drawn forcefully back, causing painful stress on the frenulum, gently compressing the testicles and immobilizing the boys scrotum.  This form of discipline is usually combined with a post hypnotic command that effectively denies the boy the use of his hands to make any adjustments to the chain.”

I was informed that sometimes the owners of the luxury cars the boys and girls were washing and waxing would come by to watch the teenagers work and would take a fancy to one of them.   If the customer asked for Erin and was either a male of any age or a fat elderly female, Erin would have to have sex with that customer.  Erin was not permitted to ever have sexual experiences with the more attractive female customers even when they asked for him.  Erin was homophobic so servicing the males would be real punishment for him.  I had made forced sex one of the penal conditions for him.  I could have made it a requirement for Kim as well even at the tender age of 13 but I felt more comfortable deferring it until he attained the age of 16.

Although Jeff Duncan was no longer my property his slavery was nonetheless being served under the terms of the sentence I had laid down for him.  I was, moreover, the person who had directed Richmond Slendabond in the type of slave conditioning which he would experience.  For both of these reasons I felt some responsibility to follow up and check out his present employment.

He had indeed been installed as “Human Resources Manager” at a manufacturing plant called Vixter Enterprises in Brooklyn.  Miss Vixter, owner of the plant, greeted me warmly when I called for an appointment and indicated she would be happy to show me Mr. Duncan and discuss his situation if I would drop by the plant tomorrow morning.   And so I did. 

My visit began with Miss Vixter giving me a brief tour of the plant, which made high tech on board computers for the new self-driving vehicles.  The first factory room we entered contained over 100 naked men and women.  That they were slaves was quite obvious since each one had a steel collar around his or her neck to which a chain was affixed securing the individual to his or her workstation.  Each one also had a visible slave number, in some cases branded on the buttocks and in other cases tattooed on the individuals thigh.  I noted the air was a comfortable temperature in the low 70s.

“Nudity saves me a lot of money on laundry bills”, Miss Vixter explained, “and helps to establish a more deferential work force.  One of my core beliefs is that a naked worker is an obedient worker.  They tend to feel more vulnerable to authority that way. 

“Dont all these naked people get chilled without any clothing at this temperature?” I asked.

“The temperature”, Miss Vixter responded, “is set for the comfort of managers and supervisors and engineering staff that must also often work in this room.  We prevent chilling of our naked workers by having an infrared light at each workstation.  Many of our workers are just a tad warmer than they might choose as you can see from all the glistening skins in this room.  I rather enjoy glistening skins.  It gives them all a kind of glow!”

“What about dehydration from so much perspiration and so much skin being exposed for long periods?” I persisted.

“We limit that by keeping the relative humidity between 50% and 60%.  Also we insist each worker drink large quantities of water to replace that lost through evaporation.  This also increases their urine output.  But we are not bothered with having these workers constantly running to the bathroom!”

Just then we had arrived at the station of one of the workers. 

“Kneel erect Sandra!”

The female worker promptly ceased working, got off her chair, and immediately dropped to an erect kneeling position before her owner, with her hands locked behind her neck and her head bowed low, not meeting our glance.  Her pubic hair was dense and matched the hair on her head.  Miss Vixter idly traced her collarbone and then patted her on the head as one might pat a dog.  Then, apparently wanting the girl to make eye contact with us, she simply grasped the girls face between both her hands and forced her head up until she was meeting our gaze.

“Sandra, open your mouth so that I can have a look inside.”

Sandra did not immediately comply.  Perhaps it was because she found such a demand demeaning.  Miss Vixter then pinched her nostrils shut and held them shut.  I noted the girls hands remained locked behind her neck.  I guessed that the kneel erect command was, in part, a post-hypnotic suggestion that effectively denied the girl the possibility of using her hands in self defense.  Soon the girl had to open her mouth to breathe.

“Thats a good girl Sandra!” my host cooed as she shone a light inside the girls mouth with one hand while caressing her face with the other. 

She invited me to also look inside Sandras mouth.  Then she unfastened a couple of clips that were holding Sandras hair up so that her hair spilled freely all around her.

“Sandra, open your legs so I can show our guest something”, my host commanded of the worker.

Sandra seemed appropriately humble but opened her legs with some apparent hesitation.  Not quickly enough to satisfy her owner.  Miss Vixter gave her a hard slap to her face with her bare hand that caused a red mark to appear.  The girl cried out from the sting to her pride but promptly opened her legs.  What I then saw was that the young woman had a clear plastic tube about a quarter inch in diameter inserted between the lips of her vulva.  The tube was apparently full of a yellow liquid that I took to be Sandras urine.

“Every worker in this room has one of these urinary catheters installed in their vulva or penis, as the case might be”, she excitedly announced.  “It greatly increases productivity by eliminating all the lost time with never ending bathroom trips.”

“I take it their bladders are constantly draining then?”

“No.  I could do it that way but I choose to maintain a greater degree of control.  Keeping slaves vulnerable and dependant is a good slave management practice.  Every catheter has a remotely controlled valve.  Supervisors walk around the room periodically and feel the stomachs of each gal or guy.  This is a rather intimate practice as you can well imagine.  If a stomach seems distended by a too full bladder the supervisor will press a button on their hand held remote control to urinate that particular individual.  Usually there are sighs of relief and expressions of gratitude as the urine runs out and the bladder deflates.  If the individual does not seem appropriately humble and grateful, the supervisor will make a note to let that persons bladder fill to a painful degree the next time before allowing release.”

“What about number two” I asked.

When a worker needs to move his or her bowels the worker presses a button that causes a red light to blink repeatedly over their workstation.  Any passing supervisor can then stop the blinker, unhook the worker catheter and unhook the collar chain from the individuals workstation and lead him or her to the communal unisex toilet room where there are rows of toilets with no privacy partitions.  The toilet room is separated from the main workroom by only a floor to ceiling clear glass wall.  Modesty is not encouraged.  The supervisor stays and watches the act to make sure there is no malingering and no masturbation taking place.

It was becoming clear to me that Miss Vixter like to control her human resources and she also liked to humiliate,

We walked through a seemingly endless series of factory rooms.  Each of the rooms contained 100 or more obviously enslaved workers.  In some rooms we saw fine detail work going on that obviously required great manual dexterity.  These rooms tended to be populated mainly by female slaves with long graceful hands and fingers that normally meant in most cases that they would have thin physiques and long limbs.  In other rooms assembly or packaging work was going on that required more gross motor skills and much physical energy.  Workers in these rooms tended to have more muscular and athletic bodies.

“How do you keep all your slaves so physically fit?”  I wanted to know.

“I have setup a compulsory program”, she responded, “of exercises for strength, endurance and flexibility.  Each slave participates in group exercises designed to tone his or her body and also gets some one on one attention from my trainers.  I love well-defined and physically fit bodies.  I get more work out of my slaves that way and they are also more appealing to my clients that way in case I want one of them to provide sexual entertainment.”

“I see that you use only slaves in your production processes!” I remarked.

“With the abolition of the Federal Labor Board and the new push by New York State for full employment I have been under economic pressures to replace half the slaves with nominally free workers.  I very much did not want to make this change.  The reason is that much that goes on in these factory rooms involves proprietary processes and techniques that cannot be protected by patents.  Free employees can quit their jobs and go down the street and work for my competitors, taking my proprietary secrets with them.  That is why I have always run this plant with slave labor.  A slave can have all his or her knowledge of my secret processes wiped from his or her memory prior to being set free at the end of their service.”

This answer was no surprise to me.  The ability to memory wipe was one of the main features of slavery that made it attractive to industrial employers with secrets to protect.

“But how do you satisfy the requirements of the new full employment law?”  I wanted to know.

“Simple.  I buy slave permits from other employers who prefer not to use slave labor.  It works something like carbon credits.  An employer can use amounts of slave labor above the legal ratio if other employers use less than the legal ratio.  The only requirement is that, for the economy as a whole, fifty percent of all jobs must be filled by free persons.”

I was then taken to Jeff Duncans office.  It was a small and sparsely furnished private office suitable for interviewing job applicants and employees with acoustic privacy.  There were no windows to the outside world but there was a floor to ceiling glass wall separating this office from the main corridor of the office building, which was heavily trafficked.  I noted that there were no curtains or blinds that he could close for visual privacy. 

“Teds desk is placed on the wall behind him”, she explained, “so that when he must turn around to face a visitor, employee or job applicant for an interview there will be nothing between him and his visitor.”

Duncan turned around from his desk and then stood at attention when Miss Vixter and I entered his office.  Ted was quite naked.  He was tall and his body was much better defined than when I had seen him naked before.  Evidently Miss Vixter had been controlling his diet and subjecting him to a rigorous exercise program.  His pectoral muscles were well developed and his abdomen was flat and hard.  His pubic hair matched the hair on his head.  There was a steel collar around his neck with rings.  One of these rings was chained to a large wall mounted ring just above his desk allowing him movement around this small office but not permitting him to leave the office.  The collar was engraved with some words. 

“His collar boldly announces to the world that he is “Property of Vixter Enterprises”, my host proclaimed with a mischievous smile lighting up her features.

I noted that he, like the boy slaves I had seen recently, had a penis ring piercing his frenulum but with no leash attached.  Apparently Miss Vixter and I had similar ideas about humiliating slaves.   Just then I saw her unclip a light chain that had been attached to her belt, walk over to Duncan, grasp his penis with her left hand and attach the lightweight penis chain with her right hand.  She then gave a gentle tug several times in succession.  Because the flesh at point of attachment was so sensitive, he immediately erected.  We both had a good laugh at this!

Having completed her demonstration, she then unclipped the penis chain and re-attached it to her own belt. 

“Isnt it awkward for a job applicant to be interviewed for a job by a naked Human Resources Manager?”  I asked.

“When applicants here fill out their forms they are advised that, if they proceed, they will be interviewed by a naked H.R.M.  It is the applicants choice.  If they feel they cannot deal with this they are free to seek work elsewhere.  We have no shortage of applicants these days.  We find most applicants accept the idea once they get past the initial shock.”

“But isnt it stressful for the applicant?” I persisted.  “I mean how does a young female applicant keep her composure when she is staring right at the genitals of her male interviewer?”

“That isnt the only stress”, Miss Vixter continued.  “If Ted finds her attractive he is very likely to develop at least a partial erection during the interview.  Since he has no clothing and no desk to hide behind he has no way to conceal such arousal from the candidate.  Actually I find that stress on the candidate to be an advantage in the selection process.  If a young woman can keep her aplomb under such circumstances I have a pretty good idea she will be able to handle any stressful situation with her subordinates, her bosses or with our clients.  It is a good test of her self-confidence.”

“Doesnt Ted sometimes have to travel to attend professional conferences?”  I asked.

“Yes, he does.  In such situations we inform the conference organizers that Ted can only attend their event in the nude.  If they accept that condition then Ted can attend.  Otherwise not.  Since professional slaves became fairly common in Capitallia most conference organizers have found the need to accommodate the many requests they get for nude attendees.”

“Does he get any sexual relief?” I wanted to know.

“He is permitted no sexual relationship and masturbation is forbidden most of the time.  Jeff is under total video surveillance 24/7.  Even in the one bathroom he is required to use. At night he sleeps restrained in an observation pod.  So he never really has any private time.”

“Doesnt that lead to him being so frustrated he cannot concentrate on his work?”

“Good question.  We permit him masturbation once per week only.  And he has to perform that right here in his office during the noon hour on Mondays so that many people passing by will be able to observe him.  At first he couldnt bring himself to do that but after a couple of weeks his need became so intense that he had to set aside all thoughts of modesty or personal dignity and just take his relief at the appointed times.”

“I dont see any whip marks on his ass.  That was a condition of his sentence that he be whipped periodically.”

“Well it hasnt been quite 3 months yet.  He is due for his first trip to the public whip master next week.” 

“And is he being prostituted?” I asked.  “That too was one of my sentence conditions.”

“He only works 30 hours a week here in his professional capacity.  I made arrangements with that lady who runs “Cunnilingus Bars of New York” to use him the other 30 hours a week!  As you know they have mostly an older clientele!”

“Excellent!” I said.  I sure didnt want Ted getting pleasure out of his forced prostitution. 

With that we concluded our interview and I left the plant.

Late that afternoon I got a call at the office from Principal Deevers.  He wanted me to know that Rachel had been arrested.  Two uniformed officers had come to the school looking for her.  She had left early because her last class was cancelled.  So the officers had gone looking for her in a part of town where they had seen her working as a prostitute before.  They had found her on the street, taken her into custody and she had used one of the two phone calls allowed her to notify Deevers of her arrest.  

I put in a call to the prosecutors office, identified myself as a Public Advocate and learned that Rachel, a non-citizen, was to be arraigned in two days time before the Administrative Court of New York State, Division 32 of midtown Manhattan.  Upon her arrest Rachel had the presence of mind to insist on speaking to a lawyer.  Arrangements were already in process for a court appointed public defender for her.

On the day of arraignment I went to the Administrative Court for her hearing.  Non-citizens usually had their cases heard in one of these administrative courts, where cases were decided either by a single judge or by a three-judge tribunal.  There was no right to jury trial and trials could not be put off by lengthy pre-trial motions or by discovery.  If a case involved charges serious enough that the penalty would be enslavement for more than two years, then the non-citizen defendant was entitled to have his or her case kicked up to one of the regular judicial branch courts normally reserved for citizens.  If such a transfer request were granted then the non-citizen defendant would have all the rights any citizen would have including trial by jury.

I heard the bailiff call the court to order and Administrative Judge Marsha Beemis took the bench.  There were only a scattered few people in the courtroom that morning, mainly lawyers I assumed and a few clients who were not in custody.  The clerk called a case that was quickly disposed of.  Then the clerk called Rachels case.  

“State of New York v. Rachel Green, your honor.  Emancipated 16-year old defendant charged with committing an act of prostitution in a prostitution free school zone as defined in the statute.  Also charged with statutory rape and corrupting the morals of a minor as these terms are defined in the statute.  Also charged with inappropriate hooker attire in an upscale area of the city.”

Two men I took to be attorneys walked up to the podium.  At the same time two guards brought in a frightened Rachel with her hands cuffed in front of her and had her stand next to her one of the men at the podium.  Her hands were then uncuffed.  It was an interesting contrast to see a black girl clad in bright orange jail attire consisting of a sleeveless t-shirt, short shorts and open toed orange sandals.  Her bare legs looked lean and athletic and suggested a person who took good care of herself.  This couldnt hurt with the judge.  I had the impression Rachel was probably meeting her court appointed attorney for the first time.

“For the record your honor, Morris Whitman of the public prosecutors office.”

“James Brown, public defender, for the defense your honor.  Waive reading of the charges.”

“And who are you young lady?” the judge was addressing me as I had risen to stand near the people at the podium

“Stephanie Glenn, Public Advocate, your honor.”

“I take it your interest in this case is unofficial at this point, since you have not yet been assigned by the Court?”

“That is correct your honor.”

“How does defendant plead?” the judge inquired.

“Not guilty on all charges your honor.”

“Do the people wish to be heard on bail?” the judge continued.

“The people will be satisfied for the defendant to be released on her own recognizance, but with an electronic ankle bracelet”, Mr. Whitman stated.

“Defense has no objection.” Mr. Brown replied.

“So ordered.  Are there any other motions at this time?” the judge inquired.

“Since the charges could carry a penalty in excess of two years enslavement, defense moves at this time for the case to be transferred to a judicial branch court where defendant shall be entitled to trial by jury, your honor.”

“The people object your honor.  Defendant is a common prostitute and she has confessed.  We hardly think the case merits a jury trial!”

“I will defer my ruling on the transfer motion at this time”, the judge announced.  “What needs to happen first is some good faith plea negotiation!  It seems to me you fine officers of the court ought to be able to reach some settlement that would save the State of New York a full blown jury trial!  I ask that you use Conference Room A and come back before me by end of day.  Defendant may participate in conference.  Public Advocate may participate if permission granted by defense counsel.  Next case.”

The prosecutor did not look too happy at this.  In effect the judge had chided him for over charging the case.  At the same time the judge was signaling he might rule in favor of defense motion for transfer to a regular court unless the parties could reach agreement. That would mean giving up some of the charges.  As the clerk was calling out the next case the two attorneys and I made all made our way out the back of the courtroom and the two guards followed with the defendant.  This time only one of Rachels hands was cuffed to one of the guards.  As soon as we all reached the public hallway Rachel spoke up.

“Mr. Brown, thank you for representing me.  I would like you to meet Stephanie Glenn, someone who has already been helpful to me in this matter.  I would ask that she be allowed to sit in on the conference.”

“That will be fine Rachel, as long as it is understood that I am the only one doing the talking for the defense.”

“Agreed”, I said.

“Mr. Brown”, I continued since we were not yet in the conference with opposing counsel, “isnt there some way that new law passed in my name could help Rachel?”

“Afraid not Miss Glenn.  Stephanies Law was written to protect persons being indentured for debt.  This is a criminal situation so it wouldnt apply here.  The kinds of punishments we are faced with are those defined in the criminal law.”

“Oh”, I said as my hopes for Rachel began to fade.

Soon we were at Conference Room A and were all comfortably seated.

“From what I hear your golf game hasnt improved a bit Morris!”  attorney Brown chided.

“No, perhaps I was too busy winning the Lawyer of the Year award last year to really devote enough time to my game!”

“Cut the crap Morris” Brown retorted.  You know why we are here.  You have over charged my client.  She is a 16-year old girl who screwed a 16-year old boy.  Since when is that statutory rape?”

“When the 16-year old girl has gotten herself estranged from her parents and recognized by a court as legally an adult”, Whitman responded.  What we have is an adult, in the eyes of the law, who has had sex with a minor for money.”

“What is your actual evidence that a sex act took place in exchange for money?”  Brown asked.

“First we have the boys sworn statement, then a sworn statement from the freshman boy who overheard the deal being negotiated, and finally a signed confession by the girl.”

“The freshman boy didnt see anything actually happen and I have a good chance to get the girls confession thrown out because you questioned her after she asked for a lawyer.  So you are left with only the statement of this Brad Jackson, a notorious bully, whose credibility I could easily undercut on the witness stand.”

“But we have something else.  Principal Deevers sent over the videotape taken by the schools surveillance cameras showing both the exchange of money and the actual sex act.  I have seen the tape and know that it proves our case absolutely.  If you get the girls confession thrown out I will have to play that tape in open court.  That may not be in your clients best interest!”

“We would argue blackmail and entrapment by the boy”, Brown answered.

“From what I can see”, Whitman responded, “you have no evidence to support either of those claims.  The schoolboy who witnessed the conversation heard only an agreement to trade sex for money and a plan to meet after school.  There is nothing on the videotape to suggest blackmail.  Then there is also the matter of her being arrested for wearing garish hooker attire on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.  We have a gentleman who pressed charges for that because he says he was aggrieved to have his ten year old daughter see something like that on her way home from school.”

“Look Morris drop all but the prostitution on school grounds charge and the inappropriate attire charge.  My client will plead guilty with your recommendation that punishment be limited to six months of part time community servitude that will allow her to continue in school.”

“Can I say something?” Rachel tried to get a word in edgewise.

“Wait Rachel”, her attorney cautioned.

“Your dreaming Jim.  The mood of the public right now is to clamp down hard on sex between adults and minors especially on school grounds.  The public wants to see examples made of people who do not observe these moral rules.”

“Do you have a counter-offer Morris?”

“Yes.  Your client pleads guilty to all four charges and I will recommend a Public Whipping and Humiliation to be followed by four years of part time community servitude while she finishes high school and continues on to a job or college.  Her community service will be by auction to the highest bidder.”

“No. You drop the statutory rape charge.  My client pleads guilty to the other three charges with a recommendation for a Private Whipping, not a public one, and one year of community servitude by auction.”

“Done”, said the prosecutor.  “That is if you can sell it to your client.  I will leave the room for now while you explain the facts of life to her.  I will be down at the attorneys lounge when you are ready for me.  If she accepts we are ready to go back before the judge.”

With that the prosecutor left.

“How can you sell me out like this?”  Rachel was crying now.  “I am innocent of any wrong doing and you want to plead me guilty?”

“Rachel”, I jumped in.  “Your attorney is not selling you out as you put it.  He is being realistic about what your options are and trying to get you the best deal he can.”

“That is exactly right!” her attorney jumped in.  “And thank you Miss Glenn for your vote of confidence!”

“Rachel”, he continued in a more gentle tone, “you may be innocent in your own heart and in the minds of those who know you best, but right now we are concerned with whether you can persuade a judge or a jury of your innocence, given the facts we have to work with.” 

“But dont you believe me that I was blackmailed by Bart?”

“Actually I do believe you Rachel.  But the real question is whether the judges on the tribunal or a jury will believe you.  You have no witnesses that can back up your version.  I think the chances you can persuade them just on your say so are not good.  If you fail to prove the blackmail then they have to confine their attention to the facts that are proven that you traded sex for money on a school campus!”

“What happens if I say no to this deal?”  Rachel asked.

In that case I will have to insist this judge move your case to a judicial branch court and there get you a jury trial.  Everything would depend on whether you could persuade a jury of 12 citizens of the truth of your claim based on your word versus the word of this Bart who would likely testify that he never made any such threats to you.” 

“Isnt there a chance a jury would find me more believable than that Bart?”

“It would be a real crapshoot at best.  And you could easily lose, get convicted on all counts and wind up enslaved for as much as five years.  That would be full time slavery and forget about finishing high school.  And your prospects for getting a good job after you complete your slavery would not be good.  Ex slaves who have not finished either high school or an apprenticeship are not exactly in demand by employers.”

Rachel was crying softly now.  I wrapped my arm around her slender shoulders and felt that her whole body was trembling.  After what seemed like ten minutes Rachel stopped crying and finally spoke.

“Tell him I will take the deal then”, she said with more resolve than most girls her age would have had.  Now there was firmness in her voice and in her face.

Her attorney asked us to wait in the conference room while he chased down the prosecutor.  In a little while he came back.

“Its all set”, he said.  “We can go back before the judge now.”

When we entered the courtroom the judge was finishing up another case.  Soon Rachels case was called again.

“Have the parties reached a bargain?”  the judge asked.

“We have your honor” said first the prosecutor and then defense counsel.

“Before taking your plea, Rachel Green, I must advise you that while this Court normally imposes a sentence close to that which has been agreed upon between the parties, I cannot guarantee that this will be so in all cases or in your case.  The Court reserves the right to impose a sentence that may be more severe in some respects than what the attorneys have discussed if the Court feels that justice would not be served otherwise.”

“I understand your honor”, Rachel responded.

“Will counsel please state for the record the agreement that was discussed and presented to defendant?”

“Your honor, the people have agreed to drop the statutory rape charge and defendant has agreed to plead guilty to the other three charges.  The people are recommending that defendant receive a Private Whipping not a Public Whipping in view of her youth, and that she be spared the usual sexual humiliation that would accompany the whipping.  The people are recommending that she be sentenced to part time community servitude, on a schedule compatible with her finishing high school, not to exceed one year with her services to be auctioned to the highest bidder.”

“Is this all acceptable to the defense?” the judge asked.

“We are in agreement, your honor.”

“Rachel Green, do you give your oath now that you will tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth in response to the questions I must now ask you?”

“I do, your honor.”

“Rachel Green, do you, of your own free will, admit that on March 5th of this year, you entered into a verbal agreement with one Bart Jackson, a 16-year old high school student, to have sexual intercourse with him in exchange for money?”

“I do.”

“Do you also of your own free will admit that later that same day you did meet this Bart Jackson and go with him to an art department studio where you did accept a payment of ten dollars for your services and then have sexual intercourse with this boy?”

“I do.”

“Do you also of your own free will admit that you were aware at the time that state law designates a school campus as a prostitution free zone and that it would be a violation of state law for you to engage in such a transaction on school grounds?”

“I do.”

“Do you also of your own free will admit that you were aware at the time that it would be a crime under state law for anyone recognized by the law as an adult to have sex with anyone recognized by the law as a minor?”

“I do.”

“Has anyone coerced you into making any of the above statements or promised you anything in return for making this statement?”

“No your honor.”

“Do you then plead guilty to the felony of corrupting a minor and to the misdemeanor of prostituting yourself in a prostitution free school zone?”

“I do your honor.”

“Do you also of your own free will admit that on March 12th of this year you were soliciting customers on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, a restricted zone, wearing a micro skirt, fishnet stockings and a pink wig?”

“I do your honor.”

“The Court accepts your guilty plea on all three counts”, the judge intoned.  “Before I can set the sentence I will need the results of the required Family Impact Study.  Counselor, do you have that for me?”

The prosecutor handed a report to the judge with a copy for defense counsel.  The judge took a few moments to quickly thumb through the report.

“I see that Rachel was being sexually molested by her father two years ago, that her mother was an alcoholic who totally neglected her and that these were the reasons she sought emancipation from a court.  She has no relationship to either parent at this time.  I also see that Rachel has no children and no siblings or extended family that are dependant on her for their care and that she has no serious medical problems.”

Does defense counsel disagree with these findings or wish to add anything?”

“Defense agrees with the family impact study your honor”, Mr. Brown stated.  “We would only like to bring up a couple of matters by way of mitigation of sentence.  First I would ask that defendant be sworn in that she might put her own account of why she did what she did on the record.”

“I will allow it but only for mitigation of sentence.  Proceed.”

Rachel took the witness stand and stated that she had been blackmailed into having sex with Bart, quoting the exact conversation that had transpired in the cafeteria between herself and Bart.  She also stated that it had always been her policy not to bring her prostitution activities on school grounds or to have other students as her customers.  Then she stepped down. 

“That is a pretty speech Miss Green”, the prosecutor responded, “but we have only your word for it.  On the other hand I have a sworn affidavit from Bart Jackson that no such blackmail threat was ever made which I would ask be made part of the record.”

“So ordered”

“I would add”, defense counsel continued, “that defendant is a straight-A student at Wickmore High School where she is studying biology and hoping to go on to major in biology in college.  She has nobody to support her and is dependant entirely on her earnings from prostitution to pay her tuition and all her living and medical expenses.  Defense would ask the Court to consider these circumstances and avoid imposing a sentence that is so harsh as to ruin the girls life prospects.”

“Your point is noted counselor.  I will review the sentence recommendations and announce my sentence in one hour.  Court is adjourned until then.”

The judge banged her gavel and retired from the courtroom.

We all went down to the attorneys lounge and had coffee to quell our nerves while awaiting the judges decision.  Conversation turned to some further developments at the school. 

Rachel told us how her affection for her friend Don was growing.  It seemed he had taken a hint from something Principal Deevers said in our last meeting.  He had actually broken into the schools security office tape room in the wee hours of the morning.  He found what he thought was the tape of the sex between Rachel and Bart and removed the tape, bringing it to Rachel for safekeeping without viewing the tape.  He thought he had thereby destroyed the evidence of her crime.  Unfortunately, when Rachel played the tape she discovered that he had stolen the wrong tape!  But she loved Don for his valiant effort to save her.

After about an hour the bailiff came to call us back into the courtroom.  We rose when the judge came back in and took our seats when she motioned us to sit.

“I have carefully reviewed the sentence recommendations.  I think on the whole they are too lenient for a crime of this sort.  An example must be made that will discourage others from corrupting our youth and contaminating an institution of learning with such sordid business transactions.  It is clear from the sentencing recommendations approved by the legislature that a more severe sentence is warranted than what the parties have agreed to in their discussions.”

Rachel looked frantically at her lawyer and tugged at his sleeve.  He ignored her for the moment.

“The Court has no problem going along with the whipping being a private rather than a public one in view of the defendants age.  But in all sexually based offenses it is customary for the convicted person to receive a sexual humiliation as well as a whipping.  That is what the guidelines call for and I cannot ignore that.  The Public Whip Master will be directed to schedule a Private Whipping to which a selected audience of no more than 100 persons may be invited, drawn from the regular customer list of that facility.  This is to be a Level Two Enhanced Whipping as defined in the statute.”

Attorney Brown was on his feet to address the Court at this point.

“Sit down counselor until I am finished with the sentence!” the judge snapped at him.

“The Public Whip Master”, the judge continued, “will be further directed that he shall, as part of the Public Whipping event, hold an auction concerning the right to inflict the legally required sexual humiliation upon defendant.  Only persons who are at least 18 years old and sign an affidavit before the auction affirming that they are not friends or relatives of the defendant shall be allowed to bid in such auction.  The sexual humiliation may be either rape or such other sex act as the Whip Master shall choose in his sole discretion.”

“The Public Whip Master will also be directed to schedule a Private Auction to determine who shall have control of defendant and benefit from her services during her time of servitude.  Again, only persons who are at least 18 years old and sign an affidavit before the auction affirming that they are not friends or relatives of the defendant shall be allowed to bid in such auction.  In view of defendants youth, there is to be no public advertisement of either the whipping event or the auction event.  These two events may be scheduled back to back on the same day or scheduled on separate days.  While audio-video recording of these events is allowed, there is to be no public or private sale of such recordings unless authorized at a future date by this Court.”

“The Court has no problem going along with part time community servitude rather than full time slavery.  The Court recognizes the importance of allowing defendant to finish her high school education and also to have enough free time to continue earning money as a prostitute in order to be able to pay for her high school education.  Therefore the Community Servitude Indenture shall be limited to 8 hours per week.  The buyer shall have the option however to convert this to a 20 hour per week indenture provided that he or she is willing to assume financial responsibility for providing room, board and clothing, and paying Rachels tuition and medical expenses.” 

“I am sentencing defendant to two full years of such servitude and, since the offenses were sexual in nature, the Court is specifying that the servitude will be and must be sexual in nature.  It will be the indenture buyers legal responsibility to insure that defendant is kept naked at nearly all times during her indenture and that she is required to perform a certain number and variety of sexual acts each and every week with customers not of her own choosing.”

“Now you may be heard counselor”, the judge said, turning to defense counsel.

“Your honor, with all due respect, defense must protest the severity of a Level Two Enhanced Whipping for one so young and whose only offense was having sex with a boy her own age!  Defense requests a hearing for reconsideration of sentence be scheduled, at which time we will present testimonials to her good character.  Defense also requests that the execution of sentence be stayed until after such reconsideration.” 

”Your objection is noted for the record, but I will not schedule a reconsideration hearing and I will not stay my order.  My formal order, spelling out all the details of this, will be available as of tomorrow noon.  Court is adjourned.”

With that she banged the gavel and left the courtroom.  Rachel was tugging on her attorneys sleeve.

“What does enhanced punishment mean?” she said, her body trembling, fear in her voice.

“Let me worry about that for now Rachel.  I will explain it later.  Right now you need to go with the guards to collect your things and receive your ankle bracelet.”

“So what does it mean?” I asked as soon as Rachel was gone and we were out in the hall.

“It means that all the unpleasant emotions associated with a whipping will be multiplied through a combination of drugs and hypnosis.  The prisoner will be made to experience far more than the usual amount of humiliation, of fear and of pain.  The goal of these procedures is to break the prisoner to make the punishment so severe the prisoner becomes disoriented as to time and place and loses control of her vocal utterances and her behavior for the duration of the punishment!”

“That sounds horrible”, I said.  “Is there nothing that can be done to stop this from happening?”

“It is horrible and I can only put it down to the fact that Marsha Beemis has an attitude toward prostitutes not shared by most of the public.  There is something that I can do but it is a long shot.  I will file an Appeal of Sentence with the administrative tribunal.  They would be very reluctant to overturn the sentence of the trial Court, moreover even if they did their ruling would probably not come in time to save Rachel.”

The guards escorted Rachel back to jail and the defense attorney and I wandered out into the street dazed by what had happened.


Cheryl Clifford was also no longer my property, but she was serving her slavery at “Fantasy Showgirls” under a sentence that I had devised for her.  I wanted to follow up in her case to make sure she was being used not only as a pole dancer but also as a prostitute to take customers who enjoyed her dancing upstairs afterwards.  Also I felt a need to be sure her two little girls, ages 8 and 11, were being properly looked after in a licensed COS compliant residential facility for children of slaves. 

I went to the residential facility first in the late afternoon.  The matron who ran the place was more than willing to give me a tour.  We saw that the sleeping accommodations were mostly barracks style but that there were some private sleeping rooms for the slaves who had children living with them.  We saw some women sleeping in their bunks but saw few children in the sleeping rooms.  Then she took us down the hall to a playroom where we saw lots of children playing with toys and computers.

“We care here for the children of slaves”, the matron explained.  “Many of the mothers are working in the sex trades as dancers or as prostitutes.  Those two kids over there are the children of Cheryl Clifford.  The other kids they are playing with are the children of other dancers who work at “Fantasy Showgirls” or other similar places.”

“Do you think I might speak to Cheryls kids?”  I asked.

“I dont see why not”, she replied.

With that she went over and collected the two girls and brought them to me.

“This is Denise”, she said pointing to the 11 year old.  “And this is Shirley”, she said pointing to the 8 year old.  “Girls I want you to meet Miss Stephanie Glenn.  She knows your mother.”

The two just looked at me puzzled as to who I was and why I was there.  Denise was tall for her age, pretty and thin.  Shirley was a bit chubbier and cute as a button.

“Are they giving you enough to eat?” I asked.

“Oh yes, Miss Stephanie!  The food is great!”

“I see that you skinned your knee Shirley.  Did someone give you first aid for that?”

“Oh yes, they have a doctor here and a nurse!” the child replied enthusiastically.

“Every day your mother has to leave you for some hours so she can go to work.  Do you know what kind of work she does?”  I directed my question to Denise, the older of the two.

“She is a dancer!” Denise replied proudly.

“What does that mean?”  I asked innocently.

“Well its like when Shirley and I took ballet lessons only Mom does it so much better that people pay just to see her dance!”

“Are you keeping up with your ballet lessons?” I asked.

“Well not since we moved here.  Mom said she couldnt afford the lessons anymore”, the girl said with a pout.

“I will speak to the man your mom works for and see if something cant be worked out so you can continue your lessons”, I said.

With that I had seen all I really needed to see on this tour and made my exit.

For my evening visit to the club Bill agreed to go with me as my escort.  We entered the club about 10 oclock when the club was quite busy.  The music was loud.  We generously tipped the bouncer in order to get a booth that also had a good view of the runway stage where the pole dancers worked. 

One dancer was up there gyrating away all around the pole.  She was full figured with large firm breasts, entirely naked but for hose and high heels and thrusting her crotch provocatively at the bar patrons who were almost entirely male.  She had a large bush of black pubic hair that matched the hair on her head and was well trimmed so that it hid nothing the male patrons would want to see.  I noticed that her nipples were erect, that her crotch was damp with secretions and that her clitoris was just visible. 

She finished her dance to thunderous applause.  We saw her put her g-string back on and one of the bar patrons assisted her in climbing back down from the stage.  He copped a feel as he did so.  Then we saw him whisper something in her ear.  She nodded and he followed her to a counter in the rear of the bar area where there was a counter with computer terminals, scanners and attendants.  He produced what looked like a debit card and one of the register attendants swiped it.  After a momentary delay the attendant turned to the dancer and mouthed the words “Hes OK”, then handed the man what appeared to be tokens of some sort.  From there the man and the dancer began climbing an open circular staircase leading upstairs.  The two of them disappeared from sight.

There had been a lull in the music.  Just then our attention was drawn back to the runway stage by the voice of an announcer over the P.A. system.

“Our next dancer is new to our stage.  She is a mother with two little girls.  As you know many of our dancers are free employees, others work under indentures, but this one is a full penal slave.  She is a modest woman who would probably never have volunteered for this kind of work but we have her because she is serving a criminal sentence.

“For what?” somebody in the crowd shouted.

“It seems she failed to protect slaves that were under her care as a slave advocate.  So she lost her freedom.  But her loss is our gain, right gentlemen?”

There was a roar of approval at this.

“But this is her first appearance on our stage and she is nervous.  Lets give her a warm welcome to Fantasy Showgirls!  Come on guys!  The new dancers need encouragement!  And dont forget to tip the dancers and the barmaids.  Now lets give it up for “Sugar”! 

With that the loud music started up again and I saw a young woman I well knew as Cheryl Clifford climbing the steps to the elevated runway stage.  Her long slender legs were clad in white nylons and sitting pretty atop white high-heeled shoes.  He skirt was a micro mini, her midriff bare.  I couldnt help but admire the very flat muscular abdomen she had.  The abbreviated top molded to her chest so the general shape of her breasts could be seen.  A steel collar with some inscription could be seen about her neck, so that the customers not lose track of the fact that she was a slave.

I saw Cheryl execute a series of flying leaps and other moves only a ballerina or a gymnast could pull off.  Then it was the second song and she was taking all her clothes off, except for the nylons, high heels and her g-string.  The latter was just translucent enough that her pubic pelt could be seen through them and pulled tight enough to neatly show her camel toe.  She began writhing about the central pole in a manner designed to be sexually suggestive.   After a few minutes of this the announcers voice could be heard over the P.A.

“Remember what you were taught Sugar.  The customers want to see it all

With some hesitation and obvious reluctance her fingers went to the g-string, unfastened the clips and drew it away from herself dropping it on the floor.  I thought I saw her suppress a tear that started to form at the corner of one eye.

She began again to writhe about the pole in that sexually suggestive manner, to thrust her pelvis toward the audience and to draw attention to her now uncovered genitals.  Male bar patrons were slapping five-dollar bills on the edge of the stage.  Cheryl would come to first one and then another giving each a private show of her private parts.  She would then use her cunt muscles to pick up the five-dollar bill and deposit it in a basket she had brought up on the stage.

“Thats a girl Sugar!  Just like we taught you!” the announcers voice boomed.

Soon her performance was finished, there was vigorous applause and hooting as she put back on her g-string and micro skirt, but not her top and a bar patron extended a hand to help her down the stairs.  Of course he also had to cop a feel as he did so.  Cheryl came over to where Bill and I were sitting and humbly asked if we enjoyed her act and to thank me for making such good arrangements for her daughters.  I had her bend over our table because I wanted to read the inscription on her steel collar.  It said “Property of Fantasy Showgirls”.  Just then a patron quickly approached her and whispered something and the two of them headed for the computer terminals in the back.  This mans debit card was also scanned and they too headed up the open spiral staircase.

About then the manager of the place noticed us and came over and sat down at our booth.  I knew him of course since he was the one to whom I had turned over custody of Cheryl.

“Bill, this is Bud Harris”, I said.  “He runs this place.”

“Shes doing real well for a new girl”, Harris allowed.  “In two years her 11 year old girl will be 13 and I think we can work something out so as to create a mother/daughter dance team!”

“That should be an exciting act to see!” Bill interjected.

“We have certain days of the week”, the manager commented, “when our dance acts are not as lewd as what you are seeing tonight.  If we use a 13 year old girl in an act I can assure you the dancing would be more artistic and less sexually explicit than tonights performance.  Still it would be an erotic dance for sure!”

“If you really want that act to be spectacular, I have a suggestion!”  I said.

“Really lets have it!”

“Cheryls two girls had been taking ballet lessons.  Those were stopped a few months back because Cheryl had no way to pay for the lessons.  I think if you pay for the girls to continue those lessons you will have new showgirls in the pipeline with superb skills!”

“I appreciate the idea.  I may just do that!”

With that we had seen enough and made our exit.

Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyright with all rights reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated.

Note to readers, writers and would be writers:  If you are enjoying this story or would even like to contribute a story to the Capitallia universe, author would appreciate hearing from you.  Femdom or maledom stories welcome.  Coaching available for new writers.  Drop an email to dondaverse (at) yahoo (dot) com.

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