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Sexy Sally And Boss Bob

Part 4

Part Four

By the time Darla and I were up the next morning, Sally was already hanging
naked, spread eagled from eye hooks Bob had screwed into the door frame between
the kitchen and the dining room. Around her neck was a wide leather band with a
big steel ring under her chin. Clipped to the ring was a mesh chain leash that
dangled uselessly between her breasts. Sally was moaning quietly from the
humming vibrator Bob was using on her clit while his fingers probed as deep as
they would reach inside her cunt. She looked at Darla and I blankly as if she
didn't really see us. "Good morning kids," said Bob, acknowledging our arrival.
He was also nude and sporting a hard-on. A long peacock feather, and small light
whip with plastic thongs designed to sting without marking its victim, lay
within his easy reach on the floor. Bob was clearly enjoying his morning, but I
dare say Sally was having a lot less fun. Darla's arrival, however, seemed to
distract him. His hands left Sally's pussy switching off the vibrator as he
tuned to frown at Darla. "You're still glowing Darla. Did you enjoy your ride on
his prick that much? You haven't looked that happy lately when you come off my
cock. Perhaps I could use some lessons..., or you could." That last comment I
thought sounded pretty menacing. Darla blushed from head to toe. Nude as she was
(she had assured me that Bob expected her to report to him that way), she did
that very prettily indeed. Her answer was calm and deliberate. "Good morning
Boss Bob. It is true. I have enjoyed Harry's company. Thank you for sending me
to him. I did what I could to entertain him as you instructed. As always, I
serve you as best I can." I was more than a little surprised at the sharp
sarcasm of Darla's reply. It was filled with double entendre that Bob was far to
smart to miss and probably too mean to ignore. Never the less, he did not chose
to make an issue of it right then, altho from his grunt, I knew he was not
pleased. He returned his attention to Sally, restarted the vibrator, inserted it
deep into her pussy, and began to run that long purple feather under Sally's
exposed tits and into her armpits. Sally moaned louder. "Harry," he was taking
to me, "I'm afraid I must report that last night your wife complained like a
jealous bitch about Darla being in your bed. When I filled her mouth with my
cock to shut her up, she continued to be distracted as her mind wandered to
matters other than her task at hand. Jealousy is attractive in a woman to a
point, but Sally must learn not to let it interfere with the way she sucks my
cock. Isn't that so Sally?" Sally responded only with a somewhat louder moan.
"Damn it Sally," Bob yelled at her, and at the same time stung her across the
tits with that plastic whip as he simultaneously ran a finger cruelly into her
cunt, "I asked you a question, and I want an answer." "Yes, yes, Boss Bob Sir.
In the future I will not be a jealous bitch. I will concentrate on your cock."
Sally's reply came quickly under the threat of a second cut from the whip. Bob
then turned to me and said, "I realize its something of an imposition, but as
much as you seem to enjoy Darla perhaps you won't mind. I want you to have sex
with Darla while Sally watches. Darla will certainly be willing and it will test
Sally's sincerity about not being jealous again." Then turning back to Sally he
asked, "You don't mind seeing a beautiful red head with your loving husband's
prick in her mouth do you?" He punctuated his question with a flick of his whip
across Sally's tits. Sally screamed but she understood the essence of what Bob
wanted of her

"Please suck Harry's cock, Darla," Sally echoed her masters demand. "You give
such good head. I know my husband loves having his prick in your mouth, and It
will turn me on to watch..., really it will." Really, I don't mind at all if you
give him a blow job. Then sensing what Bob would next demand of her, she
volunteered, "And..., I want you to fuck him too. Fuck him anytime. I won't be a
jealous bitch, about it I promise." "And after he cums in Darla's cunt, Sally,
what then?" Bob asked. "I'll clean Darla's cunt with my tongue. That's what you
want isn't it..., for me to lick Darla's cunt? I'll do it, I promise. Please...,
Please, Boss Bob, I swear I won't ever again let anything take my mind off your
cock!" Sally just did manage to get her words out over the sobs that were coming
on her now. Bob's only reply was another slash of his whip this time across
Sally's thighs. Sally screamed, and still trying to mollify her master, she
remembered what she had to add to her penitence. "And then I'll lick Harry's
dick clean too. Anything you want Boss Bob, anything. I'll put his cock into her
pussy for him and lick his cock and balls while he fucks her...., but please
don't whip me any more Boss Bob Sir. Take me down, I hurt so bad." "No, Sally,
your going to hang there until Darla has sucked Harry hard, and he has filled
her pussy with cum. Don't worry, your husband loves you. He wouldn't prolong his
pleasure in Darla's lovely mouth and cunt because she feels so good to his
cock..., or would he? Nah, I'm sure he'll try to come as fast as he can so that
I will let you sit down, and you won't have to hurt anymore." Darla could see
how Sally was suffering, and she knew the game Bob was playing. Without a
moments hesitation Darla was on her knees sucking me. As soon as she had me
hard, she pushed me back on the couch, mounted me, and impaled herself over my
cock all the way to my balls with a single downward thrust. Her cunt walls were
pure velvet gripping my dick. Sally's pain be damned. I probably would have held
on to pleasure myself as long as possible if I could have, but Darla simply
would not allow me to play along with Bob's cruel plan. Pumping her hips forward
and back, pinching my prick against her pubic bone, my red headed lovely did all
she could to spare poor Sally by getting my rocks off quickly. Her success was
assured. To my disappointment I emptied my load inside her before I was able to
even give Darla her own orgasm. "Well done Kids. You two make quite a pair," Bob
said as he took Sally down from the door frame. "Now its your turn Sally. Do
Darla's crack first." Sally crawled to where Darla lay on the couch, and
dutifully put her head between Darla's thighs. Bob stood behind Sally allowing
the thongs of the whip to lay on her upturned ass, reminding her to do a good
job. Sally spread the lips of Darla's gash open and ran her tongue in deep.
Darla caught her breath as Sally hit the same tender spot in the vagina wall I
had found last night, and I saw her face tighten as she tried not to orgasm. Bob
would have none of it, however. "God damn it Darla," he spit at her, "if you
don't cum in her face I'm going to hang you upside down in that doorway and take
that red hair right off your pussy with this whip. And you, Sally," he went on,
"you be sure you suck her clean. I'm going to run my own tongue in there when
you finish, and if I find a drop of Harry's sperm, you go back to hanging in the
doorway." The ride on my cock had already pushed Darla to the edge. Sally's
mouth and tongue, working in unison with the Bob's threats, were too much for
her. Suddenly she quivered and clamped her thighs around Sally's head. As
Darla's orgasm passed and her legs relaxed again, Sally redoubled her efforts to
get this business over with. When she could no longer taste me in Darla's pussy,
she fell back on to her haunches and said to Bob, "she's clean now Boss Bob
Sir." "Show me," Bob ordered. Sally spread Darla's slit with her fingers, and
Bob dropped to one knee in order to put his mouth on Darla's sex. As he worked
his tongue up and down, I heard Darla catch her breath, but before she could cum
again, Bob raised his head and said, "Well done Sally. Practice makes perfect!
You did so much better than the other night." I found it hard to believe, but
Sally positively gleamed with delight over her master's words of praise.
Apparently, she had already forgotten her pain of just minutes before. Sally's
face quickly fell into a frown, however, as Bob announced, "As fun as all this
is Kids, the maid will be here in a few minutes, and we had better clean this
act up. Alex Carmine has invited us out to his place in Westchester for an over
night pool party. Sally and I will go in my car, and you two will follow in
Harry's. From what I can see, I don't think Darla will mind at all riding with
her new boy friend. Don't worry about getting packed. All you girls will need is
hair spray and makeup." Bob and Sally left soon thereafter, and Darla and I were
not far behind. It was a warm, Indian summer day, perfect for a leisurely drive.
As we rode along, I asked Darla, "What is Carmine's home like. I've been there a
few times but I've never seen anything but the living and dining rooms." "That's
all most people see," Darla replied, and then elaborated, "The rest of the place
is the most complete sex palace this side of Arabia. There is a huge swimming
pool, and solarium complete with steam rooms, Jacuzzis, and sex aids that would
make a Roman Caesar blush. The beds come equipped with foot boards that convert
into old fashion stocks, as well as straps and chains at each corner to tie your
woman down with. There are lots of mirrors too, even on the ceilings. Carmine
likes incense and it is everywhere. There is a private TV channel that plays
porno movies around the clock." "The servants have all been there for years.
They are extravagantly paid, and they go about their business as if there was
nothing unusual about a naked woman on her knees with her hands tied behind her,
sucking on a man's dick. The place is intensely guarded. Lurking somewhere in
the background, there are big ugly men in business suits with 45's under their
coats. Who's going to be at this pool party, I asked. "'Pool party' my foot,"
Darla snorted, "A roman orgy would be more like it; and who will be there, oh
Bob and Alex certainly. That might be all, or there may be a politician whose
vote the company needs, or perhaps a CEO of from some company we either own or
do a lot of business with. Saundra will be there certainly. Saundra is a real
beauty. Once she was one of Bob's cunt slaves, but now she belongs to Alex.
Before she met Bob, she was a society page debutante who had been into
everything from drugs to communes to religious cults. Boss Bob's special
seduction techniques, and the subsequent taste of his whip, were just what she
needed to turn her life around and find true happiness as a cunt slave. When Bob
tired of her he sold her to Alex for what was rumored to be a record price.
Considering her natural knack for sex and submission, she was probably was worth
it. Carmine is a horny old Sicilian, and pretty well hung himself. He keeps
Sandra well dressed, well fucked and well whipped so she's made the adjustment
from Bob to Alex easily enough. Like all his ex's, tho, she still loves Bob to
come back to her once and while and have his cock in her pussy again." "My
daughter will be there too," Darla went on, "you can bet on that. Boss Bob could
see that my night with you was special for me, and he will punish me for that.
He so enjoys making Mary Anne and I both beg to be fucked by the same cock. I'll
give you odds that if not today, sometime soon, it will be your cock that will
be our bait. Have you ever had a mother and daughter in bed with you at the same
time, Harry?" "No," I answered, but as I did I thought to myself, "but I sure
would like to." Distracted as was by what Bob's plans might be, Darla failed to
notice the horny written across my face. "Oh God, I hate to think of what Bob
will do to humiliate me in front of you. At the least, he will make me slide
your cock into my daughter's pussy, or perhaps he will insist that Mary Anne and
I do the lez thing with you watching." "Damn!" I thought to myself. I liked
Darla and her daughter. I didn't want to degrade or shame them, but an erotic
picture popped into my head of a naked Mary Anne and Darla on their knees
licking at my cock. I had met Mary Anne often over the years, and she had grown
into a lovely woman. He breasts were every bit the equal of her mothers, her
hair a darker auburn, and her features clean and regular. She was tall like her
mother, with legs that seemed to go on forever. I could already feel them
crossed behind my back squeezing my hips. By herself she would be a prize fuck,
and in the same bed with her mother..., well I'm just not gentleman enough, or
decent enough, to turn a chance like that down. As much as I wanted to protect
Darla, if Boss Bob wanted me to fuck she and Mary Anne, I guess I would have to
grin and bear it. What else could I do..., the cheap hypocrite of a pussy hound
that I have recently become (or have been all along without knowing it)? Darla,
however, noticed that I was suddenly lost in thought, and she caught on quick.
"Don't fret about it, Harry," she told me. "It's all right. I know how men are.
You would like to fuck Mary Anne, and to have me there to help will make it even
better. Two women in his bed is every man's fantasy, but a mother and daughter
together something right out of the Arabian Nights. You don't need to feel
guilty about it. Whatever her reasons, Mary Anne chose to surrender herself to
Bob and become his pleasure slut just as I did. We both gave up our right to
decide who fucks us, when, or how. We are cunt slaves, here to pleasure you. We
can deny you nothing, we can begrudge you nothing." "Anyway," Darla continued,
"Bob will try to work on your head too. It was all right for you to enjoy
fucking me. It wasn't all right for you to let me to enjoy it too. It will be
for your benefit that he will be degrading and abusing me, and Mary Anne will
not be his only weapon. Alex Carmine likes to ass fuck a woman, and he is
particularly fond sticking his dick in mine. Bob will see to it you are there
when Alex gives it to me up my rear. Bob will probably fuck my pussy as the same
time, or he may want you to do it. Or, he may give my ass to you after Alex has
stretched it open a bit" Darla paused a moment. I didn't say anything. She
looked at me, blushed a little and then said, "Don't let what Alex does to me
bother you. I will be humiliated to have you see me on my knees begging that old
Sicilian to fuck my ass, but the sad truth is, my passion will be real. I love
for a man to take me there. Sam fucked my rear all the time during our marriage,
and I developed a taste for it. I wanted to ask you to do me there last night,
but I was embarrassed enough to be in your bed as Bob Simpson's whore. I had so
enjoyed our day together. I didn't want to remind you what a slut I am by asking
you to fuck my ass." Darla had given me a lot to think about, and neither of us
said anything more for the next few miles until we reached the freeway exit into
Westchester. Once in town, we spent the next ten minutes or so busy with street
signs and landmarks, and there was no further opportunity to discuss Bob and his
plans before we pulled into his drive. We were greeted there by a butler who
took our bags and had our car moved to a parking area. The butler told us the
others were waiting for us by the swimming pool. We were taken through the
house, out the back door, and into a dressing room at the rear of an elaborate
cabana house. The butler helped me undress and gave me a robe to wear. He also
offered a bathing suit, but discreetly suggested that it would be unnecessary
and even inappropriate. Darla didn't need to be told what was expected of her.
She was already stripped before I had my pants off. She quickly fixed her hair
and make up, added perfume, and put on a leather collar with a leash. We were
then escorted out the front of the cabana to the pool deck where Bob, Alex
Carmine, and a man I didn't know were stretched out on pool lounges sunning
themselves and enjoying their choice of rum punches. All three men wore robes
like mine. Kneeling on cushions beside them, naked except for collars and
leashes like the that Darla had on were Sally, Mary Anne MacIntire, and a small
but beautifully proportioned woman about thirty years old with jet black hair
who I assumed was Carmine's slut, Sandra. "Hi, Kids," Bob sang out with his
usual exuberance, "Darla, you know everyone I think, but Harry, I don't believe
you've met Alex's lovely slave girl, Sandra." As he spoke Sandra rose and came
to kneel at my feet. She handed me the end of her leash, and looking
worshipfully into my eyes said, "I am pleased to meet any friend of my master."
Those black eyes flashed fire as she went on, "I look forward to serving your
cock as my master may command." I stammered trying to reply, uncertain what to
say. For a moment I thought she was going to open my robe and begin to suck me
right there. I couldn't seem to think of anything appropriate to this strange
situation, but while I was stammering a "Well ... er ... yes...," Bob broke in
to help me past my confusion. "Come on Sandra," Bob said, "you embarrass the
man. I know you would like to have his cock in that hungry pussy of yours, but
he's new to this master and slave business, and he doesn't know whether you're
serious or pulling his leg. I'm sure that when the time comes Alex will let him
fuck you. Lucky girl! Darla thinks he is a wonderful piece of ass." With that he
turned to Carmine, and said, "Harry I'm sure you remember meeting Mr. Carmine on
more formal occasions." "I'm sure he does, Bob," Carmine interrupted as he stood
up to shake my hand. "I certainly remember meeting him. He is our financial boy
wonder who has done so well for us. I hope he is happy with our little firm and
feels we have suitably rewarded him for his valuable services." He looked at me
sharply, as if to gauge my reaction to all this, and then continued, "It is hard
to be naked and stand on ceremony at the same time, so while we're having fun
please call me Alex and I will call you Harry. And..., oh yes, not only are you
smart Harry, you have a lovely wife. I'm sure we will all enjoy having her with
us today. I look forward to trading Sandra for her some evening very soon,
assuming you and Bob agree, of course. Both girls might enjoy some strange meat
in their pussies." Darla was right, I thought. He is a horny old bastard. Only
it was hard to tell which he was the most, horny, old, or a bastard. Bob broke
in again, to introduce the third man to me as Senator Hopper from some state out
west and the chairman of an important Senate subcommittee with legislative
jurisdiction over insurance and anti-trust laws. The Senator seemed a little
nervous. I suspect he was unhappy about meeting a stranger in such compromising
circumstances, but I could see from the bulge at the crotch of his robe that he
was otherwise thoroughly enjoying himself. Finally Bob came to the last
introduction..., sarcastically. "I'm sure you know Darla's daughter Mary Anne
too, but she has grown into such a lovely young woman, you might not have
recognized her. In any case, I'm certain you have never seen this much of her
before. Mary Anne now shares my cock with her mother. Isn't that so, Mary Anne?"
Mary Anne blushed from forehead right down to her feet. "Please, Boss Bob,..."
she began to plead with him, but quickly thought the better of it. "No damn it,
Mary Anne," Bob corrected her, "Harry is our guest. Talk to him not to me." "I
don't know what to say to you, Harry," she said as she turned to me. "I am so
embarrassed. In case mother hasn't told you, I am one of Boss Bob's cut slaves
just like she is. As his slut, I must parade myself in the nude like this before
his guests, and have sex with them as well if they want me. I guess that now
will include you too. Please, try to understand, and do not think badly of me. I
do what I must do." The frown came across Bob's face like a thunder cloud. "You
forget girl! What you are, you are by consent. You wanted my cock. My price was
absolute surrender to me as my slave slut. It was a price you willingly agreed
to pay. Neither I nor anyone else has raped you. To the contrary, as I remember
it, you were on your knees at the time swearing to do whatever I wished if only
I would fuck you. It is true is it not that you are here today because were a
common slut with an insatiable itch in your cunt long before your ever met me?"
"Yes Boss Bob Sir, but..." Mary Anne tried to explain, but Bob cut her short.
"Get over here, right now. Bend over and assume the position." Bob was screaming
at the poor girl now as she came quickly to stand sideways in front of him.
Spreading her legs, she bent at the waist to grab her ankles, and presented her
buttocks for punishment. The beating came quick and hard. Four times the ridding
crop landed across her backside, each stroke leaving an angry red whelt to mark
where the pain was. "Now, did I make you a slut?" Bob asked. "No sir, Boss Bob.
I was born a slut. I have always been a slut. I will always be a slut because I
am always so hungry to have a cock in my pussy," came her reply through the
sobs. "Did you not freely choose to be my slave in exchange for my cock?" "Yes
sir, I begged for your cock and I agreed to be your slave, if only you would
fuck me," the poor girl admitted. "Did you not give me your body to me to do
with as I chose?. Did you not understand that as your owner and master it was my
right to demand that you to suck and fuck other men and women as I might chose?"
Bob asked. "Yes sir, I agreed that you owned me, and that I would fuck anyone
you told me to," was the choked answer. "Then is it my fault that you are here
naked to serve me and my guests with one your otherwise worthless holes?" Bob
punctuated his question with one more slash of the crop, this time across the
back of Mary Anne's thighs. Mary Anne winced with pain, but did not reply. Bob
hit her again, and this time she was quick to respond, "No Master, it is not
your fault that I am your slave." "What is a woman who fucks anyone she is told
to?" Bob yelled, drawing his arm back, threatening, but not striking her again.
"She is a whore, Boss Bob sir," came the answer in a shriek. "I am whatever you
say I am, sir. I am your whore sir, a slut who is pleased to be naked in front
of your friends, and to take their cocks into her mouth, her cunt, and her ass.
I won't ever deny it again; but please don't beat me anymore Boss Bob sir."
"Well get on your knees and crawl over to Harry. I want you to lick his cock.
Perhaps it still has the taste of your mother on it. Now, once more bitch, what
is a woman who will suck the flavor off cock that has been in her mother's cunt?
"A slut, sir, a horny bitch of a slut sir," came the reply. "Well then slut, go
do what a horny bitch does," was Bob's next command. Mary Anne came crawling to
me her knees, and looking up, her eyes full of the tears that overflowed down
her cheeks, she pleaded, "Please Harry, allow this whore kiss your cock. I have
been whipped for being a proud bitch. Now I must prove to my master that I have
been humbled. It pleases my master to see me suck the cock that has fucked my
mother. Oh please, Harry, fill my throat so that I will not be beaten again."
Then, before I could answer, she tore open my robe in pure terror, and stuffed
my still soft penis into her mouth until her nose buried itself in my pubic
hair. "That's more like it," Bob said as he came over and took Mary Anne by her
leash and led her away from me. He spoke to her harshly, "That will do for now.
I'm sure Darla has pretty much drained Harry's balls dry last night. Right now
he needs something cool to drink, and his lunch, more than a blow job from some
young slut. Perhaps, Mary Anne, later he will take you to bed and allow you to
pleasure him." With Mary Anne back on her knees beside Senator Hopper, Bob said
to us all, "Well, now that I have partially restored the proper order of things,
lets all enjoy ourselves. Lunch will be served in about thirty minutes, and in
the meantime why doesn't everybody get a fresh drink and take a dip. I do have
one more little chore to do, and I'll take care of that right now." With that he
rose and pointed to Darla, "You, bitch. You come with me. Sally, you get over
there and play with your husband's testicles till I get back." With that he
cuffed Darla's hands behind her back, switched her leash from her collar to her
cunt ring, and led her off by her pussy toward the house.

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