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Review This Story || Author: Allison Smith

The Enslavement of Allison

Chapter 1 "Judy"

I was just an ordinary heterosexual guy who enjoyed exploring his feminine side
and cross dressed regularly, a thoroughly enjoyable and inoffensive pastime
carried out by millions of men across the world. Everything was going fine until
one day I met Judy. She changed my life forever. This, then, is my story, the
story of ...

The Enslavement of Allison



 I do not know when I first had the urge to cross dress - it was probably in my
early teens - but over the years and in and out of one marriage, In my feminine
persona I called myself "Allison" and slowly improved my wardrobe and developed
my feminine skills. How to apply my make up, put on false eye lashes and it
never failed to thrill as I slipped each stockinged foot into those tight shoes
and stood and balanced on my 5in stiletto heels. At first I just used to dress
up around the house and then, through contact magazines I branched out and
visited similar enthusiasts and we would dress up together and help each other
with our hair and make up.

  It was in this way that I met "Judy". She lived locally to me and we would
meet up at least three times a week and take photographs of us in our gowns and
outfits. I must say that I was really envious of her wardrobe, it positively
brimmed with wonderful clothes and I really enjoyed the pleasure of being
allowed to them on. After a while Judy suggested that we broaden our horizons.
She had been "out" before but I had never had the nerve and she suggested that
we might go out one night. I must admit that I felt total trepidation at the
thought. It was a huge step to go from doing it in private to exposure for all
to see. Judy suggested that the best way would be to go to the sort of venue
where "anything goes". We talked long and hard about it and it was decided that
we would go to a gay club - not that we were anything other than straight but
that our feminine personae would not be out of place there and would be fully
accepted. We arranged to go on the Friday, just four days away.

   My mind was in turmoil - four days! I was at the same time faced with
excitement and dread. What would I wear? How would I look? How would I act? How
would I be received? I must have been on the 'phone to Judy every hour and
although she kept re-assuring me I still harboured worries and doubts. All of a
sudden, it was Friday and 5.00pm, and there was Judy at the front door complete
with her suitcase of clothes all ready to get changed! I knew it was too late to
turn back and now was the time to really put into practice all the girly skills
that I had learned. As it turned out, apart from the ending, I would not have
missed the rest of the night for anything. The thrill that we had as we donned
each item of clothing, shaped our wigs and applied our make up. Judy had decided
to go in a long straight black wig, with a tight red sequinned short dress,
black stockings and red satin stilettos, I went in a medium length curly blond
wig, a black sequinned short tight dress, black stockings and black patent
stilettos. With our best boobs on, little shoulder bags, glittering necklaces
and bracelets we looked fantastic and, in the end, after all my apprehensions, I
just could not wait to go out!

  The taxi arrived at 10.00pm and we tripped daintily across the pavement and
into the car. Judy gave the address and we just sat in the back, hardly
speaking. After all the excitement of dressing up my nerves took over but we
must have looked OK - the taxi driver never took his eyes off us in his rear
view mirror!

  The journey only lasted a few minutes and by the time that we had arrived at
the entrance to the club my stomach was in knots. There was just one last
fleeting doubt before my heels were clicking sexily across the forecourt and
into the lobby. We reached into our little shoulder bags, handed in the entrance
fee and purposefully strode through the doors and into the club. I am happy to
say that it was packed and, glancing around, we were certainly not out of place,
it teemed with drag queens.

   I could feel the eyes looking at us as we fought our way across to the bar
where Judy bought the first round, she had a Bacardi and I had a Diet-Coke - I
was looking after my figure! We had barely taken a sip before we were being
"chatted up". In our 5in heels we were well over six feet tall but it did not
stop the admiring comments, it was a super feeling being ogled at and we were
enjoying every luscious minute of our femininity. I lost count of the number of
drinks bought for us but very soon we were in need of the "loo", a tricky moment
I thought, but Judy was in no doubt and we tripped into the Ladies with all the
style and panache at our disposal!

   The night went so quickly, everyone was really nice and I wondered why I was
so anxious about it and, more especially, rued all those wasted years when I
could have experienced this thrill so many more times. I think that we left the
club at about 3.00am, we declined numerous offers of lifts and the last thing I
remember was waiting for a taxi and getting into one with Judy.

Review This Story || Author: Allison Smith
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